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2012 Grower Meetings: Diversity and Integration; Keys to Surviving in a Palmer World. Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia, Tifton. Diversity and Integration: Keys to Surviving in a Palmer World. BIOLOGY. Integrated to remain sustainable. Management programs.
2012 Grower Meetings: Diversity and Integration; Keys to Surviving in a Palmer World Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia, Tifton
Diversity and Integration: Keys to Surviving in a Palmer World BIOLOGY Integrated to remain sustainable Management programs
RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2012. RU + Staple wins 7 out of 10 times!
RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2012. Consider direct spraying Warrant mixture if more than 6 leaf cotton!
Roundup + Warrant applied over AGGRESSIVELY growing LARGE cotton. typical ouch
RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2012. No brainer…..Suprend great option as well!
RR Reduced Tillage Cotton Systems. 2012. Allows 2 residuals at planting instead of 3 to reduce injury. Perfect timing for thrips application! Allows time for activation before PRE breaks down!
Percent Palmer Amaranth Control with Reflex 1 pt/A PPI or PRE in 2010. 98 A 99 A 79 B Irrigated Dryland
RR Conventional Tillage Cotton Systems. 2012. Plant as soon after incorporation as possible
Percent Palmer Control with Reflex + Prowl PPI, 2010. TyTy, GA. 38 DAT. 92 a 80 b 3 c Field cultivator Disk Rototiller
None Prowl + Reflex PRE Irrigated May 13 Planted May 14 Irrigated May 19 during emergence Prowl + Reflex PPI - Rototill
Roundup Ready PLUS Cotton Incentive (Up to $22) *Will pay on 2 applications
GR Palmer amaranth control in dryland conservation tillage systems Prowl + Reflex PRE Roundup+ Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD Prowl + Reflex PRE Ignite+ Dual POST Diuron + MSMA PD
Making the most of your Liberty! • Water volume • Spray tip and pressure • Time of day you spray • Palmer size
Late-season Palmer control with Liberty as influenced by time of day. Macon Co. Dryland 97 a 99 a % 50 b 8 c 6.45 am 12 – 1 pm 6:30 – 7:00 pm 12 – 1 am Time of Day for Ignite Applications Ignite POST 1 (5” Palmer), Ignite POST 2 (18 d later), Diuron + MSMA layby
Making the most of your Liberty! Time GPA Biggest pigweed in the field is 3 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nozzle Rate
Six Inch GR Palmer Response to Layby or Hooded Spray Options. Macon, 2012. 96 a 77 b 69 c Direx + MSMA Ignite + Valor Ignite
2012 Liberty Based Programs • LibertyLink • WideStrike • GlyTol LibertyLink
Percent GlyTol + LL cotton injury from topical applications 7 DAT. Moultrie, 2010 8 leaf cotton 2 a 18 b 0 a 1 a WMax 33 oz Ignite 44 oz WMax + Ignite WMax + Ignite + Dual (1 pt)
Percent GlyTol + LL cotton injury from topical applications 7 DAT. Moultrie, 2010 8 leaf cotton Sequential applications of Liberty and Roundup in 2012 to avoid antagonsim? 2 a 18 b 0 a 1 a WMax 33 oz Ignite 44 oz WMax + Ignite WMax + Ignite + Dual (1 pt)
Six Inch GR Palmer Response to Layby or Hooded Spray Options. Macon, 2012. 95 a 96 a 77 b 69 c Gramoxone + Direx Direx + MSMA Ignite + Valor Ignite
Heavy Residue Deep Turn Adopt Integrated Programs Or You Simply Wont Survive Because of Resistance!!! Cultivate Hand weed
2006-2010: 92% of growers hand-weeded 52% cotton acres at $23.70/A Photo by A.C. York 2010
Palmer Seed (#/plant) when Chopping Plants at Cotton Layby. 394,100 129,125 36,100 22,400 Not Chopped Chopped at 6 inch Chopped at 1 inch Chopped at soil 2010/2011: Sosnoskie/Grey/Webster/Culpepper
Potential Benefits for Georgia Growers • Improved Palmer control • Protect herbicide chemistry • Labor (compared to tillage) • Wind and water erosion • Prevents GR horseweed • Prevents/Lessons GR ryegrass • Moisture conservation • Reduce herbicide inputs • Higher yields on dryland • Protection from EPA • Reduces thrips damage
Potential Challenges for Georgia Growers • Blowout impacting stand • Incorporate herbicides with when strip tilling • Time to get established • Increased fertilizer • Rubber wheel system • Grower comfort
Impact of GR Palmer amaranth on GA. 37 % acres 18 0 Liberty-based Programs
1.5 pt of 2,4-D Liberty + 1.5 pt of 2,4-D
Clarity 8 oz Liberty + Clarity 8 oz
HPPD Liberty + HPPD
Herbicide Resistance: Will You Survive? 1,089,000 plants per acre 25 plants per square foot emerge = If resistance is one in a billion then you only need 918 acres to find that plant.
Herbicide Resistance: Will You Survive? 1,089,000 plants per acre 25 plants per square foot emerge = DO NOT SPRAY LIBERTY BUT TWICE PER YEAR IN A SOUND PROGRAM!!!
Controlling Palmer Without Killing Cotton With Herbicides! Irrigation Schedule Seedling depth and vigor AT-PLANT HERBICIDES Cotoran Diuron Prowl Reflex Staple Combinations Soil dry or moist at planting?
Irrigation/Herbicide Scheduling(preliminary as much more work is being conducted) DO NOT irrigate 24 hr before or 24 hr after emergence PLANT Irrigate before planting DO NOT irrigate first 36-48 hr?? Irrigate Irrigate