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Notebook Activity

Notebook Activity. JP CABRERA, MUNS Manager, Updated 10/04/2001. Notebook project. 3 assumptions : 280 units/shift, only productivity increase 560 units/shift, capacity + productivity increase 840 units/shift, capacity + productivity increase Investments : Payback : Planning

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Notebook Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Notebook Activity JP CABRERA, MUNS Manager, Updated 10/04/2001

  2. Notebook project • 3 assumptions : • 280 units/shift, only productivity increase • 560 units/shift, capacity + productivity increase • 840 units/shift, capacity + productivity increase • Investments : • Payback : • Planning • Annex 1 : stockroom improvement • Annex 2 : production process improvement


  4. Simulated specifications :

  5. Simulated investments and payback period :


  7. For 280 units / shift

  8. For 560 units / shift

  9. For 840 units / shift

  10. Pay back

  11. For 280 units / shift (release 2)

  12. For 560 units / shift (release 2)

  13. For 840 units / shift (release 2)

  14. Capacity versus budget :

  15. Schedule for the project:

  16. Annex 1 : Stockroom improvement : - Current process - New process - Gains

  17. Stockroom : description of the current process • step 1 : • Book of previous preparation (screen on MAPICS) • print current Manufacturing Order • print locating list of components • step 2 : pick first part of components • step 3 : pick expensive parts (CPU/RAM/HDD) • step 4 : pick components on the flow rack • step 5 : pick last part of the preparation • step 6 : prepare each tray on the conveyor

  18. Stockroom : current situation 6 Prod NB This process is adapted to Mos of large quantities Area 2 Flow rack Area 3.1 Kitting 5 Area 3.2 Area 3.3 4 1 2 Office Area 1 3 CPU room

  19. Stockroom :description of the new process • step 1 : • print current Manufacturing Order • print locating list of components • step 2 : pick expensive parts (CPU/RAM/HDD) • step 3 : pick 1 component (PREKIT) • step 4 : pick components on the flow racks • step 5 : scans the preparation for booking

  20. Stockroom : projected situation Area 3.3 Prekits Prod NB 3 Area 1 5 Area 3.1 No more Kitting 4 CPU room Area 2 2 Area 3.2 Office 1 This process is adapted to Mos of little quantities (ATO/CTO)

  21. Stockroom : picking loop • Parameters: • the loop is 88 meters long • the operator needs 15 minutes per cycle: • 2,5 minutes to prepare 1 unit • 6 units picked at once • 7 hours of work per shift => 28 cycles • THEN a warehouseman runs 2,5 kilometers per shift • This value is normal : the law gives no limit in this case, because the load to carry is very low : 80 kg on an adapted trolley

  22. Stockroom : Gains obtained • First step : improving manual process = gain from 9’ to 4’ • the gains are obtained by : • suppressing 1 operation : the kitting , gain 3’ • grouping components, gain 1’ • reducing the length of the picking way, gain 1’ • Second step: opportunity to use the Pick to voice = gain from 4’ to 2’ • the gains are obtained by : • improving quality by asking a checksum key at each step, • improving concentration of the operator on the picking itself • removing 3 steps : • printing of MO • printing of Locating list • booking in the system • simplifying the training = 1 hour instead of 2 days

  23. Annex 2 : • Production process improvement : • - Current process • - New process : • - the cell • - layout with 4 EAP • - layout with 6 EAP • - Gains

  24. Production : Current Layout Flow Prekits Flow

  25. Production : the new cell

  26. Production : new layout for 4 “EAP” (release 2)

  27. Production : new layout for 6 “EAP”

  28. Production : Gains obtained • Only on a cell of 2 “EAP”, we gain 6,2 direct people in KITTING+ASSEMBLY+PACKING : • current process = 16,7 people • new process = 10,5 people

  29. END

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