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Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self Assessment Procedures

Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self Assessment Procedures. One day Workshop on Quality Assurance In Higher Education Bahria University Islamabad Saturday, March 26, 2011 Iram Sohail. What is Self Assessment ?. What is Assessment? (Academic ).

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Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self Assessment Procedures

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  1. Enhancing the Quality of Education through Self Assessment Procedures One day Workshop on Quality Assurance In Higher Education Bahria University Islamabad Saturday, March 26, 2011 Iram Sohail

  2. What is Self Assessment ?

  3. What is Assessment? (Academic ) Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, reviewing and using important quantitative and qualitative data and information from multiple and diverse sources about educational programs, for the purpose of improving student learning, and evaluating whether academic and learning standards are being met.

  4. Self Assessment……… Self assessment is an assessment conducted by the institution/department to assess whether programmes meet their educational objectives and outcomes with the purpose to improve programmes’ quality and enhancing students learning.

  5. Objectives of Self Assessment • Improve and maintain academic standards • Enhance students’ learning • Verify that the existing programs meet their objectives and institutional goals • Provide feedback for quality assurance of academic programs

  6. The Elements of A Successful Assessment • Purpose identification • Outcomes identification • Measurements and evaluation design • Data collection • Analysis and evaluation • Decision-making regarding actions to be taken

  7. DesiredOutcomes of SAR • To be proactive than reactive • Initiate improvements to achieve academic excellence • Systematize the process of self assessment • To be current and take a leadership role

  8. FACULTY INVOLVEMENT • Academic Program Assessment, to be most effective requires the participation of all faculty members • Each department appoints a Program Team (PT) (selective group of faculty members from the respective department) • which will prepare a Self Assessment Report (SAR) demonstrating the conformance of the program to all the relevant criteria and standards as stipulated in the Self Assessment Manual(SAM), in coordination with the members of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

  9. Size of PT can be determined according to the size of the department

  10. DESIRED QUALITIES OF PT • Commitment to the principles of quality in higher education and the policies set by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, provided in the form of SAM. • Ability to work in teams. • An enquiring disposition, power of analysis and judgment. • Experience of organization and management, particularly in relation to teaching and learning matters, time management skills. • High standards of oral and written communication skills.

  11. Process of Generating SAR

  12. The entire process • PT is constituted • A series of training sessions will be conducted for PT and they will also be provided with SAM to be read carefully. A time line for the entire exercise will also be finalized. • PT will be provided Proformae 1-10, to collect data from different sources (to address each QC) as mentioned in the SAM • PT will interpret the collected data after converting the same into soft copy form and applying analysis and will generate SAR as per the guidelines mentioned in the SAM (Interpreting the result of each QC). Though a training on writing report will be conducted by QEC in due course of time

  13. Final SAR will be submitted to QEC as per the decided timeline • Assessment Team (AT) will be constituted through recommendation by the Director - QEC and approval of the Vice Chancellor • AT will go through the SAR submitted by the department, will carry out physical visit (if needed to verify the information given in SAR) • AT will provide its feedback which will be attached as Action Plan along with Corrective Measures with SAR • SAR will be submitted to Vice Chancellor and then to QAA – HEC Pakistan

  14. QCs Assessment Team joins here This all is given in SAM. Therefore reading SAM with an understanding and application approach will make the SAR generating process, easy and smooth. Corrective Measures

  15. Components of Self Assessment Process Criteria: Eight Criteria for Self assessment • QC1: Programme Mission Statements, Objectives and Outcomes (4) • QC2: Curriculum Design and Organization (7) • QC3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities (3) • QC4: Student Support and Advising (3) • QC5: Process Control (5) • QC6: Faculty (3) • QC7: Institutional Facilities (3) • QC8: Institutional Support (3)

  16. Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectivesand Outcomes Each program must have a mission quantifiable measurable objectives and expected quantifiable measurable objectives and expected outcomes for graduates.

  17. Criterion 1: Program Mission, Objectivesand Outcomes Outcomes include competency and tasks graduates are expected to perform after completing the program. A strategic plan must be in place to achieve the program objectives. The extent to which these objectives are achieved through continuous assessment and improvements must be demonstrated.

  18. Criterion 1: Standards Standard 1-1: The programme must have documented measurable objectives that support departmental and institutional mission statements The Mission Statement should  • be in line with University’s Mission statement • express your faculty/department/programmes purpose in a way that inspires support and ongoing commitment • motivate the stakeholders • be convincing and easy to grasp • use proactive verbs to describe “what, why and how” of being • be free of jargon • be short enough so that anyone related to the faculty/department/programmes can repeat it

  19. Meeting Standard 1-1 • Document institution, departmental and program mission statements. • State program objectives. • Describe how each objective is aligned with program, departmental and institution mission statements. • Outline the main elements of the strategic plan to achieve the program mission and objectives. • Provide for each objective how it was measured, when it was measured and improvements identified and made

  20. Criterion 1: Standards Standard 1-2: The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes.

  21. A program objective is a specific and usually quantifiable statement of program achievement. It is a statement of measurable outcome which can be used to determine program progress towards the program mission. Collectively, objectives represent a quantification of the program mission. The prerequisite for defining program objectives is that you need to have a well-defined programme mission. Objectives are means to achieve overall mission: • The objectives should, taken together, have the effect of achieving the overall program mission. • There should be cohesion among the objectives. An objective which is significantly different from the others needs to be evaluated to determine whether it belongs as a part of the proposed program.

