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Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary: Prefixes & Suffixes

Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary: Prefixes & Suffixes. Lindsey Trimble. Week 1 8/27 Quiz 8/31. a- ab - abdomin - -able ac- acou - ad- af - alba- - alg. absent, deficient or without: atrophy Off, away from: abduct Abdomen Capable of: viable Toward, to: actin Hear, acoustic

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Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary: Prefixes & Suffixes

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  1. Anatomy/PhysiologyVocabulary: Prefixes & Suffixes Lindsey Trimble

  2. Week 1 8/27 Quiz 8/31 • a- • ab- • abdomin- • -able • ac- • acou- • ad- • af- • alba- • -alg • absent, deficient or without: atrophy • Off, away from: abduct • Abdomen • Capable of: viable • Toward, to: actin • Hear, acoustic • Denoting to, toward: adduct • Movement toward a central point: afferent artery • Pale or white: linea alba • Pain: neuralgia

  3. Week 2 9/10 Quiz 9/14 • ambi- • angi- • ante- • anti- • aqua- • archi- • arthri- • -asis • aud- • auto- • both: ambidextrous • Pertaining to vessel: angiology • Before: antebrachium • Against: anticoagulant • Water: aqueous • To be first: archeteron • Joint: arthritis • Condition or state of: homeostasis • Pertaining to ear: auditory • Self: autolysis

  4. Week 3 9/17 Quiz 9/21 • bi- • bio- • blast- • brachi- • brachy- • brady- • bucc- • cac- • calci- • capit- • two: bipedal • Life: biology • Generative or germ bud: osteoblast • Arm: brachialis • Short: brachydont • Slow: bradycardia • Cheek: buccal activity • Bad, ill: cachexia • Stone: calculus • Head: capitis

  5. Week 4 9/24 Quiz 9/28 • carcin- • cardi- • caud- • cata- • -coel • cephal- • cerebro- • chol- • chondr- • chrom- • -cid • cancer: carcinogenic • Heart: cardiac • Tail: caudaequina • Lower, under, against: catabolism • Swelling, and enlarged space or cavity: blastocoele • Head: cephalis • Brain: cerebrospinal fluid • Bile: cholic • Cartilage: condrocyte • Color: chromocyte • Destroy: germicide

  6. Week 5 10/1 Quiz 10/5 • circum- • -cis • co- • coel- • con- • contra- • corn- • corp- • crypt- • cyan- • cysti- • cyto- • around: circumduct • Cut, kill: excision • Together: copulation • Hollow cavity: coelom • With, together: congenital • Against, opposite: contraception • Denoting hardness: cornified • Body: corpus • Hidden: cryptorchism • Blue color: cyanosis • Sac or bladder: cystoscope • Cell: cytology

  7. Week 6 10/8 Quiz 10/12 • de- • derm- • di- • dipl- • dis- • duct- • dur- • -dynia • dys- • e- • down, from: descent • Skin: dermatology • Two: diarthrotic • Double: diploid • Apart, away from: disarticulate • Lead, conduct: ductus deferens • Hard: dura mater • Pain • Bad, difficult, painful: dystentery • Out, from: eccrine

  8. Week 7 10/15 Quiz 10/19 • ecto- • -ectomy • ede- • -emia • end- • entero- • epi- • erythro- • ex- • exo- • extra- • outside, outer, external: ectoderm • Surgical removal: tonsillectomy • Swelling: edema • Pertaining to a condition of the blood: lipemia • Within: endoderm • Intestine: enteritis • Upon, in addition: epidermis • Red: erythocyte • Out of: excise • Outside: exocrine • Outside of, beyond, in addition: extracellular

  9. Week 8 10/22 Quiz 10/26 • fasci- • febr- • -ferent • fiss- • for- • -form • gastro- • -gen • -genic • gloss- • band: fascia • Fever: febrile • Bear, carry: efferent arteriole • Split: fissure • Opening: foramen • Shape: fusiform • Stomach: gastrointestinal • An agent that produces or originates: pathogen • Produced from, producing: carcinogenic • tongue: glossopharyngeal

  10. Week 9 11/5 Quiz 11/9 • glyco- • -gram • gran- • -graph • grav- • gyn- • hema(o)- • haplo- • hemi- • hepat- • sugar: glycosuria • A record, recording: myogram • Grain, particle: agranulocyte • Instrument for recording: electrocardiograph • Heavy: gravid • Female sex: gynocology • Blood: hematology • Simple or single: haploid • Half: hemiplegia • Liver: hepatic portal

  11. Week 10 11/26 Quiz 11/30 • hetero- • histo- • holo- • homo- • hydro- • hyper- • hypo- • -ia • -iatrics • idio- • other, different: heterosexual • Webb, tissue: histology • Whole, entire: holocrine • Same, alike: homologous • Water: hydrocoel • Beyond, above, excessive: hypertension • Under, below: hypoglycemia • State or condition: hypoglycemia • Medical specialties: pediatrics • Self, separate, distinct: idipathic

