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Living for God in a Pagan Culture

Living for God in a Pagan Culture. Daniel. Praying for Divine Favor (Daniel 9). (Rembrandt Van Rijn). Daniel 9. Importance of prayer (chs. 2 & 6) Time: 538 B.C. (v. 1), 67 years after Daniel was taken from Judah Overview: 1. Prayer (vv. 1-19) 2. Prophecy of 70 sevens (vv. 20-27).

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Living for God in a Pagan Culture

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  1. Living for Godin a Pagan Culture Daniel

  2. Praying for Divine Favor(Daniel 9) (Rembrandt Van Rijn)

  3. Daniel 9 • Importance of prayer (chs. 2 & 6) • Time: 538 B.C. (v. 1), 67 years after Daniel was taken from Judah • Overview: 1. Prayer (vv. 1-19) 2. Prophecy of 70 sevens (vv. 20-27)

  4. Daniel’s Prayer(9:1-19) • birthed by Scripture (v. 2) • focused and urgent (vv. 3-4) • contrite and confessional (vv. 5-15) • aimed at God’s fame and rooted in His compassion (vv. 16-19)

  5. birthed by Scripture (v. 2)  For thus says the LORD, “When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place. “For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:10-11)

  6. birthed by Scripture (v. 2)  Jeremiah 29:10-11  Prayer is never the first word. It is always the second word. God has the first word. Prayer is ‘answering speech.’ It is not primarily ‘address,’ it is ‘response.’ … Eugene Peterson

  7. 2. focused and urgent (vv. 3-4)  “I gave my attention” (I turned my face…)  Fasting

  8. “Fasting is calculated to bring a note of urgency and importunity into our praying, and to give force to our pleading in the court of heaven. The man who prays with fasting is giving heaven notice that he is truly in earnest…. Not only so, but he is expressing his earnestness in a divinely-appointed way. He is using a means that God has chosen to make his voice to be heard on high.” - Arthur Wallis, God’s Chosen Fast

  9. 2. focused and urgent (vv. 3-4)  “I gave my attention” (I turned my face…)  Fasting  Sackcloth (Neh. 9:1)  Ashes (Job 2:8)

  10. Names of God in 9:4  LORD– Yahweh Personal faithful to His covenant people  God – Elohim Powerful “strong one” • Lord – Adonai Program authority in working matters

  11. 3. Contrite and Confessional  Identify sin (vv. 4-5)  Acknowledge shame (vv. 7-8)  Affirm His righteous discipline (vv. 11-14)

  12. Words for sin in verse 5  sinned missed the mark  committed iniquity moved the mark  acted wickedly trashed the mark  rebelled denied the mark Additionally and specifically we have …

  13. Words for sin in verse 5  sinned missed the mark  committed iniquity moved the mark  acted wickedly trashed the mark  rebelled denied the mark Additionally and specifically we have … … not listened to Your messenger (v. 6)

  14. 3. Contrite and Confessional  Identify sin (vv. 4-5)  Acknowledge shame (vv. 7-8)  Affirm His righteous discipline (vv. 11-14)

  15. “Deepen the sorrow within us for our sins.” (Reformation confessional prayer)  Psalm 51:16-17  Isaiah 57:15; 66:1-2  Matthew 5:4

  16. “Deepen the sorrow within us for our sins”… … and enlarge our liberty to run to Your fountain of grace and confess our sins!

  17. 4. aimed at God’s fame and rooted in His compassion (vv. 16-19) For Your name's sake, O LORD,Pardon my iniquity, for it is great. (Ps. 25:11) Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; And deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name's sake. Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?"(Ps. 79:9-10)

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