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WELCOME good day

Dive into the world of Customer Relationship Management with this extensive guide that covers CRM strategy, programs, projects, marketing, sales, customer service, analytics, and more.

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WELCOME good day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOMEgood day Alexandru Doszlop alexandru.doszlop@netprotect.ro

  2. I. Understand CRM - Definitions • CRM: • CRM is a focused approach to customer-related processes. • Gartner Says: CRM is a business strategy that leverages specific technology, business processes, and a customer-focused culture and management philosophy to attract and retain profitable customers. • Reality: Companies today have always focused on their customers. • Companies today are addressing some of their customer-related activities, but may want to address more.

  3. STRATEGY PROGRAM PROJECT A PROJECT B PROJECT C I. Understand CRM - Definitions A CRM Strategy is executed in the form of a program and its projects Begins with a Business Strategy Leads to a CRM Program Program made up of a series of projects

  4. Interaction Management Customer Service Marketing Sales Legacy Integration Analytics Customer/Account Data I. Understand CRM - Definitions Potential CRM Scope A COMMON GOAL: 360° Customer View

  5. Customer Service Sales Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Marketing Demographic Analysis Interaction Management • Enterprise-wide data repository containing account characteristics / buying habits • Example: Contact info, activities, order placement, payment history • Analyze data to generate target lists Marketing Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  6. Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Sales Sales Sales Analytics Analytics Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Marketing Demographic Analysis Campaign Management Interaction Management Interaction Management Interaction Management Interaction Management Interaction Management Interaction Management • Planning • Budgeting • Forecasting • Executing • Tracking Marketing Marketing Marketing Legacy Integration Legacy Integration Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data Customer/Account Data Customer/Account Data

  7. Customer Service Sales Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Marketing Demographic Analysis Campaign Management Marketing Material Mgt Interaction Management • Develop • Store • Access • Re-Use Marketing Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Know your customers, focus your campaigns, and manage your marketing material”

  8. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Sales Opportunity Management • Lead Tracking • Sales Funnel • Forecasting Interaction Management Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  9. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Sales Opportunity Management Contact Management Interaction Management • Companies • Contacts • Activities • Calendaring • Response • Templates Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  10. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Sales Opportunity Management Contact Management Order Placement Interaction Management • Proposal • Generation • Configurator • Automated Order • Placement Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Manage the sales cycle and turn leads into orders”

  11. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Customer Service Call Center Mgt. Interaction Management • Call Routing • Software Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  12. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Customer Service Call Center Mgt. Integrated Account Info. Interaction Management • Call Routing Software with a link to your account information. • Access to ALL customer-related information. • Example: Call logs, order history, order status, payment history, payment status Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  13. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Customer Service Call Center Mgt. Integrated Account Info. Cust. Service Automation Interaction Management • Automating tasks to respond quicker to customer calls. • Customer self-service via web. • E-Mail response system. Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data

  14. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Customer Service Call Center Mgt. Integrated Account Info. Cust. Service Automation Knowledge Management Interaction Management • Capture, store and retrieve information (How to solve different problems) • Keyword searches to find problem and solution • FAQ Online Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Put your customers first by giving them information when and how they want it”

  15. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Interaction Management Multi-Media Mgt Tool Interaction Management • Captures correspondences from web, phone, e-mail and faxes. • Stores all types of media in a single repository for all to access. Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Manage all contact with your customer”

  16. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics I. Understand CRM - Definitions Legacy Integration System Integration Interaction Management • Interface back-end data with front-end systems • Interface front-end system data to back-end • Challenge is data synchronization. Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Integrate customer data from all systems”

  17. Customer Service Sales Marketing Analytics Customer / Account Data Collected data of all customer interactions Interaction Management • Marketing Data • Sales Data • Cust. Svc Data • Operational Data • Data Warehouse • Clean data • Data Integration provides 360 view Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data “Data warehouse is the nucleus for all data sent to Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service”

  18. Customer Service Sales Marketing I. Understand CRM - Definitions Analytics Understand customer behaviors and trends Interaction Management • Determine what behaviors or trends you are trying to detect • Reporting tool used to query customer data (operational or warehoused) • Analytics range from standard queries to statistical analysis to predictive modeling • Dependent on clean, reliable data Legacy Integration Customer/Account Data Analytics “Turn analysis into action”

  19. I. Understand CRM - Benefits • Increased Revenue • Improve Customer Retention • Attract New Customers • Up Sell – Cross Sell • Decreased Costs • Automate Tasks • Improve Campaign Efficiency • Improve Forecast Accuracy and Timeliness • Intangibles • Increase Customer Satisfaction • Improve Product and Pricing Models • Increase Knowledge Retention • Differentiate yourself in the Marketplace • Increase your Understanding of your Customers

  20. I. Understand CRM – More about … • www.CRMCommunity.com This site offers white papers and research. This site also sponsors the eCRM Online University. Additional reports available via registration. • www.CRMGuru.com This site offers white papers and other research. CRM Solutions Guide and CRM Primer available with free registration. • www.CRMProject.com This site offers a number of free case studies and white papers. Montgomery Research runs the site. • www.intelligentcrm.com Check it out and see if the name fits! Less comprehensive than some of the other online CRM resources. • Bibliography: www.cgec.org

  21. I. Understand CRM • QUESTIONS ?

  22. II. Using CRM software • Installation of SugarCRM software • Reading documentation about it • http://www.sugarforge.org/content/documentation/ • http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/university/library • Starting to use it: • http://crm.netprotect.ro

  23. III. Create an email campaign using CRM software • http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/index.php?option=com_university&task=file_open&tmpl=network&name=HDI_Email_Campaign

  24. III. Create an email campaign using CRM software • Questions ?

  25. Thank you !

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