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Natural Ways to Kick Away Common Cold &Flu As you have heard “prevention is better than cure”, and in order to make it practically possible give your body what it needs and maintain a constant supply of nutrients to it. This will help body to defy any pathogens it encounters. Else, you can take the natural move toward a healthylife. Being sick, when you’re at home isn’t fun at all. If you have cold or flu, here are some remedies you can conjure up athome: Turn Up theHeat When a cold strikes, hot tea, hot coffee, soups can alleviate your illness. The hot liquids help to loosenmucusandmakeiteasierforcoughtocomeoutofthebody. Keep onResting When you come down with cold or flu, try to take rest as much as you can, it will help your bodytosaveenergytofighttheimmunebattle.Thisbattletaxesthebody.Sogiveitalittlehelp by lying down under ablanket. Blow Your NoseOften It'simportant toblowyournoseregularlywhenyouhave coldor flu.Insteadofsniffling it back to head, blow it. Keep your one nostril pressed with one finger while you blow smoothly to clear theother. ConsiderSupplements You can consider some supplements to cure cold or flu. Consult your doctor about supplements fro immunesupport. “Andrographis” is a highly recommended supplement you can use to cure cold. It makes an effectivesupportduringcoldandfluseason,andisreliablewayoftreatment. Gargle SaltWater A glass of hot water with a pinch of salt can do wonders for a sore throat. This salty-warm combo provides short-termrelief. Take a SteamyBath A steamy bath can relax you and makes it easy for your nasal passages. Take a sponge bath and runasteamyshowertogetridofdizzinessoccurredduetheflu. Avoid theSpread
In order to prevent the spread thing, try to stay at home rather than coming in contact with manypeople.Takeprecautionssuchascovering mouthwhenyousneezeorcough. The common cold normally goes away in a week, so don’t panic and take it easy. Just take care of yourself and you’ll be back to normal condition soon. If you have some severe symptoms, better to call adoctor. If you're looking for more information on Natural Health Supplements, read http://aor.usblog andvariousindividualproductpagestoreach aboutspecificsupplement.