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Ten Years of Clean Air Act Implementation. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau. Presentation Outline. Introduction National Emission Inventory of Sources of Air Pollution Ambient Air Quality Status Nationwide CAA Milestone Outputs.
Ten Years of Clean Air Act Implementation Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau
Presentation Outline • Introduction • National Emission Inventory of Sources of Air Pollution • Ambient Air Quality Status Nationwide • CAA Milestone Outputs
REPUBLIC ACT 8749 “Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999” • “An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for Other Purposes” • DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-81 “Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Act”
Sources of Air Pollution 1. Stationary 2. Mobile 3. Area
Improving air quality but still needs more efforts to meet the annual guideline value of 90 ug/Ncm National TSP Ambient Air Quality Trend (2004-2008)
NCR TSP Ambient Air Quality Trend (2004-2008) 2004:160 2006: 142 2008: 138 2005: 154 2007:132
PM10 Annual Mean Levels at the PNRI Metro Manila Sampling Sites 2001 to 2007 Source: PNRI PM10 annual mean levels are in compliance with the annual National Ambient Air Guideline Value of 60 ug/Ncm except Valenzuela station in 2006 and are in general, showing decreasing trends in 2007 compared to 2006
PM 2.5 Annual Mean Levels at the PNRI Metro Manila Sampling Sites 2001 to 2007 Source: PNRI All sampling sites although showing a decreasing trend in 2007 compared with 2006 have consistently been in exceedance of the USEPA annual Guideline Value of 15ug/Ncm indicating a need to address fine particulate pollution
Station Location: San Carlos University, Cebu City; Xavier University, CDO;Plaza Garden Park, Central Business District Lower Session Rd., Baguio City Below the National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values
Baguio Station improved by 18% from 2007 to 2008 but still exceeded the annual Guideline Value of 60 ug/Ncm Station Location: San Carlos University, Cebu City; Xavier University, CDO;Plaza Garden Park, Central Business District Lower Session Rd., Baguio City
Station Location: San Carlos University, Cebu City; Xavier University, CDO;Plaza Garden Park, Central Business District Lower Session Rd., Baguio City Below the 24-hour Guideline Value of 150 ug/Ncm
Station Location: San Carlos University, Cebu City; Xavier University, CDO;Plaza Garden Park, Central Business District Lower Session Rd., Baguio City Below the Guideline Values
Below the 1-hr guideline value of 30ppm (2007 & 2008) but exceeded the 8-hr.GV of 9ppm in 2007. Improved from 2007 to 2008 * Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro City Stations CO analyzers out of order
Developed the National Air Quality Improvement Framework & National Air Quality Control Action Plan.Prescribed in the DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-82. It sets emission reduction goals using acceptable standards and control strategies within a specified time. The framework shall be adopted as official blueprint to attain and maintain ambient air quality standards • Designated airsheds throughout the Philippines. IssuedDENR Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2002-03 “Guidelines for designation of airshed” & MC 2005-13 “Guidelines for designation of Attainment & Non-Attainment Areas”.
Designated Airsheds • 18 airsheds (13 regular and 5 geothermal airsheds) have been officially designated, including the establishment of respective governing boards.
Metro Manila Airshed (NCR, Regions III & IVA) Northeastern Pangasinan (Region I) Metro Tugegarao (Region II) Baco, Naujan, Calapan (Region IVB) Naga City (Region V) Metro Iloilo (Region VI) Metro Cebu (Region VII) 8. Zamboanga City (Region IX) 9. Cagayan de Oro (Region X) 10. Davao City (Region XI) 11. Agusan del Norte-Butuan City (Region XII) 12. South Cotabato (Region XIII) 13. BLIST: Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba (CAR) Designated Airsheds
Geothermal Airsheds • Southern Negros Geothermal (Region VI) • Bacod-Manito Geothermal (Region VIII) • Leyte Geothermal (Region VIII) • North Cotabato Geothermal (Region XII) • Makiling-Banahaw geothermal (Region IVA)
Prepared the following documents for the operationalization of each airshed Manual of operations (consists of 7 modules which covers administrative and finance aspects of the airshed GB operations) Governing Board Action Plan Work and Financial Plan Issues/Concerns: lack of budget, lack of quorum
Air Quality Management Fund DENR-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2004- 01“Implementing Guidelines on Operationalization of the AQMF”.DENR MC No. 2005-10“Guidelines on the selection of qualified projects and activities eligible for funding under the AQMF.DENR SO # 2004-867“Creates a Special Review Committee w/in EMB to review project proposals for eligible funding to the AQMF”
AQMF STATUS • Amount deposited in the National Treasury-Special Account Fund 155 (2002 to March 2009): Php 229,147,894.30 Million • Amount certified by BTr: Php 61,543,122.67 • Amount approved by DBM: Php60.9 M (SARO issued in November 2008 and awaiting for NCA)
Established Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network Nationwide.
TSP Ambient Air Quality Monitoring • 37 Manual Stations installed nationwide • 10 stations located in Metro Manila • 27 stations outside Metro Manila
PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring • 4 Manual Stations installed nationwide • Location • NCR • Sn Fernando City • Cebu City • Davao City
Automatic Ambient Air QualityMonitoring Station (AAQMS) • 10 Stations (conventional technology) • Location • National Capital Region (5) • Region 4A (3) • Region 3 (1) • Parameters measured • Criteria Pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, HC, O3, PM-10 & 2.5) • Meteorological parameters (wind speed & direction, relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, etc.)
