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TV Advert Analysis

TV Advert Analysis. V05 - Extreme Style Break the Mould. Shot 1. LS Establishing shot Large institution - grey Connotations of dull conformity. Figures in foreground also wearing grey uniform Two of figures stand out because of framing. Each side of

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TV Advert Analysis

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  1. TV Advert Analysis V05 - Extreme Style Break the Mould

  2. Shot 1 LS Establishing shot Large institution - grey Connotations of dull conformity Figures in foreground also wearing grey uniform Two of figures stand out because of framing. Each side of frame is balanced symmetrically both building and people

  3. Shot 2 CUT TO MS - boy in late teens Uniform (his and Others’) overall-like Cf Mao’s China (reinforced by red armbands) Shot ends on a zoom..

  4. Shot 3 Reverse-shot of previous shot Girl of similar age wearing same uniform. Her red tie rhymes with his red armband. Also a forward zoom to correspond with zoom in previous shot Zooms connote mutual attraction

  5. Shot 4 INT of building in Shot2 LS Two rows of students, boys and girls in separate lines, marching in opposite directions Along with uniforms,connotes military discipline This reinforced by regular sound of marching feet Strict separation of the sexes

  6. V05 - Extreme Style Allusion to Mao Zedung’s China used as shorthand for uniformity, suppression of individuality, iron discipline, absence of ostentation etc

  7. Shot 5a MS of boys’ side of previous shot. Disciplined marching, All in line

  8. Shot 5b Boy in Shot 3 breaks ranks to look over to girls’ line

  9. Shot 6a Shots 6a and 6b mirror previous two shots 6

  10. Shot 6b These 4 shots maintain sense of symmetry established from first shot Once again, connotations of mutual attraction. 7

  11. Shot 7 (E)LS Shot framed so that symmetry again maintained. Classroom - dull, bare, functional - divided by space down middle, dividing boys’ row from girls’ row. Teacher at desk in centre in depth of frame Again, connotations of repression and dull uniformity 8

  12. Shot 8 MS Girl opens desk to find …

  13. Shot 9 • CU of inside desk • Eyeline match leads • to what she sees: • A jar of V05 and a note • no doubt from the boy Notes connote classroom romance.

  14. Shot 10 LS Girl in depth of frame looks back to where (it is implied) the boy is sitting Focus in depth of Frame highlights girl and her look

  15. Shot 11 MS Eyeline match indicates she is looking back at the boy, showing she is aware who note and V05 from Although separated by two shots from Shot 8, in effect a Shot / Reverse Shot, reinforcing connection between young Couple. Shot ends with an encouraging look - they’re up to something

  16. Shot 12 CU allows us to see her complicit half-smile. She’s up for it -and “it” Is connected to V05

  17. Shot 13 • MS • Framing more or • less same as • Shot 8 • Ends with girl • plunging into desk • obviously going • for the V05

  18. Shot 14 CU Eyeline match (implied) Similar to Shot 9 but slightly closer. She start to apply the V05 under cover of the desk lid.

  19. Shot 15 LS Re-establishing shot but from POV of teacher Symmetry re-established . . .

  20. Shot 15 … only to be broken at end of shot by one of the desk lids on right of frame remaining open when all other desks closed. From the previous shot, clear that she is applying V05 to her hair.

  21. Shot 16 a MS/MCU Girl’s action matched by boy’s

  22. Shot 16 b MS/MCU We now see the effects of the V05 on him … Stands out from the crowd with his spiky hair

  23. Shot 17 MS Allows us to notice effect of V05 on girl’s hair - similar

  24. Shot 18a MLS Teacher at centre of frame which Is again totally symmetrical

  25. Shot 18b Camera zooms in as teacher stands up, taking us from MLS to MS Closer shot allows us to see angry expression and distance allows us to take In body language (especially pointed finger) as she points to the door, shouting 'chu qu', which means, 'Get out [of the room]' in Chinese (acc. to You Tube]

  26. Shot 19a MS As they go along the corridor, they take each other’s hand …

  27. Shot 19 b MS But the teacher has followed them Out. (She stands between them but The frame is not quite symmetrical) They are compounding the original felony of using hair cream by holding hands!

  28. Shot 20 MS They decide to make a runt to freedom

  29. Shot 21 LS Allows us to see the dynamism of their movement

  30. Shot 22 LS They run out the building and out of the school grounds with shrieking teacher at their back

  31. Shot 23 LS They are framed as for previous shot but the background has changed to a more varied, livelier (and A symmetrical) street scene

  32. Shot 24 Jump cut from previous shot to MS Ju,mp cuts often Connote energy And dynamism Closer shot shows expression as well movement. Broad smiles Framing in Shots 21-24 virtually identical, adding to feel of energy and they run out of school and into the town

  33. Shot 25 CU of product And various forms it comes in Anchorage: “Break the mould’ connotes attack on conformism and for individual freedom

  34. Advert works on basis of binary opposition between conformity, repression etc (relating to adults) and individualism, freedom, style (relating to youth) Symmetry of many of shot compositions relates to former: asymmetrical compositions the latter. Harnesses connotations of images in terms of youthful rebellion, and individualism The couple’s gesture against authority relates to hairstyle: they are not about to unfurl a banner protesting against Tiananmen Square massacre!

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