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University of Cincinnati Chart of Accounts. UC Account Line. SAP Account Line. General Ledger Accounts (G/Ls). 1 Assets (Balance Sheet Accounts) 2 Liabilities (Balance Sheet Accounts) 3 Fund Balance (Balance Sheet Accounts) 4 Revenues 5 Expenses 6 GAAP Only Accounting
UC Account Line SAP Account Line
General Ledger Accounts (G/Ls) • 1 Assets (Balance Sheet Accounts) • 2 Liabilities (Balance Sheet Accounts) • 3 Fund Balance (Balance Sheet Accounts) • 4 Revenues • 5 Expenses • 6 GAAP Only Accounting • 7 Central Budgeted Reserves • 8 Transfers • 9 CO Allocations G/Ls are mapped to Commitment Items in SAP, though they are not always mapped to identical number strings.
Asset & Liability Accounts • (1xxxxx) Asset Accounts include: • Cash Accounts • Petty Cash Accounts • Receivables • Inventories • Fixed Assets • (2xxxxx) Liability Accounts include: • Accounts Payable • Accrued Liabilities • Bonds & Notes Payable
Expenses (5xxxxx) 5XXXXX - Expense Accounts 51XXXX– Salary & Wage Expenses 52XXXX– Benefit Expenses 53XXXX– Operating Expenses 54XXXX– Capital Expenses 55XXXX– Scholarship Expenses 57XXXX– Other Grant 58XXXX– Recovery of Expense (48xxxx G/L, 58xxxx Commitment Item) 59XXXX– Settlements
Expense G/L Hierarchy • All expense G/Ls include summary (5xxx00) and detail choices (01-99 last two digits) • In general, spending can occur on any non-salary G/L Expense Account, whether summary or detail level • Salary & Benefits always post at the detail level but are often budgeted at the summary level • Expense G/Ls can be budgeted at the summary and/or detail level
Transfers (8xxxxx) • Transfers are an addition to or subtraction from fund balance, not real revenue or expense • All transfer G/Ls begin with a digit “8” • 820000 – 839999 Transfers In (credits/increases to fund balance) • 860000 – 879999 Transfers Out (debits/decreases to fund balance) • UC processes monthly or quarterly transfers for activity such as Foundation Fundraising Fees (G/L 870771) and Business Tax (G/L 870332) • Example of a common transfer: Transfer $500 from D100328 (decrease) to D100271 (increase) G/LAmount D/CFundCost CenterFunc Area 830300 500.00 C D100271 7151200000 X870300 500.00 D D100328 7151202000 X
SAP Funds • P Plant • P1 Unexpended Plant State • P2 Unexpended Plant Debt • P3 Unexpended Plant Local • P4 Unexpended Plant Gifts • P5 Unexpended Plant Grant • P6 Renewal & Replacement • P7 Retirement of Indebtedness • P8 Investment in Plant • P9 Conversion P Funds • R Endowments – UC • R1 UC Unrestricted True Endowment • R2 UC Restricted True Endowment • R3 UC Unrestricted Term Endowment • R4 UC Restricted Term Endowment • R5 UC Unrestricted Quasi Endowment • R6 UC Restricted Quasi Endowment • R9 UC Investment Pools • S Endowments – UCF • S1 UCF Unrestricted True • S2 UCF Restricted True • S4 UCF Restricted Term • S6 UCF Restricted Quasi • T Endowments – Other Trustees • T1 OT Unrestricted True • T2 OTRestricted True • U1 Annuity and Life Income A1 Unrestricted Undesignated B1 Allocated Reserve C1 Auxiliary Operating D Designated Funds D1 Unrestricted Designated General D2 Designated-Liquidity Reserve D3 Designated-Sales & Service D6 Designated-Service Centers D7 Designated-Overhead D8 Designated-Internal Borrowing D9 Designated-Compensated Abs E Expendable Endowments E1 Restricted Expendable Endowments E9 Restricted Exp Endowment Pools F Restricted Gifts F1 Restricted Gifts F9 Restricted Compensated Abs G Restricted Grants/Contracts G1 Federal Grants/Contracts G2 State Grants/Contracts G3 Local Grants/Contracts G4 Private Grants/Contracts G9 Other Grants/Contracts H1 Restricted State Appropriations J1 Agency JF Agency-Federal JH Agency-Hospital JP Agency-Practice Plans JS Agency-Students L1 Loan
Cost Center Structure Cost Center Numbering Logic X X X X X X X X X X College, Major Unit or Associate VP Department Division User defined Note: The terms “Department” and “Division” are used interchangeably at UC. The above numbering logic is just referring to the structural level of the organization and not necessarily the real title of the unit.
