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Welcome to Redhead public school Kappa - 2014. Ms Melissa O’Donnell. Welcome to Year 2, 2014. This year we have 2 straight Year 2 classes. We have 24 students in Kappa consisting of 10 girls and 14 boys.
Welcome to Redhead public schoolKappa - 2014 Ms Melissa O’Donnell
Welcome to Year 2, 2014. This year we have 2 straight Year 2 classes. We have 24 students in Kappaconsisting of 10 girls and 14 boys. • All of the Year 2 children will work together in PE and Sport activities. They will also work with other students from Stage 1 in reading groups and later in the year Peer Support groups. • All year 2 children should be achieving STAGE 1 outcomes in all Key Learning Areas by the end of the year.
Staff working with your children: • Epsilon 2 – Jan Vallin and Lisa Budden • Year 1 teachers – Shane Bransdon and Julie McDonald • Librarian – SalenaLangholz • Release teachers (RFF) Jan Audet – Science/HSIE • School Counsellor – Denise Scully • Learning Support teacher (LAST) – Jan Audet • Additional Support teacher – Andrew Smith
Kappa class routines: • Library time - Tuesday at 11.45-12.45pm(library bag with returned book needs to be sent to school) • PE - Tuesdays and Fridays • Assemblies - every morning for the whole school in the top assembly area - Infants assembly Monday afternoon - Formal whole school assembly on a Friday afternoon at 2:10. • Parents are welcome to join us at morning assemblies and on a Friday afternoon.Our first performance in assembly will bein week 5, Term 1. This will be a K – 2 item.
Peer support - Activities in mixed age groups run by Year 6 leaders in Terms 2 and 3. This has an emphasis on the development of good interpersonal relationships. • News groups - develop talking and listening skills. Students have been allocated a news day. A note was sent home last week with the list of topics for the term. Your child’s news day was written on the top of that note. • School banking – Tuesday, bank books to be deposited outside the office window prior to the commencement of school. • Guided Reading – will start Week 3 (next week) and run Mondays to Thursdays 9:20 to 10:00am. Parent helpers are greatly appreciated. Please put your name on the roster if you are able to spare any time. Dads and Grandparents are also welcome.
Key Learning Areas (KLA’s)To provide students with a broad and balanced education the curriculum is divided into 6 KLA’s • English – Talking and Listening, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, phonics, spelling, handwriting, grammar and writing. • Mathematics – covering Number, Patterns & Algebra, Space & Geometry, Chance & Data, Measurement and Working Mathematically following the Hunter/Central Coast Maths Program. • Science/Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) – Term 1 - Farms and the food we eat
PD/H/PE – You Can Do It – Ready, Set! In Term 1 P.E. with Year 1 (Weeks 3 – 4) – Monday and Friday. We will commence Cross Country training in Week 5 and Athletics training in Week 7. Both of these will be done with Years 3 – 6. • Creative Arts – Art, dance, drama and music – done weekly based on our units of work. • Technology (part of Science KLA) – 1 hour in the computer lab each week and 45 minutes during library time (based on our units of work) with Mrs Langholz. • Scripture – 30 minute lesson on Thursday afternoons
Excursions and Special Activities • Excursions and Special Activities: Educational visits are an important part of the school program and are selected to broaden students’ understanding of classroom studies. • Anticipated planning for this year includes: • One whole day excursion in Term 1 – We are hoping to visit farms in the Port Stephens area • One whole day excursion in Term 3 – We are planning to go to Sydney to see a play and attend a drawing workshop.
Daily routines: • Please supply a note for all absences from school and give to me or the office. • Please collect a slip from the office when arriving late to school or leaving early. • Please place all money in a box at the front office in a marked envelope. • Homework books are to be placed in the coloured tubs next to the sink on Friday mornings. • Home readers are changed by students when they get to school. • Place all notes, clearly labelled, in the cow print box next to the computer.
BIRTHDAYS!! • It is fabulous to share your child’s birthday at school with their friends. You are more than welcome to send in a birthday cake but please help us to make it easier by sending in small individual cup cakes etc instead of a cake which needs cutting. Children will receive a birthday certificate in that weeks’ infants assembly.
Please Can you help???? • Donations – Please send in a box of tissues and a pump soap for sharing with the class throughout the year. • Paint shirt – each child needs a named shirt/smock to protect their uniform during messy activities • Library bag – each child needs a library bag to take their books up to the library every Tuesday. • Pencil cases – students do not need pencil cases filled with multiple textas, pencils, rubbers, highlighters etc. All they need to bring is a small pencil case with a glue stick, rubber and sharpener. They may also bring a small set of textas if they wish (although they will have limited opportunities to use them). • Small handtowel – each child needs a small, clearly labelled handtowel (a large washer is also suitable) to hang next to the sink. Please don’t send in large ones as they hang into the sink and get wet. A hook or label that can be hung over the wall hook is also very helpful.
Thank you!!!! • Thank you for coming, I am looking forward to spending the year teaching your children.