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Welcome to these calm gardens in the heart of Coquitlam, BC

Welcome to these calm gardens in the heart of Coquitlam, BC This is an introduction to container gardening medicinal herbs. “ Let thy kitchen be thy apothecary; let thy foods be thy medicine.” - Hippocrates

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Welcome to these calm gardens in the heart of Coquitlam, BC

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  1. Welcome to these calm gardens in the heart of Coquitlam, BC This is an introduction to container gardening medicinal herbs. “Let thy kitchen be thy apothecary; let thy foods be thy medicine.” - Hippocrates The purpose of this presentation is to share information, with like-minded individuals who are interested in Herbalism. None of this information given today is intended to be used in place of sound allopathic medical advice. Everybody who visits my garden must take personal responsibility for their own research, and wellbeing. I am simply sharing what has worked for me.

  2. What is a Herbalist? An herbalist is someone who specializes in handling herbs for medicinal purposes. In some cases, an herbalist focuses on growing herbs, while others may harvest or collect herbs in the wild, and some offer herbal prescriptions and advice. In many cases, an herbalist performs all three tasks, managing his or her own stock of herbs to ensure that they are of high quality.

  3. My path towards the Heart of Gaia “We hear and we forget. We see and we remember. We touch and we understand.” Herbalism is the world of possibilities: to overcome chronic health situations, health maintenance, safe bath & beauty products, clean home environment, and a nutritious way to eat. I have been using herbs for over 30 years and I have peace of mind, as I know what is in the product and how it will affect my health. By learning more about herbs, going deeper into the botany, chemistry, wild crafting, and increasing my knowledge and experience of other certified organic herbs that I have not grown myself, I hope to be able to help myself & others even more.

  4. SW Coast of British Columbia The wild beauty of the southwest corner of BC has consistently captured my heart. I love the plant life around me. I talk and sing to all plants. When I collect herbs, I chant Om to the Mother plant. Gaia is my earth Mother who takes care of every one of my physical needs including my medicine. Source looks after my spiritual and energetic needs. The direction I’m heading in will allow me to write, teach, and help others via consultations.

  5. Louise Silver My most memorable herbal event to date is the discovery of Calendula in 2002. My Spiritual Mentor of 26 years passed away in September 2001. As we were leaving her property for the last time, my husband reached down and took a couple of handfuls of seeds from one of her plants and stuck them in his pocket. We didn’t know what it was, we only wanted something of hers to live on with us. We planted these seeds in early spring. When the flowers bloomed, our neighbour identified them as Calendula. I did research on this beautiful plant and began to make Calendula Balm in 2002. I made ten jars and those same first customers keep coming back for more.

  6. Laughing Buddha Gardens A walk through our Culinary, Aromatic, and Medicinal collection of loving and healing plants; from how it all begins through to Heart of Gaia product line.

  7. Seedlingsit all begins with a single seed and life springs forth in great abundance.

  8. Greenhousetender herbs are transitioned & protected in the green house before going outside in bigger pots

  9. Container Garden

  10. Dehydrator dried fresh from the garden to ensure top quality and retain medicinal value

  11. Jarsdried then cooled and placed into sterile jars for short-term storage

  12. Herbs in the Herbariumstored away from light, heat, and moisture

  13. Calendulaready to be dried. It retains its bright colour and distinct aroma throughout the process

  14. Flower EssencesLilac (Syringavulgaris) is for those who lack emotional and physical flexibility, and is beneficial in aligning one's spinal energies.

  15. Herbal Eye Pillowsthe soothing comfort of chamomile and lavender relaxes the eyes.

  16. Herbal Capsulesdeliver the whole herb and are used for herbs that are hard to take, in order to achieve compliance from the client.

  17. Herbal Hand Creammany herbs soothe and heal damaged skin. Natural creams help to revitalize our breached shields.

  18. Herbal Oilsare useful as ingredients in natural cream bases and for massage oils.

  19. Herbal OintmentCalendula petals combined with Jojoba oil and bees wax makes a healing salve/ointment for many first aid situations.

  20. Spraystincturing the aromatic herbs in alcohol produces a product that can be added to purified water in various combinations and used as room sprays, throat sprays, and sprays that uplift and add comfort to your day, easing stress and pain.

  21. Herbal Syrupswild cherry bark, combined with other respiratory herbs, helps to ease sore throat and clear chest conditions.

  22. Herbal Teassingle herbs such as ginger, mint, and lemon, or medicinal combinations of herbs, in the form of teas, helps with many of our everyday requirements for healing and nutrition.

  23. Maceratingherbs, singly or in combination, are macerated in alcohol for several weeks to extract their medicinal properties.

