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Target. www.foxnews.com. Stock/Financial Research By: Heather Deren. Target. John Dayton was the founder of Target Initially opened in 1903 as Dayton Dry Goods Co. Opened the first Target store in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota Moved to the west coast in 1970s

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  1. Target www.foxnews.com Stock/Financial Research By: Heather Deren

  2. Target • John Dayton was the founder of Target • Initially opened in 1903 as Dayton Dry Goods Co. • Opened the first Target store in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota • Moved to the west coast in 1970s • By 1990 there were over 420 store • Opened first Super Target store in 1995 Retrieved from Hoovers

  3. Target • Target went public in 1978 and have had 4 splits since then • Target is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota • Over 1,900 retail locations throughout the U.S. • Sells a variety of products • Aggressively growing their stores in the U.S. and in the past year Canada Retrieved from Hoovers

  4. Current Issues • Credit card breach in 2013 • Loss of trust of customers • Stock prices fell • Expansion into Canada is not going as well as they hoped • Customers want old department store back Zellers • Inventory issues Retrieved from Hoovers & Austen

  5. Industry Competition • Target is the #2 department store in the U.S. behind Wal-Mart (4,000 locations) • They aim to produce more upscale, trend-driven merchandise than Wal-Mart • Trying to push into online market www.lenco.com newsfuzion.com spendthedaywithme.wordpress.com Retrieved from Hoovers sevendesktop.com

  6. EPS Retrieved from Mergent

  7. P/E Trends Retrieved from ycharts.com

  8. Stock Price Trend Retrieved from Mergent

  9. Return on Equity Retrieved from Mergent

  10. Debt to Asset Retrieved from Mergent

  11. Net Profit Margin Retrieved from Mergent

  12. Current Ratio Retrieved from Mergent

  13. Inventory Turnover Retrieved from Mergent

  14. Professional Opinion • According to Standard & Poor, Target stock is a good investment for a longer duration. • “ Target has good growth potential, solid profitability and a prudent financial management. With a good geographic diversity, the company offers innovative merchandising and consistent value and service that have led to increased market share” (Risk-to-Price Commentary: Target Corp., (n.d.))

  15. Personal Opinion • I would invest in Target’s Stock • Reasons: • Potential growth • Stable company • Competitive in their market • Increasing EPS and P/E • Increasing stock prices

  16. References Austen, Ian. "Target Push Into Canada Stumbles." The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/25/business /international/target-struggles-to-compete-in- canada.html?ref=targetcorporation>. Hoover’s, Inc. (2014). Target Corporation: Company record: Full overview. Retrieved from Hoover’s database. Mergent. (2014). Target Corporation 2014 company financials as reported [Financial data]. Available from Mergent Online database. Risk-to-Price Commentary: Target Corp.. (n.d.). S&P. Retrieved April 25, 2014, from http://www.standardandpoors.com/products- services/articles/en/us/?assetID=1245214846601

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