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This presentation explores "THE DAILY FIVE" in action.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fostering Literacy Independence Presented by Angela Maiers

  2. Teaching With Purpose How is what I am having children do today creating powerful readers, writers, and thinkers for tomorrow?

  3. THE PATHWAY TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE Independence!! Guided Practice: Practice with my support Shared Instruction: “Shared” Comprehension Modeled Instruction: Direct, Explicit Instruction

  4. Establishing a Gathering Place Gathering kids in front for instruction, releasing them back to share their thinking represents the steady flow that’s at the heart of effective teaching and learning Harvey and Godvous, Strategies that Work (p.31)

  5. Modeled and Shared Instruction Time: Daily 10-15 minutes Focus: Comprehension! • Strategy Work • Genre and Author Awareness • Fluency • Word Solving in Context Whole Group

  6. Early Reading Lessons • Early Print Concepts-Book Handling • Directionality • One to One Matching • Letter ID • Letter, Word, Sentence Awareness • Link of Sound/Symbol • High Frequency Words • Fluency • Phrasing • Reading Enjoyment • Reading Cues (M, S, V) • General Reading Behaviors

  7. Large Group Makeover

  8. Guided Practice Small Group

  9. Independent Reading Reading Practice

  10. Free Choice Reading Reading Center

  11. Three Ways to Read to Self • Read and talk about the pictures • Read the Words 3. Retell a book you know

  12. Independent Practice It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? Henry David Thoreau

  13. Independent Practice What do we need them to get good at?

  14. The Daily Five • You read to yourself • You read to/with someone else • You listen to reading • You write • You do word work

  15. You Read To Yourself

  16. I PICK I I choose a book P Purpose-Why do I want to read this? I Interest-Does it interest me? C Comprehend-Can I understand? K Know-I know most of the words

  17. The Shoe Lesson (adapted from The Daily Five: p.31)

  18. The Daily Five • You read to yourself • You read to/with someone else • You listen to reading • You write • You do word work

  19. Read and Talk to Someone • Buddy Reading • Big Book Reading: “Say Something” • Dramatic Retelling • Story Sequencing • Read the Room

  20. Buddy Reading Reading Center

  21. Big Book Reading Reading Center

  22. Dramatic Retellings Oral Language

  23. Story Sequencing Oral Language

  24. Read the Room Reading Center

  25. The Daily Five • You read to yourself • You read to/with someone else • You listen to reading • You write • You do word work

  26. Listen and Read You could… • Listen and Visualize/Sketch • Listen and Retell • Listen and Write • Listen with a Partner-”Say Something” • Listen and Respond • Listen and Act Out • Listen and Re-listen

  27. Materials for Listening • Books on Tape (Fiction and Nonfiction) • Poems on Tape • Songs/Chants on Tape • Guest Speakers • Authors Reading • Surprise Voices • Individual Headphones • Response Materials

  28. The Daily Five • You read to yourself • You read to/with someone else • You listen to reading • You write • You do word work

  29. The Daily Five • You read to yourself • You read to/with someone else • You listen to reading • You write • You do word work

  30. Word Work for Grades K-2 Learning the Letters Learning the Words Phonological Awareness TOGETHER: These lead to an understanding of the alphabetic principle ( the relationship between the letters and the sounds)


  32. Learning the Letters • The letter name • The letter formation (physical movement) • The sound the letter represents • The sound the letter represents when it is located in a word with other letters • The features of a letter that make it different from every other letter • The direction that the letter must be turned in order to preserve the name(b,d,m,n,) • Some letters are doubled in words • Some letters appear often together • There are different types of letters(cap,lc, cons, vowel)

  33. Writing center

  34. Letter Sorting Activities Practice with Names Word Work Word Work Letter Play Word Work Overhead center

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