  22. Desirable Characteristics of Program Objectives • Clearly related to the Faculty mission • Reflective of program priorities in the long term • Illustrates the ideal graduates of the program • Represents faculty aspirations of the program • Focus on the core characteristics of program graduates

  23. What is a program outcome? A program outcome is a specific, measurable, statement of what a student should know, be able to do, or value when they complete a program, course or sequence of courses/ experiences/activities. All academic programs should include program outcomes and their assessment plan.

  24. Meeting Standard 1-2 Describe the means for assessing the extent to which graduates are performing the stated to program outcomes/learning objectives 1. Conducting a survey of graduating students every Semester 2. Conduct a survey of alumni 3. Conduct a survey of employers 4. Carefully designed questions asked during projects presentations. 5. Outcome of Assessment & Examinations

  25. Criterion 1 Standards Standard 1-3 The results of program’s assessment and the extent to which they used to improve the program must be documented.

  26. Meeting Standard 1-3 • Describe the actions taken based on the results of periodic assessments. • Describe major future program improvements plans based on recent assessments. • List strengths and weaknesses of the Programme • List significant future development plans for the programme

  27. QC : 2 Curriculum Design and Organization Curriculum Standards are specified in terms of credit hours of study. Following information should be provided about the programme curriculum: • Title of degree program • Credit hours • Degree plan • Scheme of Studies

  28. Programme specifications • Course title • Course objectives • Course description • Text book(s) and references • Course break up in lectures • Computer usage • Laboratory

  29. Criterion 2: Standards Meeting Standard 2-1 The curriculum must be consistent and support the program documented objectives. • Describe how the program content (courses) meets the program objectives • Complete the matrix shown in Table 4.4 linking courses to program outcomes. List the courses and tick against relevant outcomes.

  30. Meeting Standard 2-1

  31. Criterion 2 Standards Standard 2-2 Theoretical background, problems analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material.

  32. Meeting Standard 2-2 Indicate which courses contain a significant portion (more than 30%) of the elements in standard 2-2

  33. Criterion 2 Standards Standard 2-3 The curriculum must satisfy the mathematics and basic sciences requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body. Standard 2-4 The curriculum must satisfy the major requirements for the program as specified by the respective accreditation body.

  34. Criterion 2 Standards Standard 2-5 The curriculum must satisfy humanities, social sciences, arts, ethical, professional and other discipline requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body. Standard 2-6 Information Technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the of the program. • Indicate the courses within the program that will satisfy the standard • Describe how hey are applied and integrated throughout the programme

  35. Standard 2-7 Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied skills of the in the program. • Indicate the courses within the programme that will satisfy the standard • Describe how they are applied

  36. Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities Laboratories and computing facilities must be adequately available and accessible to faculty members and students to support teaching and research activities.

  37. Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities Describe the laboratory /computer facilities that are Available for use in the programme under assessment. Indicate for each lab the following: • Laboratory • Location & Area • Objectives • Adequacy for Instructions • Courses Taught • Major Apparatus/Equipment • Safety Regulations

  38. Criterion 3 Standards Standard 3-1: Lab manuals / documentation / instructions for experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students. • Explain how students and faculty have adequate and timely access to the manuals/documentation and instructions • Benchmark with similar departments in reputable institutions to identify shortcomings in laboratory.

  39. Criterion 3 Standards Standard 3-2: There must be adequate support personnel for instruction and maintaining the laboratories. • Indicate for each laboratory, support personnel, level of support, nature and extent of instructional support.

  40. Criterion 3 Standards Standard 3-3: The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives. • Describe how the computing facilities support the computing component of your programme. • Benchmark with similar departments in reputable institutions to identify shortcomings in computing infrastructure.

  41. Criterion 4: Student Support and Advising Standard 4-1: Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete programme in a timely manner. Standard 4-2: Courses in the major area of study must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students , faculty and teaching assistants. Standard 4-3: Guidance on how to complete the programme must be available to all students and access to academic advising must be available to make course decisions and career Choices.

  42. Criterion 5: Process Control The processes by which major functions are delivered must be in place, controlled, periodically reviewed, evaluated and continuously improved. To meet this criterion a set of standards must be satisfied. Standard 5-1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

  43. Standard 5-2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. • Standard 5-3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, promotion must be consistent with institution mission statement. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

  44. Standard 5-4 : The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and that course learning outcomes are met . The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. • Standard 5-5: The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards, effective procedures and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives

  45. Criterion 6: Faculty Faculty members must be current and active in their discipline and have the necessary technical depth and breadth to support the program. There must be enough faculty members to provide continuity and stability, to cover the curriculum adequately and effectively, and to allow for scholarly activities. To meet this criterion the standards in this section must be satisfied

  46. Standard 6-1 : There must be enough full time faculty who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/courses, continuity and stability. • The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses, plan, modify and update courses and curricula. • All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph.D. in the discipline.

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