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Oakland Unified School District Redesign. Board Engagement Session A1. Understanding Expect Success Foundational Strategies and Preparing to Lead. April 22, 2006. Getting started. Agenda. Getting started Welcome and agenda review (5 minutes) Planning approach (20 minutes)
Oakland Unified School District Redesign Board Engagement Session A1 Understanding Expect Success Foundational Strategies and Preparing to Lead April 22, 2006
Agenda • Getting started • Welcome and agenda review (5 minutes) • Planning approach (20 minutes) • Calendar (10 minutes) • Vision, values and outcome standards (15 minutes) • Overview of foundational strategies (10 minutes) • Foundational change #1: Separation of educational organization from services organization • Rationale (10 minutes) • Status • ELO build (20 minutes) • Services Org build (30 minutes) • Foundational change #2: School-centered service economy • Rationale (10 minutes) • Status (20 minutes) • Key decisions pending (20 minutes) • Next steps and appreciation (10 minutes) Getting started
Planning approach • Review of phased approach • Outcomes for Phase A • Commitment to phased planning approach and ‘good faith’ relationship • Clarity on Expect Success! redesign approach and rationale • Familiarity with Expect Success! budget, principles and project management structure • Creation of protocols and role clarity to successfully engage board in building and leading the Educational Organization • Collaborative decision-making on identified pending decisions • Agreements reached on other mechanisms to support board engagement (agenda setting, data requirements, communication, milestone tracking, other resources and tools) • Agreement on the role of the board in important decisions for Phase B • Meeting norms • Overview of pending key decisions • Vision, values and outcome standards • Strategic Plan approval • Membership and structure of unique networks (adult ed, early childhood, special ed, charter schools) Getting started
Calendar (tentative) Board meeting (April 27, 2006) • Vision, values, and outcome standards adopted Board meeting (May 10, 2006) • MAAP and ComPAS draft ‘benchmark’ standards and goals • RBB - school allocations Board meeting (May 31, 2006) • RBB - service area and department allocations • ELO membership Board meeting (June 14, 2006) • Public hearing on budget Board meeting (June 14, 2006) • Budget adoption Board meeting (July, 2006) • Strategic Plan first reading Board retreat (April 22, 2006) • Foundational Strategies #1 and #2 • Vision, values, and outcome standards introduced • Key decisions pending • Data needs protocol Board retreat (May 9, 2006) • Foundational Strategies #3 and #4 • Expect Success! design principles, resources and project management • Board communication protocols Board retreat (June 3, 2006) • Foundational changes #5 and #6 • Milestones and tracking protocols • Debrief Phase A and agreements Getting started
OUSD Vision We are creating a world class public school system that educates all students to high standards of learning, in partnership with our community, based in the resurgence of Oakland, with a recommitment to our shared values of equity, community, and learning. We aim to be: The best urban school district in California by 20__. Vision, values and outcome standards
Characteristics of vision statement • Embraces the concept of high standards of learning, high standards of service • Identifies the beneficiaries: all students, each and every one of them • Offers a vision of being the best: world class • Is measurable: we have already begun benchmarking OUSD against the best urban school districts • States that we must work together as a city community to educate children • And identifies and embraces common values Vision, values and outcome standards
Equity: All meansall Fairness and excellence Opportunity and results Different inputs to reach the similarly high outcomes Removing the barriers to learning and achievement for all Community: It takes us all Families, schools shared responsibility for student success All the resources of the city—business, community, neighborhoods, and nonprofits—focused on educating students Learning: Always getting better Using data to drive improvements and identify best practices – Using results to guide decision making – Aligning incentives to continuous learning and improvement Values Vision, values and outcome standards
Being “world class” means… It means that our students’ experience (from adults and/or peers): • Love, care, respect and personal and physical safety • Rigorous and relevant learning and high expectations • Acceptance as unique people who need to exercise their passions, talents and interests to thrive Vision, values and outcome standards
Outcome standards Students’ experiences in OUSD will allow them to: • Become enthusiastic and passionate learners who are resilient, confident and self directed; able to set and achieve personal goals • Know and be able to do the challenging intellectual work demanded by college, employment, civic participation and community membership • Know and respect themselves, other people, and the environment--able to lead healthy lives and thrive • Become global citizens who exhibit cultural competence, personal responsibility and empathy; who form strong relationships inside and outside of their own group • Make informed choices about their current and future lives and what is meaningful for them as human beings (consolidated from prioritized list of outcomes standards ELO developed 4/5/06)) Vision, values and outcome standards
