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ANALYZING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL. Bob Walker Met-Ed November 7, 2007. Session Topics . Basic charges Demand What is it? Why bill for it? Rate components Reducing your bill Shopping Energy conservation & Load management Rate Options Seasonal Time-of-Day. Basic Charges.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ANALYZING YOURELECTRICBILL Bob Walker Met-Ed November 7, 2007

  2. Session Topics • Basic charges • Demand • What is it? • Why bill for it? • Rate components • Reducing your bill • Shopping • Energy conservation & Load management • Rate Options • Seasonal • Time-of-Day

  3. Basic Charges • Energy (kwh) Charge • Demand (kw) Charge

  4. What is DEMAND??? • Highest amount of electricity used during a specified interval – “peak load” • Measured in kw (kwh/hour) • Charged for highest in billing period

  5. Why Charge for Demand?? • Accounts for time-varying nature of customer loads (loads are not constant) • Higher demand requires larger utility facilities – wire, transformers, etc. • Allocates fixed costs fairly among customers

  6. Rate Components • Distribution Charge • Transition Charge • Transmission Charge • Generation Charge

  7. Met-Ed Rate GS Medium Demand (kw) Energy (kwh) Distribution $3.82 $0.00057 Transmission 0.00 0.01252 Transition 3.14 0.00000 Generation 0.00 0.04869 TOTAL $6.96 $0.06178


  9. Shopping • With deregulation customers may buy their supply (Transmission & Generation) from a third party provider. • For a customer to reduce their bill their supplier’s cost must be less than the utility’s Price to Compare. • Price to Compare = Transmission kwh charge + Generation kwh charge • For Rate GS Medium, Price to Compare = $.01252 + .04869 = $.06121

  10. Rate Caps • Deregulation established caps for the various rate components • Generation cap for PPL will expire 12/31/2009 • Generation cap for Met-Ed will expire 12/31/2010 • With the cap, Met-Ed generation + transmission charges are approximately $0.06 per kwh • Average market price is over $.08 per kwh • No Met-Ed customers are shopping now – this will change in 2011 • When utility generation rates increase there will be opportunities for savings through shopping.

  11. Energy Conservation&Load Management • Energy conservation is reducing the amount of kwh you use (turning off lights) • Load management is reducing your demand (reducing equipment wattage, rescheduling uses) • For every 100 kwh reduced you save 100 x $0.06178 = $6.18 • For every 1 kw reduced you save $6.96

  12. Rate Options • Time-of-Day – could provide savings if highest demand occurs during off-peak hours

  13. Seasonal – cost is higher in summer, lower non-summer For Met-Ed Rate GS Medium: Summer Demand = $13.40/kw Non-Summer Demand = $4.79/kw Standard Demand = $6.96/kw Summer Energy = $0.06823/kwh Non-Summer Energy = $0.06110/kwh Standard Energy = $0.06178/kwh Summer months are June, July, August & September Rate Options

  14. Contact you utility for other rate options that might benefit you.

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