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Periodization I: Concepts

Periodization I: Concepts. What is training?. Stimulus and adaptation “the aim of a training program is to increase protein synthesis in accordance with the specific demands of the training stimulus.” (2007) Stone, Stone, Sands. Practice and Principles of Resistance Training. Periodization.

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Periodization I: Concepts

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  1. Periodization I: Concepts

  2. What is training? • Stimulus and adaptation • “the aim of a training program is to increase protein synthesis in accordance with the specific demands of the training stimulus.” • (2007) Stone, Stone, Sands. Practice and Principles of Resistance Training.

  3. Periodization • What is it? • Specifically planned system of exercise stimuli and recovery executed over time to summate into a predetermined set of physical adaptations.

  4. Training Cycles • Quadrinneal (Olympic) Cycle • 4 years • Macrocycle • 1-2 years • Mesocycle • 1-4 months • Microcycle • 1-2 weeks

  5. Labeling Training Periods • In-season or Competitive • Off-season or Preparatory • Post-Season or Transition • Peaking (most team sports will not need a specific peak)

  6. Types of Periodization • Linear Methods • Long • Short • Refer primarily to volume and intensity • Non-linear methods • Undulating • Refer primarily to volume and internsity • Multilateral Methods • Concurrent • Block • Conjugate

  7. Linear Periodization • Has a general progression from high volume/low intensity to low volume high intensity • What is the problem?

  8. Multilateral Periodization • Concurrent: • Focusing on multiple qualities in one micro/mesocycle • Can all be in the same session • Can be in different sessions • May have an emphasis in one direction • Emphasize 1-2 qualities at a time

  9. Multilateral Periodization • Conjugate Sequence System • Develop/Emphasize one ability while maintaining others • Sequence these in a series of cycles that will build upon each other for optimal effect

  10. Key Concepts • Delayed Transformation • Delayed Transmutation • Training Residuals • Superposition • Some training methods that produce beneficial adaptation for one motor ability may be detrimental to another

  11. How do we know what to do? • Identify the most important physical qualities for a sport or individual. • Develop a program to maximize those qualities at the right time. • It should also be a goal to sustain those particular abilities for as long as possible.

  12. Complementary Training • In a nutshell: • Volume and Intensity do not mix well together

  13. Developing a Macrocycle

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