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Mobilty behaviour in the Energy region (Home to work trips)

Pedelecs for a hilly region – a first step out of a car-orientated behavioural pattern? Iris Absenger, Karl Reiter. Mobilty behaviour in the Energy region (Home to work trips). Pedestrian Bicycle Car Public Transport. %. Short trips from home to work. Share of car trips. %. Ö STAT 2001.

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Mobilty behaviour in the Energy region (Home to work trips)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pedelecs for a hilly region – a first step out of a car-orientated behavioural pattern?Iris Absenger, Karl Reiter

  2. Mobilty behaviour in the Energy region(Home to work trips) PedestrianBicycleCarPublicTransport %

  3. Short trips from home to work Share of car trips % ÖSTAT 2001

  4. Why do you use never/rarely a bicycle • Hilly- long distance- sweat- weather- unsafe- don’t know why- connection- cargo- Bicycle theft % % % % % % % % % ( % )

  5. Could you imagine to use a Pedelec? Environment No need for parking space Fast Convenient Cheap Safety Weather Too old Car more convenient Shame No Yes 39 % 61 %

  6. Conditions for a sucessful Pedelec System • Financial support - Slower car traffic - More cycle lanes • More secure cycle tracks • Better image • Higher fuel prices • Other

  7. Use of Pedelecs in Municipalities 13 of 16 mayors of the regionare using the Pedelecs as Opinion leaders 90% of the municipalities provide Pedelecs as company vehicles All municipalities provide Pedelecs as test vehicles for their citizens to rent %

  8. Segment: Pedelecs for home to work trips

  9. Pedelecs help to cut the traffic peaks

  10. % Shopping goods % regional shopping trips Short term Medium term Long term Shopping trips in the region

  11. Pedelec and Ride

  12. Catchment area of a public transport station 10 min trip %

  13. Thank you for attention Iris Absenger, Karl Reiter,reiter@fgm.at.Tel.: 0316 810451 23

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