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Keeping Current with RSS. Nathan Rupp & Gail Steinhart CUL Workshop January 6, 2006. Keeping current with RSS. How many people are using RSS? From the Pew Internet & American Life Project: “6 million Americans get news and information fed to them through RSS aggregators…”
Keeping Current with RSS Nathan Rupp & Gail Steinhart CUL Workshop January 6, 2006
Keeping current with RSS How many people are using RSS? From the Pew Internet & American Life Project: “6 million Americans get news and information fed to them through RSS aggregators…” “Five percent of Internet users say they use RSS aggregators or XML readers to get the news and other information delivered from blogs and content-rich Web sites as it is posted online. This is a first-time measurement from our surveys and is an indicator that this application is gaining an impressive foothold.” http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/144/report_display.asp
Keeping current with RSS What doesRSS stand for? RDF Site Summary Rich Site Summary Really Simple Syndication What is RSS? Form of XML Not much by itself – need a RSS reader
Keeping current with RSS Feed title What RSS looks like (in strict XML) Feed description Feed date Article title Link to article Article description Author
Keeping current with RSS Feed title What RSS looks like (using a reader) Feed description Feed date Article title/ link to article Author Article description
Keeping current with RSS What you can get with it: Announcements News headlines Table of contents New web page content New blog posts New, frequently updated information
Keeping current with RSS World news Prof assoc news Why would you use it: If you want an efficient way to monitor lots of sources of information Local news Favorite blogs Higher ed news Library news Tables of contents Publishers’ news Tech news
Keeping current with RSS Advantages to RSS: Less clicking and more reading! Helps to keep track of frequently AND infrequently updated sites Little spam or ads (ala TIVO) Information presented how YOU want it—no reading weird color schemes
Keeping current with RSS Disadvantages to RSS: Some feeds just have a headline or excerpt, no full text Your favorite site may not yet have RSS You were once clicking to 200 sites a day, now you’re reading 200 RSS feeds!
Keeping current with RSS How you get it: Web based RSS readers Bloglines (http://www.bloglines.com/) NewsIsFree (http://www.newsisfree.com/) Pluck web edition (http://client.pluck.com/pwe/) Desktop RSS readers infoRSS (http://inforss.mozdev.org/) NewzCrawler (http://www.newzcrawler.com/) Many more – see the RSS compendium: http://allrss.com/
Keeping current with RSS Finding feeds: On the site itself - look for one of these buttons , or a link that says “syndicate this site”, or text links that say XML, or RSS… Use a feed locator If you’re looking for a specific feed, Google works – try site:nsf.gov rss or site:npr.org rss
Keeping current with RSS Feed locators and search engines: Google Blog Search:http://google.com/blogsearch Feedster: http://www.feedster.com/ NewsIsFree: http://www.newsisfree.com/ Syndic8: http://www.syndic8.com/ 2RSS.com: http://www.2rss.com/ More from the RSS Compendium: http://allrss.com/rsssearch.html Your aggregator may have lists…
Keeping current with RSS RSS panel for Firefox: • Get it here: https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?application=firefox&category=News%20Reading&id=635
Keeping current with RSS Bloglines See what other people are reading:
Keeping current with RSS Blogrolls (scan the sidebar of blogs that interest you) See what other people are reading:
Keeping current with RSS Some other interesting sources: U.S. gov’t feeds: http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Reference_Shelf/Libraries/RSS_Library.shtml and http://www.gpoaccess.gov/rss/ RSS in government: http://rssgov.com/ Factiva RSS beta (enter from FD) Bioinformatics feeds (mostly journals): http://barf.jcowboy.org/ Steve Cohen, RSS junkie: http://www.librarystuff.net/ Resource Shelf (library resources in general, sometimes RSS): http://www.resourceshelf.com/
Keeping current with RSS Neat stuff (or how did they do that?!) Google searches Create RSS feeds for sites that don’t have them (OPAC?) Email Shopping deals - Tim Yang’s “Things You Can Do with RSS” (http://timyang.com/wiki/)
Keeping current with RSS What could the library do with RSS? Publish New books New databases Events News Almost anything (if you are the Kansas City Public Library: http://www.kclibrary.org/rss/)
Keeping current with RSS What could the library do with RSS? Recommend List journals with feeds (see http://library.usask.ca/ejournals/rss_feeds.php) Subject guides to feeds (see http://www.scs.edu/library/feeds/rss.htm)
Keeping current with RSS Libraries using RSS: RSS4Lib: http://blogs.fletcher.tufts.edu/rss4lib/ Blog without a library: http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/
Keeping current with RSS General RSS resources: RSS compendium: http://allrss.com/ Lockergnome: http://channels.lockergnome.com/rss/ RSS tutorial: http://rssgov.com/rssworkshop.html RSS tutorial for content publishers and webmasters: http://www.mnot.net/rss/tutorial/ And many many more…
Keeping current with RSS Setting up a Bloglines account: http://bloglines.com/ Register for an account Pick a couple of subscriptions from their list just to see how it works Some things you can do with Bloglines: clip or email items, organize feeds and clippings into folders, add and delete feeds