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Unit 7

Unit 7 . Boom and Bust. A Resurgence of Nativism. Because of the red scare- the fear that communist would threaten freedom in the United states Palmer raids- A. Mitchell palmer- started arresting suspected communist. Nativism.

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Unit 7

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  1. Unit 7 Boom and Bust

  2. A Resurgence of Nativism • Because of the red scare- the fear that communist would threaten freedom in the United states • Palmer raids- A. Mitchell palmer- started arresting suspected communist

  3. Nativism • Eugenics is a false(pseudo) science that deals with the improvement of hereditary traits. • Nativists thinking that white Protestants from northern Europe who first came to America were the superior stock. • One of the biggest movements to restrict immigration in the 1920’s came from the Ku Klux Klan. • After World War I, the Klan targeted immigrants, Catholics, Jews and other groups they believed did not represent traditional American values

  4. Ku Klux Klan restarted at Stone Mt Ga. by William Simmons 1915

  5. Immigration • To control immigration congress passed the Emergency Quota Act and national origins act • The law set up a quota system. • Discriminated against southern and eastern Europe immigrants. • These two laws caused a shortage in labor • These Acts did not include natives of the Western Hemisphere. More than 600,000 Mexicans arrived in the United States between 1914 and the end of the 1920s.

  6. New Morality • New Morality stressed youth and personal freedom • In the family, the new morality focused on the ideas of romance, pleasure, and friendship for a successful marriage. • Automobile played important part in new morality.

  7. Flappers- New fashion that started in 20’s • Women shortened their hair and wore silk stockings. • A flapper was a young, dramatic, stylish, and unconventional woman. She smoked cigarettes and drank liquor. She also dressed in clothes considered too revealing by many. • Fundamentalism Movement – stressed the teachings of the bible. • Fundamentalist rejected the theory of evolution and supported the creation theory.

  8. Flappers

  9. Scopes Monkey Trial- where Evolutionist and Creationist collided • John T. Scopes taught evolution in a Dayton, Tennessee classroom. It was against the law to teach evolution in Tenn. • Clarence Darrow was Scopes lawyer, and Williams Jennings Bryan was the prosecutor. • Scopes was found Guilty for teaching evolution in the classroom and had to pay $100 fine. • Conviction was later overturned

  10. Clearance Darrow(left)/ William Jennings Bryan (right)

  11. Unit 7 • Boom and Bust Economy • Roaring 20’s • Great Depression • New Deal

  12. Unit 7 Prohibition • People started supporting Prohibition in early 1900’s • People believed Prohibition would • Reduce domestic violence • Reduce unemployment • Poverty • 18th amendment took effect January 1920 – provided for prohibition –no sale or consumption of alcohol • Speakeasies- bars where you could buy alcohol • Organized crime ran these bars. • Alcohol imported from places like Canada and Caribbean. • 21st amendment passed in 1933. Overturned the 18th.

  13. Organized Crime

  14. Cultural Innervations • Many Americans in the 1920s had more money and more leisure time than they ever had before. • People watched Boxing and Baseball with leisure time • Motion picture became popular. They had no sound yet, music was provided during the showing. • Radio and music also became popular • Mass media was radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines aimed at a broad, popular audience--helped to expand people’s view of the world. It helped unify the nation and spread the new ideas of the time.

  15. African American Culture • Many African Americans was part of the Great Migration. This was where blacks left the south to go to the industrial north. • Night clubs and music started to flourish in northern cities like New York. • Harlem was center the center for artistic development, racial pride, and a feeling of community. This was called the Harlem Renaissance • Langston Hughes (writer) , Louis Armstrong introduced an improvisational form of jazz, and Duke Ellington.

  16. Harlem Renaissance Continued • Like other African American musicians, Duke Ellington got his start at the Cotton Club. This was one of the most famous Harlem nightspots. • Blues- a soulful style of music that evolved from African American spirituals.

  17. Tin Pan alley- group of music houses in New York City where artists preformed their songs • Irving Berlin- most famous artists in tin pan alley • White Christmas, God Bless America, there’s no business like show business,

  18. Louis Armstrong

  19. African American Politics • Population of African Americans increased in the North. • Voting blocs were established. African Americans in Chicago elected Oscar DePriest, the first African American representative in Congress from a Northern state. • NAACP- lobbied against segregation, lynching, and discrimination • Marcus Garvey formed the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) • Advocating separation of the races. • He urged African Americans to move to Liberia, Africa

  20. Chapter 21

  21. Presidential Politics • Warren G. Harding elected president in 1920 • He ran on the campaign slogan to return to normalcy, or a return to “normal” life after the war.