Define what will be true for every student A profile of the successful graduate we intend to produce Constitutes a “guarantee” for which we share accountability Align and guide everybody’s work—especially the work of students, teachers and primary caregivers/families (for students) Express what is truly important, if difficult to quantify Show what students need to do now to prepare for their future See Appendix for background Characteristics of outcome standards(a.k.a, Essential Learning Results, Student Outcomes, or Profiles of a Successful Graduate) Vision, values and outcome standards
Purpose of foundational changes Stewardship for true and sustainable recovery • Put in place an infrastructure for the school district that can handle extraordinary challenges (limited resources, complex regulations, high stakes accountability systems, declining enrollment, long history of low performance and inequity, etc) while supporting achievement of ambitious goals of student success • Create a foundation that will support current and future leadership in continuing to build and support strong school programs aligned with community values and needs • Protect the values of public education while raising the bar of expectations for management practices in the delivery of services • Establish new norms for performance and making tough choices on behalf of the long-term interest of students • Attract and develop talent to Oakland by establishing Oakland as a progressive district ‘on the move’ Foundational changes
Outcomes to date • Student achievement results • School climate results • Talent development (improved leadership at all levels) • Business partnerships • Private dollars in-flow • Tentative agreement with OEA Foundational changes
Six foundational changes • Create a separation between the educational organization and the services organization • Develop a focused educational leadership organization with clear priorities and role clarity (board, strategy group, network leaders, principals) to achieve educational vision • Create an effective service organization to serve the educational organization • Create a service economy that provides funding to schools and the educational leadership organization and let them purchase services • Create small learning communities (small schools and networks) • Strategically manage school quality across a portfolio of schools using a range of approaches • Create a performance culture within both organizations and build the capacity of staff at all levels • Invest in technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness Foundational changes
Foundational Change #1: Separation of Educational Organization from Services Organization
Why separate educational function from services function? • Overwhelm of educational leaders by operational and compliance issues • Organization not structured to focus on core educational mission or students and families • History of poor quality services and limited accountability • Need to understand and manage the costs of decisions efficiently • Manage time and money as a key resource Foundational Change #1: Separation of ELO from Services Org
Two organizations of OUSD The School Board The Education Leadership Org (ELO) The Services Org The Schools Foundational Change #1: Separation of ELO from Services Org
Board Edgar Rakestraw Board Officer Roy Combs General Counsel The Strategy Group Randolph Ward State Administrator The Services Organization The School Networks Kirsten Vital CCA Kimberly Statham CAO Javetta Robinson CFO Donald Evans ExO K-5 Network A Laura Moran Chief Services Officer Oswaldo Galarza Info Tech John Newsome Strategic Projects & Communication Denise Saddler ExO K-5 Network B Bill Conrad ExO RAA Fred Brill ExO K-5 Network C pending ExO Fiscal Serv Delia Ruiz ExO K-5 Network D Anticipated 2006-07 Organization Structures Oakland Unified School District Brad Stam ExO Instr Serv Suanna Gilman-Ponce ExO MS Network A Troy Christmas ExO HRSS Debbra Lindo ExO MS Network B pending Charter Schools John Vacchiery Transitional Dep’t Leader Hae-Sin Kim ExO Incubator Network The Transitioning Services Gail Whang SFCS Timothy White Asst Sup’t Fac Liane Zimny Charter Services Phyllis Harris ED Spec. Ed Brigitte Marshall Adult Education Sue Woehrle ExO HS Network A Facilities Planning Andre Douglas Custodial Luis Freese Bldgs & Grounds Jane Nicholson ED E. Childhood pending ExO HS Network B
The Educational Leadership Org (ELO) Principal advisory group Responsible for leading Oakland’s schools toward exceptional performance by: • setting standards and monitoring progress • allocating resources between schools • ensuring equity • managing a portfolio of schools • strategic planning The Education Leadership Org (ELO) • Priority areas of work • The Frameworks • the Multi-year Academic Acceleration Plan (MAAP) • the Community Plan for Accountability in Schools (ComPAS) • the Investment framework • Membership: • Strategy Group (Superintendent, CAO, CFO, CCA) • School Network Leaders Foundational Change #1: ELO build
Elements of ELO build • Chartering ELO (vision, outcome standards, key strategies, ownership of key strategies) • MembershipinELO (what is a network and what is a service) • Planning&alignment (Who is responsible for the frameworks, network plans, school site plans) • Performance management (how do we measure progress, adjust, and manage our people, time and resources) • Professional development and training (how do we learn, adjust and improve our performance continuously?) • Team building (how do we collaborate and build relational trust in each other as leaders and change agents?) For each element: Implementation - tools, resources, calendar, communication Perf. Mgmt. Team building Chartering Membership Planning PD Foundational Change #1: ELO build
