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Enhancing Research Insights Through Focus Group Discussions

Learn about the benefits of focus groups in gaining varied perspectives & shared understandings. Discover why moderators play a crucial role, how groups differ from interviews, and preferred characteristics. Uncover the limitations and importance of group representativeness for valid results.

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Enhancing Research Insights Through Focus Group Discussions

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  1. What is a Focus Group? • A group of individuals selected and assembled by researchers to discuss and comment on, from personal experience, the topic that is the subject of the research. (Powell,1996, p. 499) • Involves organized discussion with a selected group of individuals to gain information about their views and experiences of a topic.

  2. Why use focus groups • Focus group interviewing is particularly suited for obtaining several perspectives about the same topic. • The benefits of focus group research include gaining insights into people’s shared understandings of everyday life and the ways in which individuals are influenced by others in a group situation.

  3. Why use focus groups • The role of the moderator is very significant. Good levels of group leadership and interpersonal skill are required to moderate a group successfully.

  4. How are focus groups different from interviews? • Group interviewing involves interviewing a number of people at the same time, the emphasis being on questions and responses between the researcher and participants. • Focus groups however rely on interaction within the group based on topics that are supplied by the researcher. (Morgan 1997: 12)

  5. The key characteristic which distinguishes focus groups is the insight and data produced by the interaction between participants.

  6. Preferred Characteristics • Group composition (6-12 ppl) • Location • Room set-up • Participants sit around a table • Participants face each other • Have at least 2 groups per topic • Record/Observe group

  7. Limitations • Need to be sure groups is representative of larger population • Less control for moderator • Moderator may bias responses • Results can be difficult to analyze

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