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Research Infrastructures Infodays in Greece maria.douka@cec.eu.int December 20 and 21, 2004. “Facilities and resources that provide essential services to the research community in both academic and/or industrial domains” “single-sited” - single resource at a single location
Research Infrastructures Infodays in Greece maria.douka@cec.eu.int December 20 and 21, 2004
“Facilities and resources that provide essential services to the research community in both academic and/or industrial domains” “single-sited” - single resource at a single location “distributed” - a network of distributed resources, including Research Infrastructures based on Grid-type architectures “virtual” - the service being provided electronically Definition of Research Infrastructures
China Japan Korea NeDAP US Canada SILK Brazil Examples of Research Infrastructures • Singular large-scale research installations • Collections, bio-banks, special habitats • Libraries, databases • Integrated arrays of research installations • Communications networks, computing facilities • Infrastructural centres of competence
Promote the development of a fabric of research infrastructures of the highest quality and performance in Europe Promote their optimum use on a European scale, based on the needs of the research community Objectives of the Research Infrastructures programme
Under FP2 and FP3: projects supporting Transnational Access to major Research Infrastructures Under FP4 and FP5: also networking and research projects Former actions
For existing infrastructures: - TA - Transnational Access(SSA) - IA - Integrating Activities Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives : I3 Co-ordination Actions : CA CND - Communication Network Development(I3, CA, SSA) For new or major upgrade of infrastructures: - DS - Design Studies(SSA) - CNI - Construction of New Infrastructures(SSA) AM - Accompanying Measures(SSA) FP6 actions for Research Infrastructures (Area/Instrument)
Scientific and Technological excellence (in any field of Science and Technology) Major Research Infrastructures (world-class service) Need expressed by the scientific community European added value Conditions for a EC support
Call 2: Grids (17 Dec. 2002) The Research Infrastructures Calls Call 1: Transnational Access and Integrating Activities (17 Dec. 2002) Call 7: Grids (11 May 2005) Call 6: Consolidating Initiatives (15 Dec. 2004) 55 25 225 M€ 145 Call 5: Transnational Access, Integrating Activities and AM (4 Nov. 2004) 50 138 100 Call 4: Design Studies, Construction of New Infrastructures and AM (11 Nov. 2003) Call 3: Géant (6 June 2003)
Publication date: 4 November 2004 All fields of S&T are covered Call deadline: 3 March 2005 Electronic submission only / Pre-notification Remote evaluation: March - April 2005 Panel meetings: Brussels, 9-13 May 2005 Results: available in July Negotiations: Sept. 2005 – Dec. 2005 First contracts: January 2006 FP6-2004-Infrastructures-5 Call outline (1)
Indicative budget: 145 million € Integrating Activities (CA, I3): 126 million € Transnational Access (SSA): 17 million € Accompanying Measures (SSA): 2 million € Expected proposals: 150 Integrating Activities (CA, I3): 50 Transnational Access (SSA): 70 Accompanying Measures (SSA): 30 3 ranking lists FP6-2004-Infrastructures-5 Call outline (2)
Expert evaluators: 90 (+ Chairman + Independent Observer) 5 thematic sub-panels for Integrating Activities and Transnational Access One multidisciplinary subpanel for Accompanying Measures Evaluation procedure
Evaluation criteria • General criteria: • Relevance to the objectives of the programme • Scientific and Technological excellence • Quality of the management • European added value • More details in the revised Work Programme
Evaluation criteria • Results from previous calls taken into account How? As an example: for I3s, criterion 3 of the evaluation (Fundamental Objectives) will include the extent to which infrastructures involved in similar activities have been funded in the contracts from the earlier call for Transnational Access and Integrating Activities
To support opportunities of access to individual major infrastructures (rare in Europe), for transnational user groups Financing covers up to 100% of the Access, Travel & Subsistence, and other related costs ContractsTypically 36 to 48 months EC contribution 100 to 750 k€ per year, not exceeding 20% of the operating costs of the infrastructure Transnational Access - SSA
To integrate the European infrastructures of a specific scientific community, promoting their coherent use and development 3 mandatory groups of activities: NetworkingActivity to catalyse co-ordination and co-operation (common databases, virtual facilities, setting common protocols, training users…) Transnational Access to one or more infrastructures Joint ResearchActivities to improve (in quality and quantity) the service provided Integrating Activities - I3
Financing covers: Up to 100% of the Networking activities Up to 100% of the Access, T&S and related costs Up to 50% of the Joint Research activities costs Contracts Typically 48 to 60 months EC contribution of several millions € (average: 12) 25-200 k€/year for each N.A. 100-750 k€/year for each T.A. 0.4-5 M€ for each J.R.A. Integrating Activities - I3
To integrate the European infrastructures from a given class, by promoting their coherent use and development Networking activities only Financing up to 100% Contracts Typically 48 to 60 months EC contribution of a few millions € (average: 1.8) 25-200 k€/year for each Networking Activity Integrating Activities - CA
To sustain existing or future mechanisms for a coordinated approach to Research Infrastructures in Europe Financing up to 100% Contracts Typically 12 to 36 months EC contribution 50-100 k€, for each measure Accompanying Measure - SSA
Database studies Foresight studies Exploratory workshops Round-table workshops Accompanying Measure - SSA
I3: All three activities (Networking, Access, Joint Research) are mandatory AM: Round-table workshops not supported General: Final threshold increased Some specific evaluation criteria modified (see revised Work Programme) Results from previous calls taken into account Main differences between the new call 5 and previous calls
Domain: Computational Sciences, Mathematics,Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities
Success rates for Integrating Activities and Transnational Access (call 1) 13/36 7/29 34/ 154 8/42 3/21 3/26
6: Consolidating initiatives (I3, CA, SSA) Closing 17 March 2005; budget: 25 million € for user communities and for supporting international issues & science-related eInfrastructure policies 7: Grid (I3, CA, SSA) initiatives Closing 7 September 2005; budget: 55 million € should link and build upon existing ones in the same area FP6-2005-Infrastructures-6 and FP6-2005-Infrastructures-7Communication network development(managed by DG INFSO)
