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Teenagers and N ew M edia. Renata Kuklišová, Barbora Pavlíčková, Eva Konůpková, Markéta Švecová, Hana Vymazalová, Jitka Vrábliková, Soňa Podstupková. Teenagers, who they really are?. People who can't remember to walk the dog but never forget a phone number of their idol
TeenagersandNew Media Renata Kuklišová, Barbora Pavlíčková, Eva Konůpková, Markéta Švecová, Hana Vymazalová, Jitka Vrábliková, Soňa Podstupková
Teenagers, who they really are? • People who can't remember to walk the dog but never forget a phone numberoftheir idol • Someone who can hear his favourite singer 3 blocks away but not his mother calling from the next room. • Someone who can operate the latest model of mobile phone without a lesson, but he can't make a bed. • A students that have the energy to bike for miles but they are usually too tired to wash the dishes. • People who are always late for dinner but they are always on time for a rock concert. • Someone who can spend hours online on facebook but gets a headache from 15 minutes by writtinghis homework. • Romanticswhoneverfall in love more thanonce a week.
What we need to know about them? • Teenagers don’t want to be compared with anyone else; they feel to be individualities. • First of all they want to distinguish from all and protect own freedom. • They are active, they care about news, • They are impatient and they like unusual forms of advertising. • Teenagers are quickly adaptable and they can be influenced in a certain way. • They communicate and promote their opinion very often. • Teenagers often visit sports event, but they also spend a lot of time with their computers when they are chat with friends, search information.
How big is the group of teenagers? • We are locating especially to Czech Republic and its number of teenagers in age 15 till 19. • There are 368 000 girls and teen boys there are 376 000.
How they want to be? • To be attractive and popular is one of the most important thing • They also want to be successful • For 1/3 teens the most important thing is their look and outfit (especially girls) • Happiness is the most important in their life for ½ of them • Wealthy mental life is important for 20 % girls, while boys rather prefer having own car
What are theyinterested in? Internet, computers • They are the biggest group visiting internet. • They use e-mail; chat, discussion forums or they just surf without concrete objective. Lots of them search for the information and download music and films. Mobile phones • Mobil phones are a necessary part of their life • More than 87 % teenagers own their mobile phone • Using for texting messages, to fun or games, or MMS
What are theyinterested in? • Fashion • They observe fashion trends and wear dress accessories • Look after their image • It is important to feel and look attractive to other gender> drží krok s poslední módou Brands/ signs • To be branded means a lot for them in general = BE COOL • It is a condition of a good image and be popular
Conclusion – how can we attract them? • They need specific approach to selection of media because of their interests. • Traditional communication and advertising can be too boring and uninteresting for them • = we have to combine creative solution and attractive/ unconventional mass advertising
Press Divided into two groups: Boys Girls
For boys - Breakdown of interest • PC • Score • Level • Chip • Music, photos, film • Spark • Popcorn • Rock and pop • Digitalni photo • Digi photo
In general • ABC • 21. století junior • Sport • Nedělní sport • motoring magazines • Svět motorů • Auto tip
Forgirls - Breakdownofinterest • In general • Bravo • Dívka • Bravo girl! • Top dívka • Cosmogirl
Life style • Elle • Cosmopolitan • Joy • Style • Music, photos, film • Spark • Popcorn • Rock and pop
TV • Music • Medúza • Musicblok • MTV • Education • Věda a zábava • Drogy od A-Z • O češtině • Víkend • Entertaiment • Bludiště • Superstar • Stahovák
Radio • There are many radio stations for young people - national or regional: • Evropa 2 • Radio Haná • Radio Rubi • Český rozhlas 4 – radio Wave • Rádio 1
Internet • Web portals • „fun“- teenmania.eu, lamer.cz, youtube.com, thepiratebay.org, mp3s.nadruhou.net, failblog.org • „networking“- facebook.com, libimseti.cz, spoluzaci.cz, twitter.com, flikr.com, xchat.cz, rande.cz, ICQ - „knowledge“- seznam.cz, google.com, wikipedia.com, maturita.cz
Social Media Marketing • Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and massive amounts of traffic. • Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr, Wikipedia, Orkut and YouTube. • There is no other low-cost promotional method
Social media marketing has three important aspects: • Creating buzz or newsworthy events, videos, tweets, or blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz is what makes social media marketing work. It replicates a message through user to user contact, rather than the traditional method of purchasing of an ad or promoting a press release. • Building ways that enable fans of a brand or company to promote a message themselves in multiple online social media venues. Fan pages in Twitter, MySpace of Facebook follow this model. • It is based around online conversations. Social media marketing is not controlled by the organization. Instead it encourages user participation and dialogue.