  22. The New Rise of Industry • Automobiles became an important part to American life. • Mass production –Henry Ford perfected it • Assembly Line (Henry Ford)- saved time and money • Model T

  23. Video on the Automobile

  24. Airline industry • Charles Lindbergh made a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in the Spirit of St. Louis • Commercial radio also became popular in the 1920s. • National Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting System

  25. Charles Lindbergh

  26. Consumer Society • Higher Wages led to increase buying power. • Americans started buying items on credit. (cars and furniture)

  27. Farm Crisis • Farmers did not prosper in the 1920. • New technology increased production • During WW1 farmers produced more food to feed Europe • Europe because of tariffs stopped buying agriculture products from America. • 1920’s Boll Weevil Stuck the south and destroyed the cotton crop

  28. Promoting Prosperity • Harding and Coolidge both opposed govt. regulation of businesses • Secretary Andrew Mellon came up with supply-side economics - He believed that as the economy grew, Americans would earn more money and the government would actually collect more taxes at the lower rate than it would if the tax rates were kept high. • Herbert Hoover came up with cooperative individualism- idea encouraged manufacturers and distributors to form trade associations, which would voluntarily share information with the government

  29. Trade and Arm Control • Most Americans after World War I favored Isolationism. • European allies had a hard time paying America back for war debt • The United States and 14 other nations signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact-stated that all signing nations agreed to abandon war and negotiate disputes peacefully.

  30. Chapter 22 • Caused of the depression

  31. Election of 1928 • Herbert Hoover (Rep) • Supported prohibition • Quaker • Hoover wins in a landslide • Alfred E. Smith (Dem) • Roman Catholic (1st to be nominated for president) • Opposed the idea of prohibition

  32. Herbert Hoover / Alfred Smith

  33. Roots of the Great Depression • Causes of Great depression • 1.Underconsumption • 2.Speculation • 3.Over production of manufactured goods • 4. Installment plans- paid for items in monthly installments • People had to stop buying items to pay for items already bought. Sales slowed and production was cut. Because of this people were laid off. • Americans were not selling many goods to foreign countries • Hawley-SmootTariff- raised taxes on imports. Other countries raised their tariffs on American products. American products stopped being bought overseas because of this. • Federal Reserve- they lowered interest rates which allowed for banks to give risky loans. Lower interest rates led business leaders to believe the economy was still growing. They borrowed more money to expand they industry.

  34. Stock market • It experienced a bull market during the late 1920’s • Speculation- investors were betting that the stock market would continue to climb and then sell the stock quickly to make money. • Oct. 29, 1929 Black Tuesday- stock market crashed • Banks • Lent money to stock speculators • invested depositors’ money in the stock market • Stock market crash caused banks to lose money, and not get paid back by speculators

  35. Life during the Great Depression • Banks failed, thousands of companies went out of business, people lost homes and was unable to provide food. • People who lost homes built shantytowns- homeless that built shacks on unused public lands. Also known as Hoovervilles • Hobos • Midwest farmers stopped planting croups because prices fell. Plains experienced a server drought 1932. Plains became a dust bowl.

  36. Hoovervilles

  37. Dust bowl

  38. Where did the dustbowl happen at? Dust Bowl happened in Great Plains

  39. Why were people leaving the area shown in the map?Dust bowl

  40. Escaping the Great Depression • People went to the movies and watched Cartoons. Walt Disney produced the 1st full length cartoon. • Americans listened to radio (lone Ranger) • Writers John Steinbeck “The Grapes of Wrath”-about people who left the dust bowl,- and William Faulkner- wrote in a new style called stream of consciousness- it is where the characters thoughts are expressed.

  41. Hoover Responds • Hoover got a pledge from businesses owners to keep factories open and stop cutting wages. • Public works- • Hoover believed deficit spending would delay the recovery.

  42. The angry American • Hoover did not want to give direct relief to poor families. • 1932 crowds of people marched on Washington. • Creditors foreclosed on a million farms between 1930-34 • Bonus Army- veterans of World War 1 who wanted their bonus early. • Bonus Army lived in Hoovervilles and solders were sent in to clear out the bonus army.

  43. Bonus Army

  44. 1932 presidential election • Rep. Herbert Hoover • Dem. Franklin D. Roosevelt

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