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DEFER INTERMEDIATE EXPECTATIONS. 2013-2014. What’s the Purpose?. Set student expectations for 2013-2014 school year Set student’s up for success “ It’s all about CHOICES!”. BELIEVE!. “You are the product of the image you present….” “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”

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  2. What’s the Purpose? • Set student expectations for 2013-2014 school year • Set student’s up for success “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  3. BELIEVE! • “You are the product of the image you present….” • “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” • “Life’s not fair…get used to it!” • “Excuses are like tennis shoes. Everyone has them and they all stink!” “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  4. ARRIVAL • Doors open at 8:15 • Enter your assigned grade level door • Directly to homeroom to check in with teacher • Silent work in homeroom “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  5. HALLWAYS / HALL PASSES • Stay to the right • Level of voices (1-4) • Passes needed – correct color

  6. Level 5? Basel – Don’t let this happen!

  7. HOMEROOM • Excessive tardies = lunch/recess detention after the 3rd tardy • We begin at 8:30! “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  8. CLASSES • 4 core classes everyday • 1 Special in a daily rotation – 50 minutes • 1 Intervention period • Character education (PACES) • Lunch & Recess = about 22 minutes each “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  9. LUNCH • Cafeteria = assigned tables by homeroom • 22 minutes goes by fast! • Will count down to Level 1 at the end of lunch • Dismiss by homeroom to throw away trash & then line up for the next area “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  10. RECESS • Structure of Recess – be where you are supposed to! • No “closed” toe and/or no “closed” heel shoes – must stay on blacktop • Remember to take your coats! • Recess is a PRIVILEGE! “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  11. BEHAVIOR • Be safe • Be respectful • Be responsible • Do your personal best - ownership “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  12. BYOD • Must have signed permission form to access the web • Separate form needs to be in for your e-reader • We have the right to search your phone for any school-related inappropriate activity

  13. DRESS CODE • Does it pass the “mirror test”? • Warm weather – appropriate length shorts/skirts, must have sleeves “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  14. DISMISSAL / TRANSPORTATION / AFTER SCHOOL • Transportation expectations: proper behavior, stay in seat, no food/drink, appropriate language • 3 referrals = off bus for the semester • Detentions = T, W, Th from 3 – 3:45 pm “It’s all about CHOICES!”

  15. LAST THOUGHTS…It’s All About… • Having fun & enjoying yourself • Keeping rules in mind to not jeopardize that • Making good choices • Be respectful • Be responsible • Doing your personal best each day

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