Social media marketing is EASY!!! • Social media marketing is not difficult at all. • It is something every one can do with some effort and knowledge. • Unlike other skills, social media has a remarkably lowbarrier of entry. Everyone is invited to the party. No one is excluded.
Social media landscape • Social media marketing is an excellent way to get people to come into your site to take a look at what you have to offer. • You will grow when there are a group of loyal visitors ready to always act upon what you have to offer.
YouTube • YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. • Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, the BBC, UMG and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. • Unregistered users can watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos.
YouTube • How does youtube work like? It´s simple, just visit www.youtube.com and watch anythinng you want:-) • Short video about social madia. “Is social media a FAD?” (pozn. překladatele: bláznovina, módní výstřelek) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhPgUcjGQAw
MySpace • MySpace is a social networking website. • It became the most popular social networking site in the United States in June 2006. • According to comScore, MySpace was overtaken internationally by its main competitor, Facebook, in April 2008, based on monthly unique visitors • MySpace employs 1,000 employees, after laying off 30% of its workforce in June 2009 • Let´s have a look at my new profile on myspace:-) • http://www.myspace.com/
Chat • Online chat can refer to any kind of communication over the Internet • But is primarily meant to refer to direct one-on-one chat or text-based group chat using tools such as instant messengers, Internet Relay Chat, ICQ, QIP, Skype,.... • The expression online chat comes from the word chat which means "informal conversation”. • There are plenty of online chatrooms in Czech republic, e.g. • http://chat.lide.cz/ • http://chat.libimseti.cz/ • http://xchat.centrum.cz/~guest~/index.php • And now you´ll see how it works :-)
IRC • Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. • It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfers via Direct Client-to-Client • http://www.irc.com/
Facebook • Teenagers treat Facebook as an authentic part of their lifes, so you can be sure you are connecting with real teenagers with real interest in your products.
Free Marketing Opportunities on Facebook • Profil Page • Facebook Groups • Facebook Pages • Facebook Events • Facebook Notes and Photos • Facebook Messages • Facebook Networks • Facebook Share
Conclusion • A large and growing portion of some of the most valuable demographics are spending more of their time and attention on Facebook and less on other channels and media. • Facebook offers many marketing channels. We are still early in the game, and we have a lot left to learn.
Wikipediais a multilingual, web-based, free-contentencyclopediaprojectbased on anopenly-editable model. • collaboratively by largelyanonymous Internet users • publicationoftextswithoutcompensation • anyonecanwriteandmakechanges to articles • 91,000 activecontributors • 15,000,000 articles in more than 270 languages • 3,247,595 articles in English
Top 20 Most Visited Articles on Wikipedia in 2009 1. Wiki (131,383 page hits per day) 2. The Beatles (111,896) 3. Michael Jackson (79,734) 4. Favicon.ico (78,077) 5. YouTube (72,318) 6. Wikipedia (52,542) 7. Barack Obama (49,401) 8. Deaths in 2009 (48,758) 9. United States (46,545) 10. Facebook (42,679) 11. Currenteventsportal [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events] (40,962) 12. WorldWar II (29,736) 13. Twitter (28,511) 14. Transformers: RevengeoftheFallen (28,395) 15. SlumdogMillionaire (26,755) 16. Lil Wayne (26,210) 17. Adolf Hitler (25,481) 18. India (25,380) 19. Transformers 2 (24,842) 20. Scrubs (TV series) (24,758)
Wikipedia as a source of information • is not credible but it is examined • quickly false or misleading information is removed • is continually updated
Threat to teenager • Free images and articles for everyone • Possible wikipedia addiction
Name: by play on the word "googol" Founders: Larry Page and Sergey Brin Incorporation: September 4, 1998 Headquarters: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
Top 10 search terms for 2009 1) Michael Jackson 2) Twitter 3) Swine Flu 4) Stock Market 5) Farrah Fawcett 6) Patrick Swayze 7) Cash for Clunkers 8) Jon and Kate Gosselin 9) Billy Mays 10) Jaycee Dugard
Blog Marketing • Blog Marketing = sort of internet marketing via web blogs • interactive • collaborative • community • online user group • blogs x websites
Teenagers & blogs (CZ) • Nowadays: • 14 % ofteenagerswrite a blog • 52 % ofteenagerscommentposts • 2006: • 28 % ofteenagerswrite a blog • 75 % ofteenagerscommentposts • Macrobloging → Microbloging
Ways to harness blogs' power • Gather market intelligence • Engage bloggers by commenting on key business topics • Advertise on blogs to reach influencials, target a niche audience • Humanize your company with corporate blogs • Build business or brand by connecting with consumers
„Flogs“ • The popularity of blogs has also given rise to „fake blogs“ in which a company will create a fictional blog to promote a product