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The Regeneration Institute Cardiff University. What can R&D do for sustainability? February, 17 2009. Nicole Dewandre Head of Unit RTD-I-2 “Sustainable development” DG Research http://ec.europa.eu/research/sd/. 1. Opportunities 1.1. Sustainable development in the EU context 1.2. FP7
The Regeneration Institute Cardiff University What can R&D do for sustainability?February, 17 2009 Nicole Dewandre Head of Unit RTD-I-2 “Sustainable development” DG Research http://ec.europa.eu/research/sd/
1. Opportunities 1.1. Sustainable development in the EU context 1.2. FP7 2. Challenges 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area 3. SD as a challenge for science and society 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Structure
May/June 2001: First Sustainable Development Strategy February 2002: Towards a global partnership (WSSD) June 2002: Integrated impact assessment February 2005: Sustainable development indicators March 2006: Green paper on energy June 2006: Renewed EU SDS January 2007: Energy package March 2007: Spring Council “3 x 20” June 2007: Green Paper on adaptation to climate change October 2007: Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU November 2007: Strategic energy technology Plan January 2008: Climate change package June 2008:Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy June 2008:Communication on greening the transport sector add copenhaguen + recovery package + maritime research 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Main milestones since 2001
December 2007 June 2006 EU R&D Policy (FP7) SDS SD references R&D expectations 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas
Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Objectives Cross cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas EU renewed SDS
Definition: Brundlandt + “earth capacity”R&D Article 3 of the new EU Treaty Persistance of unsustainable trendsR&D Main challenge: change consumption and production patterns Non-integrated approach to policy-making 1.1. SD in the EU context Commitment Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
The three pillars (environment, economic, social), with the need to « break the link between economic growth and environmental degradation »R&D Global perspective 1.1. SD in the EU context Key Objectives Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Fundamental rights Intergenerational solidarity Open and democratic society Involvment of citizens Involvment of business and social partners Policy coherence, governance (geographic )and integration (pillars) R&D Use best available knowledge R&D Precautionary principle R&D Polluters pay 1.1. SD in the EU context Policy guiding principles Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Complementarity R&D EU SDS: overall framework 1.1. SD in the EU context Synergies between the EU SDS and the Lisbon strategy Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Better regulation Integrated impact assessment R&D 1.1. SD in the EU context Better policy-making Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Climate change and clean energy Sustainable transport Sustainable consumption and production Conservation and mgt of natural resources Public health Social inclusion, demography and migration Global poverty and SD challenges 1.1. SD in the EU context Key challenges Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Education and training Research and development §18LT visionary concepts, science-policy interface, smart growth, interplay § 19 FP7+ETAP § 20 Research on indicators § 21 Universities, research institutes, private enterprises 1.1. SD in the EU context Cross-cutting policies Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key Challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Getting prices right, smart growth, win-win opportunitiesR&D Shift taxationR&D Harmful subsidies Coordination of financing mechanisms (Life+, FP, CIP, Structual Funds) 1.1. SD in the EU context Financing and economic instruments Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Concrete and realistic vision for the next 50 years R&D Communication at all levels (EU, MS, regional, local) Inclusive strategy (participatory methods, stakeholders involvement, social partners, csos) 1.1. SD in the EU context Communication and mobilisation Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Progress reports: 2007, 2009, 2011. Review of 2005 set of indicators, and adoption of a limited set of indicators National SDS focal points and benchmarking of progress at national level Two-yearly review by the December European Council (starting 2007) EP, national parliaments, EESC, National SDSs completed by June 07 National advisory councils to be set up Comprehensive review in 2011 1.1. SD in the EU context Implementation, monitoring and follow-up Commitment Key Objectives Policy guiding principles Synergies between Lisbon and SDS Better policy-making 7 Key challenges Cross-cutting policies Financing and economic instruments Communication and mobilisation Implementation, monitoring and follow-up
Policy-relevant thematiccontributions on key challenges: “Use best available knowledge” Monitoringtools: impact assessment tools and indicators Newconcepts to “break the link between economic growth and environmental degradation” To elaborate concrete and realistic visions over the next 50 years 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas R&D requests from the SDS
Policy-relevant thematic contributions Tools & methods Concepts SDS FP7 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas
1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity + EC direct actions –JRC non-nuclear research Euratom direct actions –JRC nuclear research Euratom indirect actions – nuclear fusion and fission research Contribution of SPs to SD “Ex ante”&“Ex post”
Annex 1: Objectives of the 10 themes 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas FP7 is tailored for SD
Health Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology ICT Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Space Security 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Policy-relevant thematic contributions to key challenges
1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Thematic contribution to key challenges
Assessment tools “The 10 themes also include research needed to underpin the formulation, implementation and assessment…” Themes 1, 2, 6, 8, 10 Indicators Themes 6, 8. 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Impact assessment and indicators
“Ideas” Future and emerging technologies, novel ideas and radical new use in “Cooperation”. 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Need for new concepts
1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas FP7 and SD: strong mirror effect
Political will of the legislator robust and coherent Collective endeavour, involving the EU, MS and research community: need for networking at all levels. Challenge at the level of implementation: turn the potential into reality 1. Opportunities ------------------ 1.1. SD in the EU context 1.2. FP7 ------------------ 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Interim conclusion:
Coordination tool “Framework Programme for Sustainable Development” network Established in November 2006 Members: DG RTD directorates involved in the implementation of FP7 together with DGs INFSO, TREN, ENTR and JRC 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas How to optimise the contribution of FP7 to the EU SDS?