Chartering • What are we trying to achieve as a district? (Vision and 5-yr goal) • What do we expect our students to know and be able to do? (Outcomes for students) • How will we know we are getting there? (Standards, goals, metrics and targets) • What do we have to do? (Key strategies, strategic planning & implementation) • Who decides what we do, how we do it, and who does it? (Roles and responsibilities) • How do we resource our choices? (Investment framework) Perf. Mgmt. Team building Chartering Membership Planning PD Foundational Change #1: ELO build
ELO Membership Completed decisions • Four elementary networks • Two middle school networks • Two high school networks • One new school network (2006-07 only) • One charter school network Pending decisions • Structure of Early Childhood, Special Education, and Adult Education (networks, services, or both) Perf. Mgmt. Team building Chartering Membership Planning PD Foundational Change #1: ELO build
Planning • Strategic Planning (Board and Strategy Group) • Vision, outcome standards, 5-yr goal, theory of action • Multi-year Academic Acceleration Plan (MAAP) • Community Plan for Accountability for Schools (ComPAS) • Investment Framework • Network Planning (Network leaders) • School Site Planning (Principals and school community) * Data-driven, results-based planning aligned across the organization Perf. Mgmt. Team building Chartering Membership Planning PD Foundational Change #1: ELO build
What are OUSD’s long-term “investment” challenges? • High central office fixed costs: The District hasn’t been able to respond quickly enough to disruptive economic changes – especially declining enrollment. As District revenues have decreased, Central Office costs have remained fairly steady or “fixed”, reducing the share of dollars available for schools • (n.b., an illustrative example is provided on the next page) • Weak service accountability: With the bulk of the District’s dollars controlled centrally by Departments and Service Areas, it has been difficult to ensure that programs and spending are aligned to support each, individual school’s priorities, or that schools receive high quality, cost-effective, and timely services from Central Office providers • (n.b., survey data about school satisfaction with Central Office services is forthcoming) Foundational Change #2: School-centered Service Economy
Model of central vs school expenditures • Assumptions of model: • approximate per student revenue of $5,000 • enrollment drops from 53,888 to 44,925 • central cost stay fixed Foundational Change #2: School-centered Service Economy
Our solution to OUSD’s long-term “investment” challenges: creating a “school-centered” economy Challenge Solution • High central office fixed costs • By increasing the share of the District’s funds managed directly by schools (and empowering those “closest to the problem” to make all-important resource allocation decisions), we are ensuring that Central Office costs come into alignment with current enrollment • By separating the District’s core academic vs. “service” functions and spurring Service Areas to negotiate annual service contracts with the District and with schools, we are ensuring that Central Office activities support academic priorities, and explicitly holding Service Areas accountable for achieving outcomes and service standards • Weak service accountability Foundational Change #2: School-centered Service Economy
School-centered service economy goal: Achieve steady state by 2007-2008 • Greatly increased the share of District resources loaded directly into school site budgets (>85% of total OUSD budget) and expand school site spending discretion, with commensurate accountability • Ensure that all Central Office and externally-provided services are assessed and re-prioritized annually based on alignment with school and District needs and impact on student achievement; quality; and cost-effectiveness • Introduce rigorous vendor management: Quality control, budget analysis, monitoring • Provide access to a wide range of differentiated services Foundational Change #2: School-centered Service Economy
School-centered service economy priorities for 2006-2007 School-based economy goal: Achieve steady state by 2007-2008 2006-2007 school-based economy priority • Greatly increased the share of District resources loaded directly into school site budgets (>85% of total OUSD budget) and expand school site spending discretion, with commensurate accountability • Redistribute additional resources from Central Office to school sites (e.g., 82% in 2006-2007, vs. ~80% in 2005-2006) • Give schools more spending flexibility to purchase Instructional Services and other support (with increased accountability for achieving results) • Ensure that all Central Office and external services are assessed and re-prioritized annually based on alignment with school and District needs. Ensure that service providers are held accountable for student achievement, quality, and cost-effectiveness • Introduce rigorous vendor management: Quality control, budget analysis, monitoring • Provide access to a wide range of differentiated services • Increase service provider accountability for impact, quality, and cost-effectiveness by showing how (and how much) money is spent at each school site • Deeply assess and re-prioritize services provided in two key areas: Instructional Services and Information Technology • Create IS & IT RFPs and service contracts, and pilot vendor management approach Foundational Change #2: School-centered Service Economy
Service Organization Build • Link service economy construct to shared value of providing schools, families and communities with the service they deserve. • Engage leaders in creating a business plan that defines an innovative model for providing high levels of services at a price the clients can afford so that SO can win in the marketplace. • Create a Service Culture • Vision and Values • Service Standards and Accountability Systems aligned to MAAP, COMPAS and Investment Framework • Reward and Recognition linking services organizations accomplishments to ELO achievements.
