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Review Zhuangzi’s Daoism

Review Zhuangzi’s Daoism. Pipes of tian as response to anti-language paradox Human debate about right dao is natural All participants are behaving naturally—natural pipes Grants claims of Mozi, Mencius & Yang But pulls 天 nature ’s normative teeth

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Review Zhuangzi’s Daoism

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  1. Review Zhuangzi’s Daoism • Pipes of tian as response to anti-language paradox • Human debate about rightdao is natural • All participants are behaving naturally—natural pipes • Grants claims of Mozi, Mencius & Yang • But pulls 天nature’s normative teeth • Natural irrelevant as a reason for a dao

  2. Refutation of 天naturalIntuition • Mencius presupposes a 是 shithis:right • Shi the heart over other organs • Shi the sage’s heart (cultivation) over fools • Priority of 道daoguide over 天 tiannature:sky • Nature, the cosmos not a moral authority • Does not shi-feithis-not this是 非 • Care! Not ‘equal’ and not ‘don’t judge’ value • Equal is a normative judgment • Equally natural is irrelevant • Naturally judge value—always from some dao

  3. Indexicals and Relativism • The 墨辯 Later Mohist realists • World-guided language 同異similar-different • Language (v noise) is about things • However, what it is about is never fixed • Makes the point by using indexicals • Terms whose reference changes • E.g. I, you, today, here, now • Key indexical distinction is this/that是彼 • Anything can be a 'this' or a 'that'

  4. Questions Quiz: Analyze and evaluate Descartes’ argument “I think therefore I am” (Valid? Sound?)

  5. No Argument: Punning Shift • Slides from是彼this/that to是 非right/wrong • Evaluative judgments comparative • Beautiful/ugly, good/bad, large, tall, before • Hui Shi’s contribution • Language based on conventional indexicals shi-feithis-not this是非 • Each word 是this-right of a thing—or not • If language is not fixed, is it any different from twittering? • Or not?

  6. What Conclusion? • All is one? (no distinctions real) • 惠 施 (Hui shi) draws this conclusion from comparative relativism • 天 地一體 "Heaven and earth form one body • Zhuangzi rebuts it • From where do we conclude that? • All judgment is perspectival • What perspective makes them all one? • Tuesday’s warning—relativism dangerous and hard • No “everything” judgments • No absolutes from relativist premises

  7. All is One? • This is an anti-language judgment • No distinctions, no names • Zhuangzi points out a consequence of the paradox • If I make the judgment that all is one • Then that one and the judgment makes two • The two and recognition that there are two make a third • Now no one can stop the progression. • Don't make the first judgment!

  8. Ultimate Perspective?:Dao Axis道樞 • The point from which we have an infinite possibility of judgment 是非 • But no judgment is actually made • Like Laozi’s child. . . . • To make it would be to step off the axis • Start down one of the possible paths • Still we do make judgments • But always from somewhere on a dao • And on our way somewhere • In awareness that in other positions, I would make different judgment

  9. Can't (Shouldn't?) Escape From Perspectives • The Handan walk • Even if all humans agree, it doesn't make it right • Deer and fish • Even if all natural kinds agree, doesn't make it right • Maybe valuing life is not a mistake • Dream of the skull-pillow • Conclusion: no one knows anything? • No • I don't know if I have the correct distinction between knowing and not-knowing

  10. So what advice? • Truth relativism too strong • Stop making judgments? No. • All perspectives are equal? No • Hitler is just like Gandhi? No • Strong skepticism doesn't entail anything • Local strong skepticism seems wrong • Fish happiness and skill • This is mild skepticism • No argument against your perspective • Keep making judgments about others • Just awareness that there are alternatives • Hard to convince them and vice versa

  11. So what advice? (2) • Be open to alternative perspectives • Youth and flexibility • The axis and the child • Problem (?) • Do the usual • Not anti-conventional or anti-language • But only pragmatic conclusion • The usual is communicable and hence useful • The end of the matter • Skill transcendence. • Cook Ding庖 丁story • Loss of self in activity • Spontaneity, tranquility, satisfaction • Exercise of acquired skills

  12. Problems • Pull in opposite directions • Skill transcendence and openness • Openness and acceptance of convention • Skill and defect • Knowledge is limited and life is unlimited • Aiming for perfect skill is a mistake

  13. Back to the West Existentialism: Western Daoism Or Daoism: Chinese existentialism??

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