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Welcome. Department of Agriculture, Bihar. Achievements 2006-07 Major increase in Food grain production. Million M.T. Achievements (2006-07) Major increase in consumption of UREA . (Lakh M.T.). Achievements (2006-07) Major increase in DAP Consumption. (Lakh M.T.).

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  1. Welcome Department of Agriculture, Bihar

  2. Achievements 2006-07 Major increase in Food grain production Million M.T.

  3. Achievements (2006-07) Major increase in consumption of UREA (Lakh M.T.)

  4. Achievements (2006-07) Major increase in DAP Consumption (Lakh M.T.)

  5. Achievements (2006-07) Major increase in Seed Consumption (Lakh Qtls.)

  6. Achievement during Rabi 2006-07 • Achieved 33% annual growth rate in production. • Wheat production increased from 27.63 Lakh M.T. (2005-06) to 42.92 Lakh M.T. (2007-08) • Maize production 10.17 Lakh M.T. (almost double) • Fertilizer consumption (Urea, DAP) went up by 30% during Rabi 2006-07.

  7. Major Initiatives taken during Kharif, 07 Har Gaon Se Mitti Jach Abhiyan • Soil samples from each village. • Two day block level training programme organized. • 1st day : Farmers’ training • 2nd day : Soil sample collection • Soil testing laboratories were tagged foe soil sample analysis. • Total samples collected: 79000

  8. Krishi Upadan Mela Time: 25/05/07 to 20/06/07 Venue: District H.Q. • To make available all the inputs at one place. • To impart a training to farmers regarding agronomical practices, seed treatment etc. • Sale of high quality certified seeds at subsidized rate and other inputs viz., pesticides, weedicides, fertilizers (including bio fertilizers).

  9. Beej Tikka Abhiyan • Drive of Beej Tikka Abhiyan commence on 7th , 8th , 9th & 10th June. • The vehicle cover 100 Ha. Area in a particular district. • Route for the movement of vehicle decided by the District Agriculture Officer. • Each vehicle had one audio mike. • The Vehicle cover 3 or 4 potential paddy growing blocks in a district. • Route and place of training/distribution place of bio-pesticide advertised in local newspaper.

  10. Kharif, 2007 Starts on Buoyant Note • Kharif Starts with sowing of paddy seeds in last quarter of May to Early June. (Rohan Nakshatra) • 2007 seeding took place during Rohan and due to good rains paddy was ready for transplantation – in time. • Kharif, 2007 opened on a high note for farmers.

  11. Floods strike: with deadly intensity and timing

  12. Torrential Rains kill standing crop

  13. About 8.40 Lakh ha., Paddy, 1.66 Lakh ha Maize & 1.35 Lakh ha of Pulses and oilseeds damaged due to flood

  14. Input Subsidy to flood-affected farmers • Calamity Relief Fund subsidy for small and marginal farmers: Rs. 2000 • From State funds, matching amount is given (Rs. 4000) • For big farmers, no CRF subsidy beyond 2 ha. • State government meets subsidy needs for one more hectare. • Minimum under CRF: Rs. 250, with State funds, it is raised to Rs. 500. • For above and similar help to farmers, Rs. 150 crores released.

  15. Target for Rabi 2007-08

  16. Plans for Rabi 2007-08 • Three day campaign to collect 5 soil samples from every village. • Seed treatment plan on ‘Pulse Polio’ mode. Vehicles go into pre-planned routes carrying treatment materials with company representatives and officers of department. • Training of farmers about seed treatment in every block. • All quality inputs (seeds from NSC/BRBN/SFCI etc.,) ISI mark pesticides, fertilizers etc. under one roof at all district headquarters – Upadan Mela

  17. Assessment of fertilizer for Rabi, 2007-08 (Unit in Lakh M.T.)

  18. DAP CRISIS • Fertilizer Ministry asks the state Government to bear the Import Cost. • State Marketing Agency demand for handling and transportation charge (Varies between Rs. 368 to Rs. 778/M.T.) according to destination from rake point. • Till Kharif, 2007 the lump sum charge borne by the MOF, GOI. • Fertilizer companies (ex.-TCl, Sriram) are not making agreement of supply of DAP due to new GOI policy.

  19. Requirement & availability of certified seed for Rabi, 2007-08

  20. SEEDS CRISIS • Seed damaged due to flood.

  21. National Food Security Mission Formulate District Plan. State to set up appropriate units at district level. • State Level Body under Principal Secretary Agriculture, with VC, RAU, Director ICAR Eastern Zone, NABARD, Research bodies, and Institutions, and departmental Secretaries constituted. • Four Agro-climatic zone wise regional workshops scheduled for district officials at Patna, Bhagalpur, Purnea and Muzaffarpur. • RAU developing inputs. • District Level: Two tier- system. • Broad based General Council • Programme Implementation Unit under DM for day to day work • Rs. 1 lakh per district released for start-up.

  22. Demand • All districts should be covered under National Food Security Mission. • Maize should be included under National Food Security Mission.

  23. National Agriculture Development Programme (NADP) • Preliminary meeting with line departments, SAU & ICAR held • State proposal under ACA will be submitted soon

  24. Extension • Establishment of ATMA in all 38 districts (23 from State Resources) • Kisan Samman Yojna -reward farmer achievers. • Kisan Sree at block level – 534 (Rs. 1 lakh) • Kisan Bhushan – 38 (Rs. 2 lakhs) • Kisan Ratna – 1 (5 lakh) • Establishment of KVK in all districts • Kisan Salahkar –A para extension worker in all panchayats, to address the issue of large scale vacancies at grass root level • Process of appointment of 2000 Village Level Extension Worker (VEW) Started.

  25. National Horticulture Mission • “Naya Bagh Lagao Abhiyan”: massive area expansion programme. • 3 day camps in all block headquarters. • Farmers were asked to pay Rs. 1.00 per plants to be delivered at farmer’s field. • Application received: 12.00 Lakh trees (Mango-10.42 Lakh, Litchi-1.10 Lakh, Guava-0.60 lakh etc.). • Banana: 13.00 Lakh (12.00 Lakh suckers, 1.00 lakh tissue culture). • “Planting material arranged. • Area expansion 10,000 Ha.

  26. Boosting the Production of Planting Materials • Revival of All (17) Progeny Nurseries • Green Houses & Shed Nets for off-season propagation • Mother plant stock & Infrastructure Development • 17 Lakh Quality Planting Material for next year • Revival of 100 Small Nurseries • Plastic tunnel for Hardening • Mother plant stock & Infrastructure Development

  27. Best Practices • Har Gaon Main Mitti Jach Abhiyan • Beej Tikka Abhiyan • Kisan Samman Yojna -reward farmer achievers. • Kisan Sree at block level – 534 (Rs. 1 lakh) • Kisan Bhushan – 38 (Rs. 2 lakhs) • Kisan Ratna – 1 (5 lakh) • Kisan Upadan Mela at district H.Q. • Seed Production Programme on 215 Government Farms. • Unique Area Expansion scheme under NHM • Preservation of traditional Paddy seed • State introduces Web & SMS based Fertilizer Monitoring System (FMS)

  28. THANKING YOU For your attention…

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