Clermont Cost Center Example • 834xxxxxxx Clermont College • 8340100000 SME Division • 8340101000Geography • 8340105000Allied Health • 8340105001 Paramedic • 8340105002 Nursing Credit Center • 8340106000 Biological Sciences • 8340600000 Enrollment Services • 8340601000Student Life Activities Cost Centers are also known as Funds Centers in SAP. They are always mapped 1-1.
East Campus Cost Center Example • 635xxxxxxx College of Allied Health • 6350200000 Analytical & Diag Sciences (Dept) • 6350200998DADS Summer Undergraduate • 6350200999DADS Summer Graduate • 6350201000 Advanced Medical Imaging Program (Div) • 6350201001 AMIT Certificate Program • 6350202000 Clinical Laboratory Science Program (Div) • 6350202901 Clinical Lab Dist Learn Program • 6350203000 Genetic Counseling (Div) Cost Centers are also known as Funds Centers in SAP
West Campus Cost Center Example College of Arts & Sciences 7150000000 A&S Commitment-Coll Funded (user defined) 7150000802 A&S Special Projects (user defined) 7150000803 A&S Business Office (division) 7150001000 African & African American Studies (dept) 7150100000 Afr/Am Commitments-Coll Funded (user defined) 7150100802 Afr/Am Summer-Undergrad (user defined) 7150100998 Economics (dept) 7150800000 Economics Speakers & Colloquia (user defined) 7150800001 Center for Applied Research (division) 7150801000 Cost Centers are also known as Funds Centers in SAP. They are always mapped 1-1.
Functional Area 0 – Instruction 1 – Research 2 – Public Service 3 – Academic Support 4 – Student Services 5 – Institutional Support 6 – Operations & Maintenance 7 – Scholarship/Fellowship 8 – Auxiliaries 9 – Hospital X – No function (Balance Sheet, Revenue, Loan Funds, Principal Endowment Funds, Transfers)
Grants • Grants each have a unique 7-digit number which becomes part of the account line when spending or receiving money associated with a grant • Grant account lines include the cost center of the department/unit that owns the grant • Grant expense G/Ls are assigned to “Sponsored Classes.” These are summary classifications identified by the sponsor such as Salary & Benefits or Equipment. These are derived in SAP and not data-entered by the users. Example531901 G200023 6261302000 1 1007812 G/L Fund Cost Center FA Grant#
Internal Orders • Departments are able to add an extra identifier to revenue and expense for reporting purposes • Departments establish their own Internal Orders and may budget them • Departments should be able to avoid the use of many shadow systems by using Internal Orders and lower-level Cost Centers • Internal Orders may be kept open and used even while crossing fiscal years • Internal Order numbers begin with a letter and are followed by 5 alpha characters. Example: P01924 = LAW-Web Platform Internal Orders are also known as Funded Programs in SAP
WBS Elements • Capital Finance utilizes WBS Elements to track their projects • The project number is the WBS Element • Departments may view the expenses of their projects by running reports against WBS elements (such as FM806 - filter in the “Internal Order” column which is WBS for plant funds) • WBS elements are 6-8 digits in length
Earmarked Funds • Funds may be encumbered during a fiscal year at the department’s discretion • Departments create the Earmarked Fund on-line in SAP • When the Earmarked Fund number is used on the account line of the expense the encumbrance will be liquidated as money is spent, though departments may elect to reduce their Earmarked Funds manually in SAP • Travel Funds Reservations and Departmental Funds Reservations are generated by Decentral units while Facilities creates others for projects • Earmarked Fund numbers are system generated and are nine numeric digits long. • Departmental Funds reservations are zeroed out at year end as part of the close and open travel reservations are zeroed out during the second year if they’re still open (except those utilizing grants) Example: 3000010803 William P…. Travel Elxevier Conference Earmarked Funds are also known as Funds Reservations in SAP
Business Area • UC has identified 3 Business Areas U = Uptown Campus C = Clermont College R = Blue Ash College • Business Area is derived by SAP during most accounting transactions in SAP except when a transaction uses a Balance Sheet account • By using SAP’s Business Area functionality the University is able to generate a complete set of balanced books for each area
Basic Elements • UC – Company Code • UC – Controlling Area • UC – FM (Funds Management) Area