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The COASTMAN project aims to develop a strategy for Coastal Zone Management (CZM) in the Baltic Sea region by addressing real conflicts through case studies. Key outcomes include legal, organizational, and methodological frameworks, conflict resolution methods, and stakeholder training. Partners from various Baltic countries contribute to this €1.2 million initiative. Expected results encompass shared visions on framework differences, adaptation recommendations, published reports, and improved conflict resolution skills. Deliverables include web courses, stakeholder training, and information exchange platforms. Working packages focus on common frameworks, conflict resolution methods, case studies, and capacity building in CZM. The project emphasizes communication and dissemination of results for sustainable coastal development.
coastman Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walter Leal Filho TuTech Innovation Hamburg Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea Region
Outline • Introducing the COASTMAN projectPartnersWork Packages • Expected results • 2. Case studiesFramework for description of the case studies • 3. Sustainability components • 4 Conclusions
COASTMAN This Interreg IIIB project intends to prepare a strategy for CZM in the Baltic and to handle real conflicts and problems by means of case studies. Partners in: Germany (Hamburg) Sweden (Stockholm) Lithuania (Klaipeda) Latvia (Riga/Ventspils)Estonia (Tallinn/Haapsalu) Russia (St. Petersburg/Primorsk) Finland: observer
COASTMAN: Expected results (I) • The main results from the project are: • Describe legal, organizational, economical, methodological and cultural frameworks for CZM in the participating countries. • A set of recommended methods and guidelines for conflict resolution in coastal zone management, methods which have been tested on practical cases in the BSR. • Recommendations for conflict resolution in the various areas, • based on a participatory process where all stakeholders take part • Project period: July 2004-June 2007 • Project volume: € 1,2 million.
COASTMAN: Expected results (II) • Shared vision among participants on differences in the frameworks and how these differences influence strategies for conflict resolution in CZM. • Developed recommendations what adaptations of methods are necessary for each participating country because of cultural and economic differences. • Published report with description of practical cases, evaluation of selected methods and recommendations how to use methods to resolve conflicts in coastal zone management. • Improved practical skills among involved stakeholders in • methods for conflicts resolution.
COASTMAN: deliverables • A web based course with on-line material focused on conflict resolution in coastal zone management. • Staff of involved project partners trained during a pilot course. • Stakeholders involved in the project case studies are trained in practical methods for conflict resolution during training sessions. • Developed information exchange platform on the web, published handbook on conflict resolution, shared experience and best practice in CZM with related Interreg projects. • Better understanding of the conflicts (and ways to solve them)!
COASTMAN: deliverables • A web based course with on-line material focused on conflict resolution in coastal zone management. • Staff of involved project partners trained during a pilot course. • Stakeholders involved in the project case studies are trained in practical methods for conflict resolution during training sessions. • Developed information exchange platform on the web, published handbook on conflict resolution, shared experience and best practice in CZM with related Interreg projects.
Presentation of COASTMANWork Packages Work Package 1 Title: Establishing common regional frameworks for conflict resolution in sustainable coastal zone management (CZM) Strategic focus: Legal, organizational, economical, methodological and cultural frameworks for CZM in participating countries
Presentation of COASTMANWork Packages Work Package 2 Title: Methods for conflict resolution in a sustainable coastal zone management context (CZM) Strategic focus: To collect, evaluate, adapt and disseminate national and international experiences of using practical methods for conflict resolution in CZM
Presentation of COASTMANWork Packages Work Package 3 Title: Practical case studies in conflict resolution in coastal zones in the Baltic Sea Region Strategic focus: To test and evaluate methods for conflict resolution and their applicability in practical cases. To train stakeholders
Presentation of COASTMANWork Packages Work Package 4 Title: Capacity building in CZM with focus on methods for conflict resolution Strategic focus: Development of joint educational programme for coastal zone management in the BSR with focus on conflict resolution in spatial planning
Presentation of COASTMANWork Packages Work Package 5 Title: Communication, Information and Dissemination of results Strategic focus: Promoting sustainable development of coastal areas through an information exchange platform, information events and specialist workshops
Case Studies Framework for descriptions of case studies • 1.Where is the activity located? • 2.Which kind of activity is it? (Oil terminal? port? Manufacturing enterprise? fish processing industry?) • 3.Which year did the activity start? • 4.To whom does the activity belong? (The state? Private owner? The municipality? Other owner?) • 5.Is this a single activity/enterprise, or does it belong to a bigger business group • 6.What is the conflict about? • 7. Is there more than one country involved? Which ones? • 8.Which are the primary stakeholders and what is their position/ role? • ALL ALONG A SUSTAINABILITY DIMENSION IS CONSIDERED!
Sustainability components • Engagement of various stakeholders • Due emphasis to political, economic and environmental issues • Provides a chance for transnational exchanges and technology transfer • Uses targeted-oriented indicators (e.g. amount of sediments processed) • Case studies cater for local conflict understanding (and perhaps resolution) • Results will be disseminated via a Handbook.
Conclusions • Sustainability elements are greatly needed in CZM • The primary stakeholders need to be involved • COASTMAN uses integrative approaches to involve them • Combining policy with tools, education and training improves • chances of getting better results • 5. We welcome associates (next meetings: • a) Hamburg, June 2005 (Dealing with environmental catastrophes) • b) Klaipeda in September 2005 • Inputs / ideas are welcome.
Conclusions • Where is the activity located? • Which kind of activity is it? (Oil terminal? port? Manufacturing enterprise? fish processing industry? etcetera) • Which year did the activity start? • To whom does the activity belong? (The state? Private owner? The municipality? Other owner?) • Is this a single activity/enterprise, or does it belong to a bigger business group • What is the conflict about? • Is there more than one country involved? If yes: which are the countries? • Which are the primary stakeholders and what is their position/ role?