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H omework A ssistance with P arental I nvolvement P rogram

H omework A ssistance with P arental I nvolvement P rogram. (H.A.P.I.). Introduction.

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H omework A ssistance with P arental I nvolvement P rogram

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  1. Homework Assistance with Parental Involvement Program (H.A.P.I.)

  2. Introduction The Homework Assistance with Parental Involvement(HAPI) program,through ADHD Educational Services, will assist students with their homework by teaching the skillsnecessary to complete assignments. The program will also form a positive bond between the educational community and the family to promote the academic success and self-confidence of the child.

  3. This research based program will…  Balance homework with home life to promote positive developmental outcomes  Give support, assistance and encouragement to students who need extra help with their homework  Provide direction, clarity and understanding through one-on-one and small group support

  4. Research findings show that when parents are involved students: • Achieve more, have higher grades and test scores, better school attendance and complete homework more consistently • Exhibit a more positive attitude toward school • Have higher graduation rates and greater enrollment rates in post-secondary education

  5. This program will also…  Promote developmental skills such as independence, time management, decision making and communication  Provide structure, supervision and academic assistance  Act as a liaison between the educational community and parents

  6. Research also shows: In programs that are designed to involve parents in full partnerships, student achievement for disadvantaged children not only improves, it can reach levels that are standard for middle-class children. In addition, the children who are farthest behind make the greatest gains. Children from diverse cultural backgrounds tend to do better when parents and professionals collaborate to bridge the gap between the culture at home and the learning institution. The benefits of involving parents are not confined to the early years; there are significant gains at all ages and grade levels

  7. Using an informal approach to learning, flexible scheduling, professional instruction and positive reinforcement, students will receive assistance and encouragement to complete homework tasks and parents will learn strategies to help their children in the education process. Look what I can do thanks to HAPI

  8. Students will: • Complete homework assignments • Study for upcoming tests (both classroom based and state tests) • Receive assistance from after-school mentors • Help each other • Learn how to use reference materials

  9. Parents will… • Learn how to interpret homework assignments • Learn how to promote learning at home • Become positively connected to their child’s academic setting • Determine a time and a place for the completion of assignments, thereby alleviating the stress of homework on the family

  10. OUR GOAL: To raise academic standards and improve classroom behavior through one-on-one parental homework integration and to provide collaborative support for the classroom teacher.

  11. To accomplish this goal, after the HAPI Supervisor will… • Communicate with teachers about homework assignments and progress on a weekly basis • Communicate bi-weekly with parents/guardians about homework assignments and progress through home visits • Provide instant contact with parent/guardian if homework is not completed as communicated by teacher

  12. H.A.P.I. Mentors will… • Communicate with teachers about homework assignments and progress on a weekly basis • Communicate weekly with supervisors • Receive training and attend weekly meetings with supervisors

  13. H.A.P.I. will… • Teach study skills and habits • Teach practice skills and review • what has been taught in the classroom • Teach how to prepare for tests • Teach how to set goals • Teach how to take notes

  14. HOW WILL H.A.P.I. DO THIS? • Set up a time and place for homework completion (both at school and at home) • Provide student tutoring • Incentive programs • Students will work independently as well as in groups • Teach students how to budget their time wisely when completing tasks • Set up a schedule that allows for an allotted amount of time to complete homework independently as well as an allotted amount of time for group work

  15. HOW WILL H.A.P.I. DO THIS (cont.) • The H.A.P.I. supervisor will meet with parents on a bi-weekly basis to discuss the academic progress of the student • The H.A.P.I. supervisor and after school mentors will meet with teachers and faculty to discuss progress of the student • Provide training/support for teachers and faculty

  16. The bottom line….. THE BEST INTERVENTION IS PREVENTION !!!

  17. How HAPI will affect school quality: Schools that work well with families have improved teacher morale and higher ratings of teachers by parents Schools where parents are involved have more support from families and better reputations in the community School programs that involve parents outperform identical programs without parent and family involvement Schools where children are failing improve dramatically when parents are enabled to become effective partners in their child’s education

  18. Dr. Elizabeth Stever, Principal of Ohio Street School, wrote: “Debbie, Amy and Jody have done a fabulous job of creating a meaningful after-school program for at-risk students. They have collaborated with classroom teachers to identify strengths and needs of individual children and worked closely with parents to create routines in the home. There have been challenges in terms of student behavior and parent misunderstanding, but these ladies have met each challenge with unwavering professionalism. Many teachers have told me how much this support is helping not only their students, but also themselves – reflecting and brainstorming on a regular basis is beneficial. I am grateful for the expertise and passion that Debbie, Amy and Jody bring to their program. I sincerely hope that the HAPI program will continue at my school.” Dr. Elizabeth Stever, March 2006

  19. Each HAPI program will run in 10 week increments and will require three after-school mentors who will primarily work two afternoons per week, 1 hour each afternoon to accommodate the school schedule.

  20. H.A.P.I. is a District’s RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION

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