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Twinning Project RO/2006/IB/EN/09 WORKSHOP EUROPEAN FUNDING FOR NATURA 2000 Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Tulcea, Biosphere Reserve Danube Delta Expert: Ms Marianne Badura Contact: m.badura@the-blue.net , Phone: +49 8161 144 368. Content of the presentation.
Twinning Project RO/2006/IB/EN/09 WORKSHOP EUROPEAN FUNDING FOR NATURA 2000 Thursday, May 7th, 2009 Tulcea, Biosphere Reserve Danube Delta Expert: Ms Marianne Badura Contact: m.badura@the-blue.net, Phone: +49 8161 144 368
Content of the presentation • Background of financing mechanisms for Natura 2000including EFRD (ELER) • Direct funding schemes for nature conservation topics (LIFE+) • Cross-financing from other European funding sources • Overview on trans-national European funding schemes available for nature conservation topics • …
Background and motivation Why heading for European funding for nature conservation? • NEPA/ REPAs/ LEPAs are interested in implementing nature conservation activities in Romania/ their regions. • NEPA is interested in becoming a project partner in international/ transnational projects in order to enrich the exchange of experience with other European partners. • NEPA is interested in becoming a project partner in international/ transnational projects in order to increase the capacity to fulfil its tasks.
Background and motivation What goals have to be achieved at European level? • With regard to biodiversity? • European Biodiversity Strategy (COM 98/42) • To stop the loss of biodiversity until 2010 European Biodiversity Action Plan • First Action Plan 2001 incl. policyframework at EU level • Relaunch in 2006 Objectives of new EU Action Plan are to: • Reinforce action to halt loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2010 • Accelerate progress towards the recovery of habitats and natural systems in the EU • Optimise the EU’s contribution towards significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss worldwide by 2010 European Natura 2000 network
Background and motivation What trends can be observed at European level? • With regard to sustainable (rural) development? • Demographic development – in 2008 more people lived in cities than in rural areas of Europe • Intensification of agriculture and loss of traditional land use in rural and/or less-favoured areas • Need for more biological farming products throughout Europe • Diversification in rural areas needed in order to compensate loss of income by ‘normal’ agricultural crops • …
Funding principles of the EU • No specific EU budget line available for nature conservation • Policy goals in environmental protection and nature conservation must be covered by the implementation of (other) community policies • Nature conservation measures must always be integrative part of other measures – which makes it sometimes more difficult. • Framework regulations for funding must be adapted to national situation by integrating stakeholders from economy and social life into the process of developing the Operational Programmes. This is a chance to increase the funds available for Natura 2000!
Funding principles of the EU What goals have to be achieved at European level? • With regard to agriculture? • Health Check for the agriculture until 2013 • more funds for nature conservation, protection of water resources and climate protection in the 2nd pillar of ELER starting in 2009 Basic strategic and political discussion on EU budget for the next funding period starting in 2014 demand for increased funding for sustainable rural development, biodiversity and nature conservation topics
Funding principles of the EU Basic principles of CAP GAP – Common Agricultural Policy Combination with European Structural Funds possible (ESF, EFF, EFRE, etc.) Pillar 1 Market and price policy Direct payments to farmers Subsidies to support prices -interventions -quantity quota -export subsidies -market protection -etc. Pillar 2 (ELER) Support of rural develop-ment -agro-environmental schemes -Natura 2000 payments -LFA payments -etc. (For details see next slide)
Rural development policy Competitiveness in agriculture and forestry Environmental protection and Landscape management by sustainable land use Economic diversification and improvement of quality of life Funding principles of the EU Recall the 3 focal topics of EU funding for agriculture and rural areas: • Strengthening of the 2nd pillar/focus of EAFRD/ELER foreseen
European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (EAFRD/ELER) • Examples for financing of nature conservation measures in ELER: • Focus 1: Competitiveness in agriculture and forestry • Training courses on Natura 2000 aspects for farmers • Investments in agricultural infrastructure, e.g. construction of shelter for sheep or cattle grazing Natura 2000 areas or special mowing equipment • Procedure for re-grouping of agricultural territories in order to achieve large areas accessible for grazing
European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development • Examples for financing of nature conservation measures in ELER: • Focus 2: Environmental protection and Landscape management by sustainable land use • Agro-environmental funding schemes (adapted to national or Länder conditions) • Compensation payments for restrictions due to Natura 2000
European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development • Examples for financing of nature conservation measures in ELER focus 1-3: • Focus 3: Economic diversification and improvement of quality of life • Individual consulting of farmers – awareness raising • Management plans and concepts for Natura 2000 sites • Investments for the conservation of natural heritage (e.g. measures for landscape elements, creation of habitats, revitalization of rivers, etc.) • Purchase of land for nature conservation purposes
European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development • Examples for financing of nature conservation measures in ELER: • Focus 4: Leader +(Method to identify the potential for regional development by defining a common and integrated implementation strategy) • Projects to increase regional business and value creation • Local Action Groups (LAG) necessary • Integrated co-operation at regional level – e.g. suitable for development of (eco-)tourist offers • Selection procedure at national level for LAGs
Possible funding sources for Natura 2000 What project funding sources for Natura 2000 can be considered? • National Structural funds (SOP Env, ROP) • European funding schemes (INTERREG, LIFE+, etc.) • World Bank Funding / GEF • Norwegian Grants • Bilateral funding from other countries • …
Project framework What is needed to be considered for project funding? • A good project idea • A sound and well-build project concept • A powerful project consortium (for transnational projects) with reliable partners • A stable co-financing • Well-functioning mechanisms for the absorption of project means in the staff capacity of NEPA/ REPAs/ LEPAs • A sound mechanism for reporting and financial controlling
General principles for (EU) project development • Define your specific potential: • - NEPA represents the national level of topics. • NEPA covers the whole range of environmental topics. • REPA XY covers a special regional need / measure. Derive your potential project ideas from your daily work: - Which tasks have to be fulfilled in the next year / next 2 years / next 5 years ? - Which of them could be supported by transnational funding? Install a continuous „project radar“ in your brain. Regular brainstorming on project ideas per department is recommended.
