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Environmental Challenges in a Global Perspective

Environmental Challenges in a Global Perspective. Kirsten Worm , M.A., Ph.D Associate Professor Department of Political Science University of Copenhagen Denmark. The evolution of the a global regime on environment – the S-R-J regime. Global UN Conferences on Environment 1972

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Environmental Challenges in a Global Perspective

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  1. Department of Political Science Environmental Challenges in a Global Perspective Kirsten Worm, M.A., Ph.D Associate Professor Department of Political Science University of CopenhagenDenmark

  2. Department of Political Science The evolution of the a global regime on environment – the S-R-J regime • Global UN Conferences on Environment 1972 • Stockholm 1972 • UNCHE (Human Environment) • Rio 1992 • UNCED (Environment and Development) • Johannesburg 2002 WSSD (World Summit on Sustainable Development)

  3. Department of Political Science Global UN Conferences on Environment Stockholm1972 Rio1992 Johannesburg2002

  4. Department of Political Science Issues addressed at the Stockholm conferences • Action Plan focusing on specific issues, such as: • Pollution of the sea and air; desertification; proliferation of nuclear arms and radioative waste etc. • 0.7 % GNP donated for development aid • UNEP established United Nations Environmental Programme

  5. Department of Political Science Issues addressed at Rio conference • The Climate Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) • The Biodiversity Convention Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) • The Forest Principles Sustainable Forest Mangement (SFM) • Action Plan: Agenda 21: 40 issues the require a global commitment from the countries of the world

  6. Department of Political Science Issues addressed atthe Johannesburg conference • Plan of Implementation • Monitoring, compliance • Partnership between public and private sector

  7. Department of Political Science Outside challenges to theS-J-RRegime Oil crises S 1972 NIEO Brundtland Report 1987 R 1992 Millennium Goals 2000 Sept 11th 2001 J2002 Financial crisis 2009

  8. Department of Political Science Impact of external challenges on the S-J-R Regime • The North- South Dialogue shaped by the demands for a New International Economic Order • New and Additional Resources • Technology Transfer • World Market Access • Require reconciliation of environment and development

  9. Department of Political Science Sustainable Development • Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. • (The Brundtland Report, 1987)

  10. Department of Political Science Impact on the S-J-R Regime • Sustainable Developmentas a goal • A common global vision • Boosting invovement of civil society, local communities etc. • The reconciliation of environment and development • Too broad and undefined • Inspires to free riding • Business as ususal

  11. Department of Political Science Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases Ensure Environmental sustainability Develop a Global Partnership for development The Millennium Goals - 2000

  12. Department of Political Science Impact on the S-J-R Regime • The Millennium Goals • Reconciliation of environment and • poverty alleviation

  13. Department of Political Science Environmental Policies in the Nordic Countries • Ministries of Environments • Established at the time of the Stockholm Conference (In Denmark in 1971) • To-day a clean environment is anintegral part of the Nordic Welfare State • Challenges has been • Abatement strategies developed from pollution control to prevention of pollution • Improving dialogue with industries • Improving dialogue with civil society • Harmonising environmental policy with theEU common environmental policy

  14. Department of Political Science EU Membership

  15. Department of Political Science Environmetal policy in the EU • 4 stages – each with its own challenge • First stage: 1957 – 1972: • Incidental meaures • Challenge: • Environmental policy is NOT a common EU policy but an issue of the Member States • The principle of sovereignty

  16. Department of Political Science Environmetal policy in the EU • Second stage: 1973- 1985: The ’responsive’ Period • Environmental Action Plans (EAPs) • Elaborated after the Stockholm Conference • Major principles • Emphasis on preventive action • The polluter pays • Challenge: • The chemical exploision in Seveso in 1976 • The Seveso driective adopted in 1982

  17. Department of Political Science Environmetal policy in the EU • Third stage: 1985 – 1992: The ’Initiative’ Phase • Environmental Policy becomes a Common European Policy • The EU has the right to draft regulations • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)1986 • Challenges: • Environmental policy must be an integral part of the European Single market i.e • Environmental regulation should not be a hidden trade barrier

  18. Department of Political Science Environmetal policy in the EU • Fourth stage: 1992 –: Implementation • Challenges: • Implementation deficit? • It is still Member states that implement and monitor progress • 12 new Member States from Central and Eastern Europe with lower environmental standards

  19. Department of Political Science Climate Change – the common challenge • A Climate Convention • Aimed at stabilisin the emissions of Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs) to the atmosphere (UNFCCC - 1992) • A Kyoto Protocol • Aimed at reducing 6 GHGs2008-2012 • Annex I: Industrialised Countries 2008-12 • Annex II: Later • Marrakesh Accord • on monitoring and compliance 2001 • A Post-Kyoto Agreement after 2012 • What, who and when?

  20. Department of Political Science COP 15

  21. Department of Political Science BASIC Countries accede to Copenhagen Accord • India, China, Brazil and South Africa • support the Copenhagen Accord • Which must feed into a legally binding agreement • Have communicated voluntary emissions • reductions targets

  22. Department of Political Science Milestones in the climate Agenda

  23. Department of Political Science The Climate Agenda • Imbedded in in S-R-J Regime • Sustainable Development the shared goal • The North South Dialogue • Common but Differential Responsibility • The most complex of all environmental agendas • Comprising multiple sectors • The climate lobby is complex • A fundamental challenge • Not only reduction of substances emitted to the air • But a change of patterns of produktion and comsumption

  24. Department of Political Science The Tragedy of the Commons • Theory of International Relations • developed by Garrett Harin in 1968 • The atmosphere is a common resource • To which no one can claim ownership • The cost of implementation is high • Therefore incentives to free riding are high

  25. Department of Political Science What will move the Climate Agenda forward after COP 15? • The S-R-J Regime? • The institutions related to the Climate Convention? • A new Agenda- Energy security? • Growing public concern? • Growing interest for clean technology in the industry? • Growing interest for clean technology mong investors? • Grass root movements? • Climate Disasters?

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