FORUM – Customer Loyalty Curve The Journey Up the Curve: Two Stages Advocacy Relationship Expansion Customer Behavior Neutral Stage 2: Go for differentiation. Make the customer experience distinctive, valuable, and unique to your organization. Diminishment Stage 1: Achieve predictability. Make the customer experience consistent and intentional. Defection Extremely Satisfied Dissatisfied Customer Satisfaction Source: Corporate Executive Board, Climbing the Service Curve, 2003
FORUM – Customer Loyalty Curve Two Points Where You Get a Lift in Loyalty “Maintenance”: In the middle of the curve, changes in customer satisfaction don’t make much difference to customer loyalty Advocacy Relationship Expansion Neutral Customer Behavior 2. Point of Delighting: Exceed expectations through differentiated service, prompting customers to buy more and recommend the firm to others Diminishment 1. Point of Satisfying: Consistently meet expectations for standard service, giving customers no reason to defect Defection Extremely Satisfied Dissatisfied Customer Satisfaction
Creating a Positive Customer Service Experience Climbing the Satisfaction-Loyalty Curve means moving the customer experience from random, to predictable, to differentiated. Customer Loyalty DifferentiatedExperience Stage 2 • Consistent • Intentional • Distinct • Valuable Stage 1 PredictableExperience • Consistent • Intentional RandomExperience
RATER Model Reliability Assurance Tangibles Empathy Responsiveness Redesign Principles Develop Service Standards for each RATER element. Create service standards through customer input and benchmarking. Use standards to set goals for the redesign core business processes and structures. Create process ownership and shared responsibility for meeting service standards. Linking RATER to Redesign
Wave 1 Service Areas • Human Resources • Financial Services • Research Assessment & Accountability • Instructional Services • Operations Support Coaches
HR Redesign – Short TermCreating Core Service Predictability • Staff Forecasting and Planning • Recruitment & Selection • New Employees Set-up and Orientation* • Employee Status Changes and Terminations* • Evaluation and Discipline • Credentials: State and Federal • Substitutes * Reduction & Resolution of Pay related errors
HR Redesign- Long TermCreating Customer Loyalty • Develop strategies, services and programs to: • Increase teacher and classified attendance • Increase employee retention/ reduce turnover • Create cohesive professional development curriculum for classified employees and managers • Develop career paths • Formalize and link reward and recognition to organizational goals and values • Provide value added HR consulting
Human Resources Accomplishments: • New teacher recruiting • HQT Project • Substitute System • Cross-functional pay resolution team • Tracking performance data against standards Challenges: • Service team model • Staff turnover • Pay related errors • Evaluation and discipline Strategies to address challenges: • Rebuild team and implement extensive PD plan • Complete HRSS “desk manual” with redesigned policies and procedures • Implement key improvement strategies for each process segment • Client education through elearning system to increase shared responsibility between client and service provider to reduce rework and errors.
Wave 2/3 Service Area Redesign - Four Phases 1. Assess • Review customer input • Document ‘as is’ state • Research of best practices 2. Reconfigure • High level grouping to address cross-functional areas 3. Design ‘should be’ state • Business plan • Key customer identification • Key customer standards • Costing of service delivery • Organization structure • Reporting relationships • process ownership and performance metrics • key interfaces with other service areas 4. Transition plan (‘from - to’)
Data and information protocol agreements Decision Data and information requirements • Vision, values and outcome standards (May 31) • Strategic plan approval (Aug 6) • Directional guidance on membership and structure of unique networks (adult ed, early childhood, special ed) (June 21) Key decisions pending
Why a mission and vision? • Every community is different and each district must define and relentlessly focus on its mission and vision of success • The ability of any district to achieve its goals depends upon building a clear mission, a bold purpose, and a shared vision of what must be achieved • Successful systems are those that can focus on specific activities and purposes over a long period of time Appendix
The Board of Education of the Garden Grove Unified School District is committed to providing an educational program focusing on student achievement, high standards, and opportunities for all students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to live a productive life. --GGUSD website, 2006 http://www.ggusd.k12.ca.us/ To meet this commitment, students will participate in a comprehensive curriculum designed to achieve the identified goals. It is the goal of the district to ensure that all students have the opportunity upon leaving high school to choose from a wide variety of options including four-year colleges and universities, technical education, or a skilled career. The opportunity to choose among these paths requires that students achieve proficiency as defined by state standards in core academic subjects and achieve proficiency in the use of the English language. These proficiencies will make it possible for students to access rigorous high school courses and enable them to graduate ready for college and skilled careers. Garden Grove is a Broad Prize winner for urban education. Its mission and vision provide guidance and direction… Appendix