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas First results ** excluding Transport
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas WP Review: First results
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas WP Review: First results
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Monitoring system • To measure FP7 contribution to EU SDS • Professionalisation of the current WP review • Contract to be signed at the beginning of 2009
2.1. FP7 implementation Benefits of monitoring FP7’s contributions to EU-SDS FP EU-SDS External factors SP (a) Key challenges,overall objectives (c) WP Operational objectives + targets Activities impacts on enviro. technol., markets, society, policy, etc. Projects Areas Actions Projects Projects Projects Topics (b1) (b2) (a) Coherence mapping: Comparing FP/SP/WPs (b1) Potential SDS goal attainment: Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS (b2) Project analysis: including project informations and linking them with EU-SDS (c) Outcome assessment: Monitoring the most relevant projects
2.1. FP7 implementation (b1) Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS • Shows SD-relevance of FP7 • Identifies topics with high contribution of FP7 to EU-SDS objectives
2.1. FP7 implementation (b1) Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS
2.1. FP7 implementation (b1) Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS Additional screening information allows quantitative analyses
2.1. FP7 implementation (b1) Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS • Quantitative analysis by activities
2.1. FP7 implementation (b1) Crossreferencing WPs and EU-SDS • Quantitative analysis by time span of effects
JTIs “CLEAN SKY” “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Initiative” IMI Joint calls Bio refineries (2,4,5 and 6, 2008) Novel ICT solutions for Smart Electricity Distribution Networks (3 and 5, 2008) Use, recycling and final treatment of nanotechnology-based products (4 and 6, 2008) 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Cross-cutting approaches
To what extent does SD call for changes in the way research is implemented? To what extent does SD call for changes in the way research policies are elaborated? How can the contribution of research to SD be measured? 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Three questions
Chair: Prof. Luke Georghiou Research implementation:Dr. Jennifer Cassingena Harper Research policy:Prof. Stefan Kuhlmann Indicators:Dr. Laurence Esterle First background paper (mid-Jan 2009) 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Small expert group BP
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Methodology Experts MS representatives Web-based consultation BP FR Conference: Presentation and discussion Mid-Jan. 09 Feb. - March 09 April - May 09
1. Opportunities 2. Challenges ------------------ 2.1. FP7 implementation 2.2. European Research Area ------------------ 3. SD as a challenge for science & society 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Web-based consultation Now open: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=RD4SD
Science for knowledge Enlightment Academic freedom Basic research Scientists 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Science for technology • Industrial revolution • Growth/competitiveness • Applied research Industry
Science for knowledge - 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Science for technology Progress? Sustainability? Environment? Energy? Food safety? Societal concernsmay not flow automatically from these two rationales.
Knowledge + Technology= Societal relevance? Role of third sector! Patient groups, NGO, consumers associations, environmentalists 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Not necessarily
Scientists 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Role of third sector Industry
Scientists 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Role of third sector Third sector Industry Industry
Scientists knowledge development; new frontiers 3.1. Science and civil society Policy making Industrygrowth and competitiveness;market needs Third sectorsocietal relevance of research(sustainability, safety, …)
« Guarantor » of societal relevance of research policy Throughout the policy cycle, from policy-making to project level, passing by work programmes. Comprehensive but progressive approach….Ongoing…. 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas Role of third sector
Ideally pervasive, but… New funding instrument (Research for the benefit of specific groups – CSOs) 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas 3.1. Ouverture – société civile Opening to the civil society
Identify gaps in knowledge Provide different visions and knowledge, complementary to research community and industry Reinforce societal dimension of research 1. Opportunities 2. Challenges 3. SD as a challenge for science & society ------------------ 3.1. Science and civil society 3.2. Science and policy ------------------ 4. Conclusion: avoid panaceas What can civil society organisations bring to research