Basic information for project ideas Use a Standard template for project ideas!
Typical hurdles for project development Long period of development of the idea towards a good concept on structural and thematic level The work on a project idea should be independent of a specific call. Make sure there is sufficient support + teamwork within NEPA on the idea in order to achieve maximum benefit.
Presentation of the EU funding programmes 2007 - 2013
Interreg IVB South Eastern European Space • Calls for investment preparation projects in a European wide context. • Programme area (see map below), it is allowed to integrate partners outside of the programme area for up to 20% of the total project budget • Funding rate: 75 % (up to 80% in Eastern Europe) + 18% from State budget in RO – rest of 2% for applicant to cover • A project budget between 1 an 3 Mio EURO is recommended. • Public bodies and institutions, and private partners are eligible.
Central European Space (CEUS) Romania can take part up to 20% of a project budget.
INTERREG IV – Strand B • What is important: • Improved Strategic Approach: • Contribution to the implementation of the LISBON – Strategy for Growth and Employment and the GÖTEBORG – Strategy for Sustainable Development • What is strategic? • A project is regarded strategic if it demonstrates the following features: • its geografical area or area of influence encompasses the whole SEES • it refers not to a single standing local or regional case, but to a problem essential for the stable development of the whole SEES • - it has strong political backup at the national level, which takes responsibility for endorsement of the policy recommendations
Interreg IVB South Eastern European Space • 4 thematic priorities (derived from the Structural Funds Regulations) • INNOVATION • ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND PREVENTION OF RISKS • ACCESSIBILITY • SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT Note: 2-step application procedure with Expression of Interest (1st step) and Application Form (2nd step after invitation)
Interreg IVC • Calls for networking projects in a European wide context • All European regions can participate • A project budget between 1 an 3 Mio EURO is recommended • Public bodies and institutions are eligible partners, but no commercial company • Funding rate: 75 % (up to 80% in Eastern Europe) • Difficult to get approved as evaluation criteria are very restrictive due to big competition.
LIFE+ • The programme covers 3 sub-domains: • 1. Nature and biodiversity • Environmental policy and capacity building • 3. Information and communication • Possible Topics of LIFE+ • „Best-practice“ and demonstration measures for the support of nature protection and biodiversity • Innovative or demonstration measures which support EU Environmental policies (Water, Chemicals, Air pollution, etc) • Information and communication measures
7th Framework Programme Correct Name: 7th European Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration • Most important funding instrument for RTD • Third biggest financial instrument of the EU (50,5 Billion without EURATOM) • Allows not „only research“, but also application, demonstration, events, etc. • non-research organisations can play an important rules as „users“ or „disseminators“ 4 Sub-Programmes: Co-operation –32,4 Billion EURO Ideas –7,5 Billion EURO People –4,75 Billion EURO Capacities –4,09 Billion EURO
7th Framework Programme Sub-programme „Co-operation“ – Core of 7th FP Thematic priorities II 5. Energy (2,350) 6. Environment (including Climate Change) (1,890) 7. Transport including Air transport (4,160) 8. Social-, Economic and societal science (0,623) 9. Security (1,400) 10. Space (1,430) (All measures include cross-border or transnational co-operation.)
Opportunities under ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) • Three types of programmes • Country or Multi-country-programmes • Cross-border Co-operation (ENPI CBC) • Thematic Programmes • ENPI CBC Objectives: • Sustainable economic and social development in border areas • Co-operation in the thematic areas environement, public health, prevention and fight against organised crime • Neigbourhood-actions (people-to-people actions) on local level Available funds: approx. 1,2 Billion EURO
Definition of thematic priorities in NEPA/ REPAs/ LEPAs Information of staff to develop project ideas and routines for collecting Check of framework conditions for project implementation Setting up of appropriate management routines for project development Receiving and integrating key-advice Systematic evaluation of project ideas Search for upcoming project consortia where NEPA/ REPAs/ LEPAs can enter as PP Challenges to be met in order to develop a funding strategy for the objectives of NEPA ………thank you very much for your attention!