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ECVET principles

ECVET principles. ECVET and European policy context ECVET and European initiatives and tools ECVET Recommendation. European policy context. Policy context Europe 2020 strategy.

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ECVET principles

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  1. ECVET principles • ECVET and European policy context • ECVET and European initiatives and tools • ECVET Recommendation

  2. European policy context

  3. Policy context Europe 2020 strategy • Europe 2020 is the EU's growth strategy for the coming decade.In a changing world, we want the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. These three mutually reinforcing priorities should help the EU and the Member States deliver high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.

  4. Skills policy and lifelong learning International trends and processes Other policy areas Healthcare and welfare policy

  5. Policy context Europe 2020 strategy Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (”ET 2020”) • Significant progress being made: • in support of national reforms of lifelong learning; • the modernisation of higher education; • the development of common European instruments promoting quality, transparency and mobility; • Strategic objectives: • Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training

  6. Where do we come from? 2005: European Reference tools: EQF, ECVET, EQAVET Emphasis on collaboration between EU member states, as a basis for mobility and LLL 2008: EQF Recommendation 2009: ECVET/ EQAVET Recommendation • EU2020: • ET 2020 • Youth on the Move • New skills for jobs

  7. Policy context Bruges Communiqué 7 DECEMBER 2010 The Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020 I. NEW IMPETUS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EUROPE Quality and excellence III. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE PERIOD 2011-2020, FOLLOWED BY SHORT-TERM DELIVERABLES 2011-2014 4. Developing a strategic approach to the internationalisation of I-VET and C-VET and promoting international mobility

  8. New Skills for New JobsAnticipating and matching labour market and skills needs • The link between EU Strategy for Growth and Jobs and an updated strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training to support Member States in raising skills levels through lifelong learning. • The updated strategic framework for cooperation in education and training can stimulate innovative partnerships between education and training providers and social and economic actors, to promote more flexible and demand-led systems. The implementation of the European Qualifications Framework should increase the transparency of qualifications and facilitate access to further learning. The Copenhagen process on cooperation in VET will include a new priority to improve the links with the labour market; • The New Skills for New Jobs initiative stresses the need for more effective education and training policies and modernisation of labour markets through flexicurity policies.

  9. Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity:More and better jobs through flexibility and security • Comprehensivelifelong learning (LLL) strategiesto ensure the continual adaptability and employability of workers, particularly the most vulnerable; • Internal (within the enterprise) as well as external (from one enterprise to another) flexicurity should be promoted. Sufficient flexibility in recruitment and dismissal must be accompanied by secure transitions from job to job. Upward mobility needs to be facilitated, as well as between unemployment or inactivity and work. High-quality workplaces with capable leadership, good organisation of work, and continuous upgrading of skills are part of the objectives of flexicurity. Social protection needs to support, not inhibit, mobility.

  10. European initiatives and tools

  11. Lifelong learning pathway LLL Diploma Formal training abroad Informal learning Formal training Working experience

  12. EQAVET EQF ECVET NIFL Synergies between LLL instruments EURO PASS Non formal and informal learning

  13. EQF Principles Meta-framework Learning Outcomes Knowledge – Skills – Competence Descriptors defining referencing levels Best fit Mutual trust Quality Assurance ”Qualification means a formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards” Definitions, EQF Recommendation Annex I

  14. EQAVET

  15. EQAVET

  16. Europass • CV • Language Passport • Diploma Supplement • Certificate Supplement • Mobility • All Europass documents will be adjusted to be in line with ECVET

  17. Validation of NFIL; routes from learning to certification

  18. Key words

  19. A coherent set of Recommendations Quality of VET systems Mutual trust Transparency of VET qualifications LO approach Progressive access to VET qualifications Transfer and recognition Promoting LLL Transfer and recognition from NFIL to formal system Non formal and informal learning

  20. The Recommendation EQF • The EQF aims to relate different countries' national qualifications systems to a common European reference framework of eight levels. In the Recommendation Member States (MS) are invited to: • relate their national qualifications systems to the European Qualifications Framework • indicate the EQF level at each new qualification by 2012 • use an approach based on learning outcomes when defining and describing qualifications, and promote the validation of non-formal and informal learning • promote and apply the principles of quality assurance in education and training • designate a national coordination point

  21. NFIL Proposal recommendation • Ensure, by 2018, that a national system of validation of non-formal and informal learning is established providing the opportunity for citizens to • Have their skills, knowledge and competences acquired through non formal and informal learning, including via open educational resources • Obtain a full or partial qualification on the basis of validated non-formal and informal learning experiences • Ensure that the national system of validation of non-formal and informal learning includes the following elements: support, assistance, assessment, certification • Ensure synergy with ECTS and ECVET

  22. ECVET Recommendation

  23. EQAVET EQF ECVET NFIL Synergies between LLLinstruments EURO PASS ECVET is one of several European tools designed to make qualifications systems more easily understood and flexible throughout the European Union (EU) and so support more mobility for workers and learners Non formalandinformallearning

  24. The ECVET Recommendation • What is the objective? • European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification.

  25. Recommendation • What has to be done?

  26. Timetable • a preparatory period running until 2012, during which the Member States will be asked to create the necessary conditions and to adopt measures with a view to introducing ECVET • each Member State may adopt and introduce ECVET (and also carry out tests and experiments) without waiting until 2012 • a period for the gradual introduction of ECVET, running until 2014 • possible revision of the European Recommendation in 2014

  27. Technical specifications • What has to be implemented? • ECVET — Principles and technical specifications

  28. European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals’ learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification. R e c o g n i t i o n Learning outcomes Transnational mobility Lifelong learning Accumulation process Transparency of qualifications Transfer process

  29. ECVET objectives and technical components R e c o g n i t i o n Learning outcomes Transparency of qualifications Units of learning outcomes ECVET points Transnational mobility Assessment of learning outcomes Accumulation process Validation of learning outcomes Recognition of learning outcomes Lifelong learning Memorandum of understanding (partnership) Transfer process Learning agreements Transcript of record

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