  24. Herbal Tincturescan be made from many plants and can be used singly or in combination with other tinctures. They are easy to take and can have a base of alcohol or glycerin.

  25. Herbal Tub Teasat the end of the day, our body is crying out for relaxation. Soothe yourself in a herbal bath. Great for all body systems.

  26. Culinary HerbsCooking with herbs is a true blessing . When we can eat our medicine, that is as good as it gets.

  27. Materia Medica • These are the plants with which I work and have a personal relationship. There is nothing like the feeling of going out into the garden, harvesting the herbs then creating the remedy right there and then. You can’t get much fresher than that. All of our herbs come from organic stock and are grown organically.

  28. Ashwagandha - WithaniasomniferaAdaptogen, tonic, used to increase vitality, energy, endurance, stamina, promote longevity, and strengthen the immune system without using the body’s resources

  29. Basil OcimumbasilicumAcne, asthma, anxiety, bronchitis, colds, constipation, coughs, depression, diarrhoea, dysentery, exhaustion, flatulence, headache, nausea, rheumatism, stomach ache, vomiting, induces sweating, stimulates menstruation, increases milk secretions, use in salads; pesto; sauces

  30. Betony StachysofficianalisNervine, general tonic, relieves headaches, sedative, calms kids, astringent, and antiseptic

  31. Calendula Calendulaofficanalisheals wounds, treats chronic infection, great for all skin conditions, good for kids, calming to the digestive system, detoxifying, crush a live flower to place over bee sting, increases peripheral circulation.

  32. California Poppy Eschscholziacalifornicaused to help toothaches, bronchitis, colds, coughs, insomnia

  33. Catnip Nepetacatariahelps control fever, colic, pain, great for kids, chronic bronchitis, diarrhoea, sedative

  34. Chamomile MatricariachamomiliaNervine, tummy issues, irritable bowel, reduces inflammation, antispasmodic, sedative

  35. French Dandelion Taraxacum officinalecleans the blood, stimulates the immune system, strengthens kidneys, diuretic, increases bile to the intestines, helpful with ‘lack of appetite’. Leaves are edible in salads.

  36. Dusty Miller Senecio cinerariathe fresh sterile juice is useful in clearing cataracts

  37. Feverfew Tanacetum partheniumused for migraines, to reduce fevers, for digestive issues, and headaches.

  38. Golden Seal Hydrasis Canadensisfights infection, heals gastro-intestinal tract, tonic to spleen, cleanses urinary system, heals bruises and wounds

  39. Gotu Kola HydrocotyleasiaticaNootropic (complementary herbs for Adaptogens) revitalizes brain cells and helps to retard the aging process, great for wounds, scars, helpful with connective tissue issues. Leaves are edible in salads.

  40. Heartsease Viola tricolor helpful for epilepsy, eczema, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, rheumatism, and cystitis. Flowers are edible in salads.

  41. Irish Moss ChondruscrispusRhodophytais a natural gelling agent used to thicken creams, desserts, drinks. Due to its mucilaginous qualities, it is helpful for conditions of the digestive tract.

  42. Lavender LavandulaangustifoliaNootropic, helps with stress headaches, relieves gas, calms muscle spasms, gentle for kids, stimulates blood flow, antiseptic, antibacterial, depression

  43. Lemon Balm Melissa officinalisNervine, proven effective against herpes zoster, which shows itself as cold sores on the lip; relieves muscle cramps and spasms, nerve tonic, helpful for headaches, depression, good for kids

  44. Meadowsweet Filipendulaulmariauseful for gout, rheumatism, arthritis, fever, contains salicylic acid, anti-inflammatory

  45. Mint Mentha × piperitaused in many toiletries, confectionaries, first aid, foods, and cosmetics; soothing to the digestive tract and good for reducing fevers.

  46. Motherwort LeonuruscardiacaNervine, strengthens the heart, calms palpitation, good for circulation, helpful for PMS symptoms and menstrual pain, calms the entire nervous system

  47. Nasturtium Tropaeolum minusthe whole plant is antibiotic, antiseptic, diuretic and expectorant; useful in chest conditions as it breaks up congestion in the respiratory system, promotes the formation of blood cells

  48. Passionflower PassifloraincarnataNervine, reduces anxiety and relieves depression, great for kids, expels worms, lowers blood pressure, increase urine output, allays pain, enhances libido

  49. Periwinkle Vinca minor and Vinca major oxygenates the blood, good for those suffering from a brain injury, anti-cancer properties, memory enhancement for those with Alzheimer's disease.

  50. Rosemary Rosemary officinalisNootropic, refreshes the mind, good for memory, stimulates blood flow, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiviral – Auntie Rosemary

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