Information on Research Infrastructures http://www.cordis.lu/infrastructures/ Call FP6-2004-Infrastructures-5 http://fp6.cordis.lu/infrastructures/calls.cfm FP6 funded projects (Infrastructures) http://www.cordis.lu/infrastructures/projects.htm Activities managed by DG INFSO http://www.cordis.lu/ist/rn/home.html Further information
The Research Infrastructures in FP7
One of the 6 major axes in FP7 Joint research initiatives Stimulation of collaboration Competition for excellence Human potential+ Scientific infrastructures Coordination between MS
Research Infrastructures in FP7: Two main lines of action • Continuation and improvement of the current (mainly “bottom-up”) approach for optimizing the access to and the use and performance of existing infrastructures • Implementation of a “strategic” approach for developing new infrastructures of pan-European interest
Continuation, improvement and reinforcement of the existing schemes • To optimise the use of infrastructures and to improve their performance • Access to research infrastructures • Integrating activities (networking, coordinated access, research activities) • Communication Network Development • Design Studies (for new infrastructures) • Call for proposals and selection of proposals through a peer review system
The “strategic” approach Support for the development of futureResearch Infrastructures of EU interest based on: • A strategic long term vision for Research Infrastructures – roadmap(s) • More targeted support for specific research infrastructure projects • Increased use of financial engineering mechanisms to support such new infrastructures
A clear vision of the needs for new research infrastructures in the medium–long term should be defined as well as a corresponding roadmap. The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) will play a major role in this context. A clear vision
ESFRI will develop a roadmap for construction of new RIs for the next 10-20 years With a transparent methodology, recognized by all stakeholders Using agreed criteria (European dimension, needs of the scientific community, technological feasibility, …) Continuous process, with annual updates First results expected by mid 2005 European roadmap for Research Infrastructures
3 Steering Groups are being set up : - Physical Sciences and Engineering - Biological and Medical Sciences - Social Sciences and Humanities A fourth group was already existing : - eIRG, for e-Infrastructures Dedicated Expert Groups may be set up Inputs also from national roadmaps, studies, industrial representative bodies, EIROforum, ESF, WHO, … ESFRI working method
Established by the Commission on the basis of the roadmap - “balanced”, periodically updated - with justifications for each pan-European project Using clear criteria (potential impact -Lisbon objectives, reduced fragmentation of efforts -, European partnership, timeliness, readiness, budgetary planning, quality of management, …) List of priority projects
A two-stage process within FP7 : Preparatory phase - through restricted calls targeted to the list of priority projects - for construction plans, legal organisation, management structure, … Implementation phase - following successful first phase - for concrete construction and operation The operational mechanism
Acting as a facilitator for the overall projects - leveraging and catalysing action - financial engineering - legal framework… Coordinating the Community instruments (Framework Programme, Structural Funds, EIB) and assessing consistency of actions Ensuring a close monitoring of the projects An active Commission’s role
Suggested calendar to consolidate an EU policy on RIs November 2004 December 2004 Spring 2005 Agreement on the approach Consolidation of work Analysis of current activities, vision for the future Analysis of roadmap for new RIs and of operational mechanisms Towards a Council resolution and presentation of specific programmes Summer 2005 Autumn 2005
ESFRI http://www.cordis.lu/era/infrastructures_forum.htm Future of Research – preparing FP7 http://www.cordis.lu/era/fp7.htm http://www.cordis.lu/infrastructures/ Further information
Creating synergies between the Framework Programme and the Structural FundsThe BONUS scheme
“In the case of regions lagging in development, when a project receives the maximum intensity of co-financing authorised under this Programme or an overall grant, an additional contribution from the Structural Funds, pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/99 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds, could be granted.” Decision No 1513/2002/EC, Annex III.2 Detailed Rules for Financial Participation by the Community Reference to the « Bonus » Scheme in FP6
Construction, development and modernisation of infrastructure for scientific research at the university level, i.e.: libraries, laboratories and other facilities, Development or research parks and applied research centres for implementation of advanced technology Also… Establishing and developing business incubator or technology transfer centres, Equipment aimed at applied research linked to industry, Support for innovative enterprises located in science and technology parks. Activities financed by the Structural Funds: the example of Infrastructures
New regulation on the Structural Funds: to be adopted and published in the OJ in 2005 The preparation of the Guidelines document: starting in 2005, will be published as a Communication from the Commission Urgency to raise awareness of organisations in charge of structural funds towards research needs and related projects in your region, Communication to be eased between different parts of national administration responsible for the management of the two different funds Next steps The available financial resources could be increased via the harmonisation of the planning for the use of the two funds
You have to be: an FP6 contractor established in Objective 1 Region You have to respect: Structural Funds and State Aids Regulations Rules governing the 6th Framework Programme You have to take: Direct Contact with the Structural Funds Managing Authority in your country or region: http://europa.eu.int/comm/regional_policy/manage/authority/authority_en.cfm Conditions of Eligibility for Applying to the « Bonus » Scheme
Regions and Structural Funds http://europa.eu.int/comm/regional_policy/sources/docoffic/official/communic/comm_en.htm http://www.cordis.lu/era/knowreg.htm http://www.cordis.lu/era/regions.htm http://www.innovating-regions.org/ Further information