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For a long time in the past, people have the notion that charisma is something 'god-given' and belongs only to a certain groups of people. In this modern age, we have come to realize that charisma is a behavioural quality that anyone can learn and develop. Becoming charismatic - like becoming anything else you want to be - is no longer a gift from the gods, or a posh education. If you want to be charismatic, you can be. There are 7 components to charisma and you can learn all of them in this deck.
Charisma & Its Components ' t O 3' - ‘ 1‘.7?n'. v , :.. -’: ,:v 7 e~a; '”
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charisma is somenning Thar can onug be revealed through inrerowfion Mm omers.
People with higher levels of charisma tend to be noticed, listened to, respected, and followed
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor:
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = l7 Leading
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = —‘i7 Leading = =i7 leaching
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = —‘i7 Leading = —‘i7 Teaching = =i7 selling
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = i7 Leading = i7 Teaching = =i7 selling = =i7 speaking 4' Presenting
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = l7 Leading = l7 Teaching :17 selling = l7 speaking 4' Presenting = l7 Negotiating
A strong charismatic personal presence is vsetvl tor: = l7 Leading = i7 leaching = l7 selling = l7 speaking 4' Presenting = i7 Negotiating = =l7 Relationships of all sorts
T0 onderstand charisma, and 1'0 cvtlivate ii’, (g0U need 1'0 knew the components 1'i’(1.1' make VP charisma.
There are 7 01’ them: The silent Message speaking well Listening skills Abilitg To Persuade understanding and the use of space 4 Time Knowing others, and Yourself Having a vision and communicating it 2/ffectivellg . -°§‘sJ'i. -1‘-P3!-“"-
Your silent message is the statement lgou make about lgourself before gov even open gour mouth
such guiet signals profoundllg affect people's initial perception of lgou.
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - enzofiorzally irzfellecfually psychologically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - enzofiorzally iqfellecfually psychologically physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional welllleing enzofiorzally iqfellecfually psychologically physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional welllleing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-llay enzofiohally "W W“ ihfellecfually psychologically physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - * Work to nurture your emotional iiiellheing * consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-llay negatiiies such as: cosslps from co-workers, friends, relatives. etc Violence in the media Pessimism in your own thoughts
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional welllleing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ' negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromeo-workerstriends, relativesete - Violence in the media - Pessimism in your own thoughts - learn as much as you can about your liusiness or job, and the things that you are doing ihfellecfually psychologically physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional wellbeing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ' negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromco-workerstriends, relatives, etc - Violence in the media - Pessimism in your own thoughts - learn as much as you can about your business or job, and the things that you are doing . f f - llther areas of Iearningshould include language, history, finance, medical&hea| th, as well as In 9 y psychologically physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional wellbeing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ' negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromco-workerstriends, relatives, etc - Violenceinthemedia Pessimism in your own thoughts - learn as much as you can about your business or job, and the things that you are doing . f f - llther areas of Iearningshould include language, history, finance, medical&hea| th, as well as In 9 y human nature psychologically - cultivate and maintain a positive or “say yes” attitude at all times physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional wellbeing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ' negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromco-workers, lriends, relatives, etc - Violenceinthemedia Pessimism in your own thoughts - learn as much as you can about your business or job, andthethingsthatyouaredoing . f f - cther areas of Iearningshould include language, history, finance, medica| &hea| th, as well as In 9 y human nature - cultivate and maintain a positive or “say yes” attitude at all times I Always respect others; seek to replace arrogance with empathy physically
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - - Work to nurture your emotional wellbeing - consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ' negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromco-workers, lriends, relatives, etc - Violenceinthemedia Pessimism in your own thoughts - learn as much as you can about your business or job, andthethingsthatyouaredoing . f f - llther areas of Iearningshould include language, history, tinance, medieal&hea| th, as well as e y human nature - cultivate and maintain a positive or I - “say yes” attitude at all times I Always respect others; seek to replace arrogance with empathy physically - Keep your body fit 8. healthy
IT'S the wag gou carrg gourself - I Work to nurture your emotional wellbeing I consciously reduce your exposure to day-to-day f ° negatives such as: y - cosslpsfromco-workers, triends, relativesetc - Violenceinthemedia Pessimism in your own thoughts I learn as much as you can about your business or job, and the things that you are doing . f I lltherareasoflearningshould include language, f history, tinance, medieal&hea| th, as well as e y human nature I cultivate and maintain a positive or I o “say yes” attitude at all times y I Always respect others; seek to replace arrogance with empathy I Keep your body fit 8. healthy I Integrate exercise into your lifestyle
it is the abilitg to express gour thoughts clearlg and explain gour ideas effectivelg.
whenever gov speak, alwags know these: = =l7 what gov want people to know?
whenever gov speak, alwags know these: = =l7 what gov want people to know? =l7HOW do gov want them to feel?
whenever gov speak, alwags know these: = l7what gov want people to know? } choose rrorilscimages = l7HOW do gov want them to feel? tliatlrest exirresstlrem
know the main point gov are getting across and focus on that.
know the main point gov are getting across and focus on that. = i7 All supporting details 4 images should relate back to this main point
HOW gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non—verbal languages:
HOW gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non—verbal languages:
HOW lgOll sag i1’ i3 JUST as important as WhaT lgOll These are non—verbal languages: body language voice
HOW gOll sag i1’ i3 jllST as important as what gOll These are non-verbal languages: body language voice lonalify
HOW gOll sag i1’ i3 jllST as important as what gOll These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body language voice lonalify
HOW gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non—verbal languages: * Your posture; the way you stand and sit " Yourtacial expressions
HOW gOll sag iT iS jllST as important as what gOll These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body III Yourtacial expressions Your gestures voice fonalify
HOW gOll sag iT iS jllST as important as what gOll These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body III Yourtacial expressions Your gestures I Your volume voice fonalify
How gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body I Yourtacial expressions I Your gestures I Your volume I Your pitch (low pitch to express calmness) voice lonalify
How gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body I Yourtacial expressions I Your gestures I Yourvolume I Yourpitch (low pitch to express calmness) I I Yourspeed (paceyourself; pause) lonalify
HOW gov sag it is just as important as what gov sag. These are non—verbal languages: * Your posture; the way you stand and sit * Yourtacial expressions = Yourgestures Your volurrte Your pitch (low pitch to express calmness) Your speed (pace yourself: pause) clarity
HOW gOV sag ii’ iS jllST as important as WhaT gOU These are non-verbal languages: I Your posture; the way you stand and sit body language : l3l: ‘;. .°‘, ”,'. ‘.’: "'°“‘°'“ Your volume Your pitch (low pitch to express calmness) Your speed (pace yourself; pause) clarity I conveys attitudes 8. emotions lonalify