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STRATEGY TO ENHANCE THE PULSES & OILSEEDS PRODUCTION IN THE STATE. Agriculture Department, Govt. of Odisha. PULSES. Area, Production& Productivity of Pulses in the state from2006-07 to 2013-14. Crop wise Area, Production& Productivity of different Pulses in the state. State Scenario.
Area, Production& Productivity of Pulses in the state from2006-07 to 2013-14
Crop wise Area, Production& Productivity of different Pulses in the state
State Scenario • Total pulses area of the state : 20,41,940 ha with productivity of 508 kg/ha. • Major Pulses Grown : Green gram ,Black Gram, Pigeon Pea, Horse Gram, Bengal Gram, Field Pea. • Green Gram ( Mung)& Black gram (Urd) accounts for 13,90,000ha. ( 65% of area) With avg. yield of 412 kg/ha followed by horse gram( Kulthi) with productivity of 381 kg/ha. • There is no improved variety under Kulthi. The main contribution to productivity is from Pigeon Pea (Arhar) i.e 912 kg/ha which needs to be explored.
MAJOR CONSTRAINTS IN PULSES PRODUCTION Non-availability of suitable variety of pulses mostly for green gram and black gram which accounts for more areas. That’s why SRR is hardly 3-5% against the desired level of at least 10-15%. Pulses are mostly Grown in marginal and sub- marginal lands in rainfed lands of the state. Very sensitive to acidity ,more than 70% lands are acidic. Canal irrigated lands are gradually becoming unsuitable for pulse cultivation due to water logging and farmers switch over to paddy crops. Productivity of pulses in rice fallows is becoming unsustainable due to deteriorated soil structure following puddling.
CONSTRAINTS IN PULSES PRODUCTION CONTD…. 6. Mostly grown as mixed crops, intercrops and bund crops. • Relatively less remunerative and poor market intervention leads the Farmers not to invest more on costly inputs. • YMV and Powdery Mildew attack in Green Gram. • Poor storability and lack of storage facility. Post harvest losses are to the extent of 25-30% which needs to be tapped. 10. Stray cattle menace restrict the horizontal expansion. • Poor land preparation in rice fallows in absence of suitable zero tillage implements.
Constraints Encountered in Rice Fallows Low area coverage Sowing is not done in appropriate time due to vagaries of climate. Poor crop stand due to -Lack of improved varieties : mostly local varieties Poor land preparation :time and availability of zero tillage implements . Poor germination of seeds :Depletion of residual moisture Sub-optimum seed rate. Lack of proper varieties to withstand waterlogged condition in initial stage and to germinate under excess water conditions and also varieties resistant to YMV and powdery mildew Non-adoption of gap filling technique i.e., resowing of soaked seeds after harvest of rice Water stress at flowering stage. Lack of weed control. Poor nutrition : no fertiliser application in the crop. High pest and disease incidence. Cattle grazing.
A. Strategy under NFSM-Pulses • Intercropping of Arhar with groundnut, Maize,Cotton and Ragi in an area of 13000 hact. in Kharif season. • Paddy Bund Plantation of Arhar in 20,000 acre. With supply of improved variety, Plant protection measure and Bio fertlisers. • Promotion of Pulse Crops ( Mung and Field Pea) in Rice fallows : 15000ha. With assistance of Rs. 1000/hact. • Provision of 1000 sets of HDPE Pipes and 205 nos of Sprinkler sets to provide life saving irrigation at critical growth stages of the pulse crops. • Provision of nutrient test based micronutrient application in 13000 hact. • INM and IPM Practices taken in pulse crops., use of light traps developed by NCIPM to control insect . • Incentives for line sowing provided under Demonstration prog.
B. Strategy under RKVY • ICRISAT PROJECT ON IPPT in 5 districts of the state Funding : Rs 1025.30 lakh Duration : 4 Years ( 2011-12 to 2014-15) Implemented in : Kharif 2011 ( 3000 ha.) 2 ICRISAT Project on Chick Pea to be implemented in 3 districts of the state from 2014-15 rabi onwards for four years. -C. Other Strategies • OUAT has been provided with Rs. 12.00 lakh to develop some pure line selection of cold tolerant varieties of Mung bean and black gram from local germ plasm available in the state. 2. Program is to made to provide 2,00,000 Pulse input kits to farmers under State plan in flood affected districts of the state during Rabi season. 3. Program has been made to Popularise new cultivars of Black Gram and Green gram 5 quintals of each of 10 new varieties of Black gram and green gram will be popularized in the state
ISSUES • Massive awareness campaign along with demonstration for application complex fertiliser ( designed specifically for pulses like DAP) • Release of some promising local varieties .
Area, Production& Productivity of Oilseeds in the state from2009-10 to 2013-14
Crop wise Area, Production& Productivity of different Oilseeds in the state
CONSTRAINTS IN OILSEED PRODUCTION IN ODISHA • Non availability of breeder seeds of new released varieties. • Oilseeds are grown largely in rainfed condition in kharif and in residual moisture in rabi. • High rainfall and water logging in kharif and moisture stress during rabi hinders oilseed production. • Oilseed growers are mostly small and marginal farmers having low financial capacity. • Weed infestation in kharif groundnut and niger crop. • Lack of marketing facilities to protect the farmers from middlemen.
Strategy for enhancing area, production and yield of oilseed crops • Area expansion in groundnut, sesamum and mustard in rice fallows. • Varietal interventions.(.(G.Nut var:TG-37-A,Vijetha,Girnar-3,ICGV-91114,GPBD-4,TG-38,Kadri-6,TPG-41 .Sesamum Var:Amrit,Prachi,GT-10) • Technology transfer through INM,IPM and FFS • Substitution of upland rice with oilseeds in inland districts during kharif season. • Mixed/intercropping of arhar & groundnut in uplands. • Promotion of biofertlisers, gypsum and micronutrients. • Up scaling of seed village programme. • Supply of quality seeds.
STRATEGY UNDER NATIONAL MISSION ON OILSEEDS & OILPALM (NMOOP) 1.Increasing SRR with focus on Varietal Replacement. 2.Increasing irrigation coverage under oilseeds from 26% to 36%. Mostly b micro irrigation net works. 3.Diversification of area from low yielding cereals crops to oilseeds crops. 4.Inter cropping of oilseeds with cereals/pulses/sugarcane. 5.Use of rice fallows .
STRATEGY OF STATE FOR 2014-15 ON OILSEEDS under (NMOOP) Minimission-1 1. Supply of around Qtl.90,000 of certified seeds of groundnut and mustard. 2. 1000 hact of mustard and 225 hact of hybrid sunflower demonstration. 3. Gypsum application in 3000 hact.. 4.Supply of Sprinkler and HDPE Pipes . 5. IPM practices in FFS mode ( 24 nos.)
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