Automatic Ambient Air QualityMonitoring Station (AAQMS) • 4 Stations (open-path technology) • Location • Cebu City (1) • Baguio City (1) • Cagayan de Oro City (1) • Iloilo City (1) • Parameters measured • Criteria Pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, O3 PM-10) • Meteorological parameters (wind speed & direction, relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, etc.)
Conducted emission inventory of stationary, mobile and area sources of pollution. An ongoing activity, both in Metro Manila and other parts of the country through the EMB regional offices (latest is 2006).
Management of Mobile Sources • Set, review and/or revise emission standards for motor vehicles. • Hydrocarbon emission standards for motorcycles and tricycles have already been set in DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2003-25Revised DAO for approval • Emission standards for in-use motor vehicles have been revised and contained in DAO 2003-51 and further revised in DAO 2007-27 • Adoption of Euro 2/II Type Approval Standards for new motor vehicles effective Jan.1,2008 thru DAO 2007-27
Management of Mobile Sources • Issued Certificates of Conformity (COC) by DENR and Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards (CCES) by LTO to new motor vehicles including motorcycles and to imported second-hand and rebuilt vehicles, respectively prior to initial registration
Conducted emission testing of motor vehicles prior to registration • Operationalized four (4) Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations under MVIS Phase I, to wit: • (1) LTO-East Avenue, • (2) San Fernando, Pampanga; • (3) Las Pinas City; and • (4) Cebu City.
Conducted emission testing of motor vehicles prior to registration • To augment government efforts, Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs) established, duly authorized and accredited by the Department of Transportation and Communication and Department of Trade and Industry, respectively. Test equipment to be used to be certified by DENR-EMB • Total PETCs nationwide (2003-2008): 575
Conducted emission testing of motor vehicles prior to registration • To ensure quality data from PETCs and LTO Emission Testing Centers, DENR, DOTC, DTI Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2002-1 was issued and underwent two revisions, JAO 2003-01and JAO 2007- 01 which set guidelines in monitoring these emission testing centers.
Status of PETC Monitoring Nationwide (May 2008- Feb. 2009) Cancelled : 1 (non-appearance) Suspended : 9 (operating with expired MVECT, uploading tampered pictures) Lifted : 7 (suspended due to operating with expired authorization & MVECT) Source: DOTC-LTO
Intensified Anti-Smoke Belching (ASB) Operations • Launched the “Smoke-Free EDSA” Project (2003) Supported by government agencies, civil society and some local government units in Metro Manila, the project aims to reduce the level of air pollution from particulate matter by 20% at the end of 2003. • Launched the Linis Hangin Program (2004) ‘nationwide multi-sectoral campaign to address air pollution. It aims to reduce pollutants, especially TSP, from all sources to acceptable levels by 2010” • Linis Tambutso (mobile sources) • Linis Tsimineya (stationary sources) • Bantay Sunog Basura (area sources)
Management of Stationary Sources • Air Pollution Permits/Clearances. Issued DENR Administrative Order No. 2004-26 amending the Rule XIX of DAO 2000-81 which removes the Authority to Construct requirement and extends the validity period of Permit to Operate for five years. • Tax Incentives. Issued guidelines to implement the Tax Incentives provision under Section 13 of CAA as DENR Administrative Order 2004-53
Management of Stationary Sources • Accreditation of Third Party Source Emission Testing Firmsthru DAO 2006-03 & recently revised by DAO 2007-25 • 14 Firms accredited (17 sampling teams) • Guidelines on the installation of Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) thru DAO 2007-22
Management of Stationary Sources • Imposed fines through the Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB) • Established the fine rating system for stationary sources for actual exceedance of any pollution or air quality standards set under the CAA and its IRR through PAB Resolution No. 2003-04
Management of Stationary Sources • Ban on Incineration • Issued DENR MC 2002-05 which clarifies that any thermal treatment whether burn or non-burn shall be allowed provided it will meet the standards for stationary source (in view of a Supreme Court decision) • Issued DENR-DOST Joint MC No. 01, series of 2006 (Technology Approval to be issued by DOST) • DENR continues to promote the use of non-burn technology
Improved Fuel Quality • Phased-out leaded gasoline nationwide in December 2000 • Reduced sulfur content in automotive diesel oil from .20% to .05% in January 2004 • lowered benzene and aromatics content in gasoline from 4% to 2% and 45% to 35%, respectively. • Sulfur content for Industrial diesel was set at 0.3%. • Set fuel specifications for Bunker Fuel
Stepped up public information and education • Articles/Fact sheets, brochures, primers and other materials on clean air were produced • Trainings, seminars and workshops on clean air were conducted • “Breathe for Clean Air Modules” for teachers and students in early high school levels have been produced • Six 10-15 minutes video documentaries on Clean Air were developed • Smoke Free EDSA Campaign and Linis Hangin Program were launched • Yearly celebration of Earth Day and Clean Air Month
Released National Air Quality Status Reports DENR has prepared the 2002 to 2004 National Air Quality Status Report which summarizes the extent of air pollution in the country, per type of pollutant and per type of source. It includes an analysis of the current situation and identifies trends in air pollution. It identifies critical areas, activities or projects which need closer monitoring or regulation. 2005, 2006 & 2007 NAQSR in its final draft (for printing)
www.emb.gov.ph 426-2332/928-4430 (Air Quality Management Section-EMB) Thank You and Lets All Act to Clean the Air!!!