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Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts . Thursday, June 9, 2005. Chart of Accounts and FI Interfaces Agenda June 9, 2005. Overview of Chart of Accounts SAP Transaction Format for Journal Entries File Handling, processing, and other considerations Questions and Concerns. Chart of Accounts.

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Chart of Accounts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chart of Accounts Thursday, June 9, 2005

  2. Chart of Accounts and FI InterfacesAgendaJune 9, 2005 • Overview of Chart of Accounts • SAP Transaction Format for Journal Entries • File Handling, processing, and other considerations • Questions and Concerns

  3. Chart of Accounts • What is the Chart of Accounts? • The chart of accounts is defined as the basic framework of the general ledger. • Data elements within the chart of accounts are usually categorized into two major components: • Segments – These are the key data needed to process transactions • Attributes – Additional data to further describe the segment • Combination of master data in SAP

  4. Master Data • Master Data refers to data that remains unchanged over a long period of time and is used many times once created. • Similar to account codes and some attributes currently used in FRS. • Used to validate and classify transactional data for management and reporting. • Master data for Chart of Accounts will be created and maintained in SAP by Central Offices.

  5. SAP Terminology • SAP has different names for the same master data depending on the module.

  6. Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts

  7. Expansion FRS Fund Group Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  8. Cost Center FRS Fund Group Expansion Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  9. Land Grant Expansion Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts

  10. Growth Prime/Scope Grant/Contract Availability Control Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  11. Internal Order Type of Internal Order Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d) Expansion

  12. Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts • GL Accounts/Commitment Items/Cost Elements • Assets 100000 – 199999 • Liabilities 200000 – 299999 • Fund Balance 300000 – 399999 • Revenues 400000 – 499999 • Expenses 500000 – 599999 • Recharges 600000 – 699999 • Transfers 700000 – 799999

  13. Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  14. Revenue New Numbering Scheme Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  15. Expansion Proposed Numbering Scheme for the Chart of Accounts (Cont’d)

  16. Chart of Accounts Rationale

  17. Chart of Accounts Rationale

  18. Chart of Accounts • Questions

  19. Journal Entry input transaction format

  20. JV Detail (page 1)

  21. JV Detail (page 2)

  22. JV Detail (page 3)

  23. Chart of Accounts • Questions

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