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Living for God in a Pagan Culture

Living for God in a Pagan Culture. Daniel. Daniel’s Vision of 70 Sevens (Daniel 9). (Rembrandt Van Rijn). Daniel 9:20-27. Gabriel comes with instruction and encouragement. (9:20-23) Gabriel’s Instruction (9:24-27) A. 69 Sevens B. After 69 Sevens C. Last Seven. Daniel's 70 “7s”.

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Living for God in a Pagan Culture

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  1. Living for Godin a Pagan Culture Daniel

  2. Daniel’s Visionof 70 Sevens(Daniel 9) (Rembrandt Van Rijn)

  3. Daniel 9:20-27 • Gabriel comes with instruction and encouragement. (9:20-23) • Gabriel’s Instruction (9:24-27) A. 69 Sevens B. After 69 Sevens C. Last Seven

  4. Daniel's 70 “7s” Who?  Your people (Jews)  Your holy city (Jerusalem) Why? 1. to finish the transgression 2. to make an end of sin 3. to make atonement for iniquity 4. to bring in everlasting righteousness 5. to seal up vision and prophecy 6. to anoint the most holy place

  5. A. “The 69 Sevens” (Daniel 9: 25) 1. Beginning point: “issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem” a. Cyrus (538 B.C.; 2 Ch. 36:23; Ezra 1:2-4) b. Artaxerxes (457 B.C.; Ezra 7:12-26) c. Artaxerxes (444 B.C.; Nehemiah 2:5-8) 2. Ending point: “until Messiah the Prince”  ?

  6. Seventy “7s” Decree Messiah the Prince 7 “7s” 62 “7s” 1 “7” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. 7 yrs. 483 years

  7. 1 year = 360 days 1. ½ week (Da. 9:27) = 1,260 days (Rev. 12:6; 11:3) = “time, times, ½ time” (Da. 7:25; 12:7; Rev. 12:14) = 42 months (Rev. 11:2; 13:5) 2. Calendars of ancient India, Persia, Babylonia and Assyria, Egypt, Central and South America, and China. (with different ways of intercalating days so the year came out correctly) (365/5/48/45.975)

  8. 69 “7s” March 5, 444 B.C. (Decree) + 173,880 days (69 x 7 x 360) March 30, A.D. 33 (Triumphal Entry) ….Harold Hoehner, Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ

  9. Seventy “7s” Decree: Messiah the Prince March 30, A.D. 33 March 5 444 B.C. 7 “7s” 62 “7s” 1 “7” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. 7 yrs. 483 years = 173,880 days

  10. B. After 69 Sevens (v. 26) • Messiah will be cut off & have nothing  Jesus on Golgatha (April 3, A.D. 33) • the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city & the sanctuary  Titus Vespasian (A.D. 70 -132)

  11. B. After 69 Sevens (v. 26) Decree: Messiah the Prince March 30, A.D. 33 March 5 444 B.C. • After the 62 sevens: • Messiah cut off • Jerusalem and the temple destroyed 7 “7s” 62 “7s” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. 483 years = 173,880 days

  12. C. The Last Seven: The Tribulation (v. 27) Decree: Messiah the Prince March 30, A.D. 33 March 5 444 B.C. Tribulation 7 “7s” 62 “7s” 1 “7” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. 7 yrs. 483 years = 173,880 days

  13. The Last Seven (v. 27) The Tribulation the Prince who is to come (Antichrist)  a firm covenant with the many for 1 seven  midseven stop to sacrifice & grain offering  abomination that causes desolation  complete destruction poured out on him

  14. C. The Last Seven: The Tribulation (v. 27) Decree: Messiah the Prince March 30, A.D. 33 March 5 444 B.C. Tribulation 7 “7s” 62 “7s” 1 “7” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. 7 yrs. 483 years = 173,880 days

  15. Seventy “7s” Decree: Messiah the Prince (March 30, A.D. 33) (March 5 444 B.C.) 7 “7s” 62 “7s” Church Age 1 “7” 49 yrs. 434 yrs. Indefinite 7 yrs. Romans 11:25 partial / until 483 years = 173,880 days

  16. Gap in Fulfillment in Prophecy 69 Sevens 1 Seven

  17. Messiah has come! Leopold Cohn (1862-1937) American Board of Mission to the Jews

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