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Day 4 : Thursday

Day 4 : Thursday. Farm – « La Ferme en Cotton ». What is the message of the a dvert for each place visited ? . The orientation of the farm is very well pointed out by sign near the road There is a logo representing what the farm is focusing on

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Day 4 : Thursday

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 4 : Thursday Farm – « La Ferme en Cotton »

  2. Whatis the message of the advert for each place visited ? • The orientation of the farmisverywellpointed out by signnear the road • There is a logo representingwhat the farmisfocusing on • The signconsists of the name of the farm and the logo

  3. Whodoes the advert influence ? • This advertisfocusing on pupils of elementary and secondaryschool • They have specialactivities for childrenwith handicap, they use specialform of education for them • Youth dont know about foodproducing

  4. How wellis the advertoffered to people passing by ? • The farm has gotownwebsite • Lectors informs about farm activities • The products of the farm are sell on the local markets

  5. Are the local specialitiespresented to the foreigners in an interestingway ?

  6. Is this kind of enterprice connected with the sustainable development? • This sunstainabledevelopmentispresented in manyways • Planting rows of trees in topsoil- preventionfromerosion, protection of animalsfrom the sun, the wind and the rain • Production of fruit for selling • Wood processing • Trees and hedgesprovidebiodiversity

  7. Is the customer/visitorinformed about the sustainabledevelopment ? • Theyhighlight the idea of sustainabledevelopmentverymuch • All products are labelled as bioproduct

  8. Is the place affected by thisenterprise ? How ? Suggestany change ? • yeshedges have been planted to change the look of the fields in to smaller plots • Fruit treesprovidefood for animals • The machinerydoesn’tlimit the waythey the ground

  9. Is this site wellindicated ? • The site isspottedat the last moment for the new visitors • The customers know this place

  10. Is the farmwellvalorised ? • The existence ishighlyappreciated by the local people for itspedagogicalinvolvement and production of qualityfood • The farm managers really put forwardtheir mission concerningenvironmentpreservation and promotion

  11. Whatwouldyouimprove in this site ? • Giveleaflets in english to foreigntourist • Offervisits in english

  12. Day 4 : Thursday Permaculture «Les Portes Neuves Organisation »

  13. Whatis the message of the advert of « Les Portes Neuves » ? • They have theirown web page in French and English • Theycanbefound by WWOOF (World WideOpportunities On OrganicFarms)

  14. Whodoes the advert influence ? • Mainlyyoung people • Students • And people with the interest about living in the harmonywith nature

  15. How wellis the advertoffered to people passing by ? • Local people don’t know about its existences • Difficult to findevenwith GPS

  16. Are the local specialitiespresented to the foreigners in an interestingway ? • The greatadvantageisthatthey are native speakers • Local people thinkthis place is a littledifferent

  17. Is this kind of enterprise connected with the sustainable development? • The main meaning of permacultureis the sustainable development

  18. Is the place affected by thisenterprise ? How ? Suggestany change ? • It protects the country in order to sustain the wayit looks and its beauty for the followinggenerations.

  19. Is this site wellindicated ? • This place ismainlyadvertised on the internet • There is an absence of signsdirectign to this place

  20. Is the farmwellvalorised ? • This is a quitefrequentlyvisited place by people interested in permaculture

  21. Whatwouldyouimprove in this site ? • Promotion in greaterextendwouldbenecessary • To make the place more accessible

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