  12. Week 11 12/3 Quiz 12/7 • ilio- • infra- • inter- • intra- • -ion • iso- • -ism • -it is • labi- • lacri- • ilium: iliosacral • Beneath: infraspinatus • Among: between • inside, within: intracellular • Process: acromion • Equal, like: isotonic • Condition or state: rheumatism • Inflammation: meningitis • Lip: labium majus • Tears: nasolacrimal

  13. Week 12 12/10 Quiz 12/14 • later- • -logy • -lysis • macro- • mal- • medi- • mega- • meso- • meta- • micro- • side: lateral • Science of: morphology • Solution, dissolve: hemolysis • Large, great: macrophage • Bad, abnormal, disorder: malignant • Middle: medial • Great, large: mega karyocyte • Middle or moderate: mesoderm • After, beyond: metatarsal • Small: microtome

  14. Week 1 1/28 Quiz 2/1 • mito- • mono- • mons- • morph- • multi- • myo- • narc- • neo- • necro- • nephro- • thread: mitosis • Alone, one, single: monocyte • Mountain: mons pubis • Form, shape: morphology • Many, much: multinuclear • Muscle: myology • Numbness, stupor: narcotic • New, young: neonatal • Necro- corpse, dead: necrosis • Kidney: nephritis

  15. Week 2 2/4 Quiz 2/8 • neuro- • noto- • ob- • oc- • -oid • oligo- • -oma • oo- • or- • orchi- • nerve: neurolemma • Back: notochord • Against, toward, in front of: obturator • Against: occlusion • Resembling, likeness: sigmoid • Few, small: oligodendrocyte • Tumor: lymphoma • Egg: oocyte • Mouth: oral • Testicles: cryptorchidism

  16. Week 3 2/25 Quiz 3/1 • -ory • osteo- • -ose • oto • ovo- • para- • para- • path- • -pathy • ped- • Pertaining to: sensory • Bone: osteoblast • Full of: adipose • Ear: otolith • Egg: ovum • Give birth to, bear: parturition • Near, beyond, beside: paranasal • Disease, that which undergoes sickness: pathology • Abnormality, disease: neuropathy • Children: pediatrician

  17. Week 4 3/4 Quiz 3/8 • pen- • -penia • per- • peri- • phag- • -phil • phlebo- • -phobe • -plasty • platy- • need, lack: penicillin • Deficiency: thrombocytopenia • Through: percutaneous • Near, around: pericardium • To eat: phagocyte • Have an affinity for: neutrophil • Vein: phlebitis • Abnormal fear, dread: hydrophibia • Reconstruction of rhinoplasty • Flat, side: platysma

  18. Week 5 3/11 Quiz 3/15 • -plegia • -pnea • pneumato- • pod- • -poieis • poly- • post- • pre- • prim- • pro- • stroke, paralysis: paraplegia • To breath: apnea • Breathing: pneumonia • Foot: podiatry • Formation or hematopoiesis • Many, much: polyploid • After, behind: post natal • Before in time or place: prenatal • First: primitive • Before in time or place: prosect

  19. Week 6 3/18 Quiz 3/22 • proct- • pseudo- • psycho- • pyo- • quad- • re- • rect- • reno- • rete- • retro- • anus: proctology • False: pseudostratified • Mental: psychology • Pus: pyoculture • Fourfold: quadriceps femoris • Back, again: repolarization • Straight: rectus abdominis • Kidney: renal • Network: retina • Backward: retoperitoneal

  20. Week 7 4/8 Quiz 4/12 • rhin- • -rrhage • -rrhea • sanguin- • sarc- • -scope • -sect • semi- • serrate- • -sis • Nose: rhinitis • Excessive flow: hemorrhage • Flow or discharge: diarrhea • Blood: sanguiferous • Flesh: sarcoplasm • Instrument for examination of a part: stethoscope • Cut: dissect • Half: semilumar • Saw-edged: serratus anterior • State or condition: dialysis

  21. Week 8 4/15 Quiz 4/19 • steno- • -stomy • sub- • super- • supra- • syn (sym) • tachy- • tele- • tens- • tetra- • narrow: stenohaline • Surgical opening: tracheotomy • Under, beneath, below: subcutaneous • Above, beyond, upper: superficial • Above, over: suprarenal • Together, joined, with: synapse • Swift, rapid: tachometer • Far: telecephalon • Stretch: tensor fascia lata • Four: tetrad

  22. Week 9 4/29 Quiz 5/3 • therm- • thorac- • thrombo- • -tomy • tox- • tract- • trans- • tri- • trich- • -trophy • heat: thermogram • Chest: thoracic cavity • Lump, clot: thrombocyte • Cut: appendectomy • Poison: toxic • Draw, drag: traction • Across, over: transfuse • Three: trigone • Hair: trichology • A state relating to nutrition: hypertrophy

  23. Week 10 5/6 Quiz 5/10 • -tropic • ultra- • uni- • uro- • -uria • vas- • vermi- • viscer- • vit- • zoo- • zygo- • Turning toward, changing: gonadotrophic • Beyond, excess: ultrasonic • One: unicellular • urine, urinary organs or tract: uroscope • Urine: polyuria • Vessel: vasoconstriction • Worm: vermiform • Organ: visceral • Life: viatmin • Animal: zoology • Union, join: zygote

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