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National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2009 Presentation by Group II (A. P., Karnataka, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan & Gujarat). RABI ASSESMENT – FOODGRAINS. RABI ASSESSMENT-OILSEEDS. KHARIF 2009- PROSPECTS. 2008-09 State average Yield levels (kg/ha).

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  1. National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2009Presentation by Group II(A. P., Karnataka, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan & Gujarat)




  5. 2008-09 State average Yield levels (kg/ha)

  6. NFSM Districts yield levels

  7. INM- Status of Soil Testing

  8. NFSM / RKVY • Utilization of funds under NFSM satisfactory. The yield levels by and large show increasing trend. • RKVY, utilization of funds is satisfactory. • For some States, funds allocated to Animal Husbandry are lower than the agri.GDP • Yield Gaps among the states still persist • Yield is highly susceptible to climatic variations

  9. Fertilizer -status • AP-Opening stocks are meagre, Stocks may be positioned by 15 April , Owing to price problem of complexes, units stopped production. Major allocation of DAP, Complex fertilizers may be made to local manufacturing units • Karnataka- Likely shortage of Complex fertilizers • Punjab- The supply of DAP during rabi was constrained • Rajasthan-There is a gap of 2.19 lakh MT of DAP against agreed plan by the manufacturers • Haryana and Gujarat- Situation is satisfactory

  10. Best Practices • Andhra Pradesh • Effective conduct of Farm Field Schools – 7677 in 3 years, Best farmer or farmwoman is considered as Facilitators, crop loans at 3% to farmers • Every village has its soil health map displayed and all farmers are educated on the soil health management • DNA finger printing and latest seed testing laboratories to check and ensure genetically pure seeds for farmers • Information Boards in the village displaying contact details of concerned agriculture officers • AGRISNET-IT support to Farmers Entire Portal in Telugu . • DAATT Centers in all districts -70 Scientists deployed

  11. Best Practices • Andhra Pradesh • Village as a unit of crop insurance in all districts • Rs 5000 incentive to prompt crop loan payee farmers – Rs 18000 crores disbursed to 37 lakh farmers

  12. Best Practices • Karnataka • Convergence with all line departments at Sub-block level through multidisciplinary centers called as Raitha Sampark Kendras • International Exposure Visits to 525 farmers (China) • Organic Farming Mission to promote organic farming – oath taken by 50000 farmers • Crop loans to farmers at 3% (State to subsidize the remaining interest) • Intercropping of pulses in maize and sugarcane • Farm Women Empowerment-147 Lady officers deployed

  13. Best Practices • Punjab • Agriculture Machinery Service Centres to provide custom hiring services • Clean cultivation of cotton to control mealy bug – yield levels restored to 710 Kg/ha • Modern livestock houses- 1000 houses at a subsidy of 35% • Law to control use of sub-soil water for paddy

  14. Best Practices • Haryana • EDUSAT System for Tele Conferencing with field level officers once in a month • GIS application in agriculture for balanced use of fertilizers – soil fertility status maps along with micronutrient status, water quality maps and ground-water status maps • Krishi Sanvad magazine in all villages (24 dedicated pages on agriculture) • Promoting of mechanization of sugarcane farming • Application of remote sensing technique

  15. Best Practices • Rajasthan • Empowerment of women through special support to higher education • Promotion of Date palm and Olive through PPP • Kharif Abhiyan (15th May to 30th June) and Rabi Campaign (15th September to 15th October) covering all the 9189 Panchayats • Soil health enhancement –soil health cards and soil fertility mapping • PPP in Extension through corporate houses

  16. Best Practices • Gujarat • Krishi Mahotsav- convergence and mass contact strategy • Agri-horti-vety kits, soil health cards, kisan credit cards, animal vaccination, irrigation schemes etc implemented during the mahotsav • Golden Goals • Increase aggregated average SRR of self pollinated varieties by 50% • Cover all operational land holders under soil health card programme • Each village to have minimum one vermi-compost unit

  17. ISSUES • Issue of model code of conduct is affecting implementation of ongoing schemes in all the states • Fertilizer companies have stopped production of fertilizer complexes in absence of policy decision by the Deptt. Of Fertilizer. • Insufficient grant in ISOPOM compared to approved Action Plans • The time of release of funds should coincide with the crop season, preferably in the month of April and September

  18. The issue of operation of schedule III & IV of FCO (related to Bio-fertilizers/organic fertilizer) • Lack of extension staff affecting programme implementation in the States. • Uniformity in cost and technical norms of the different schemes of the Ministry • Advance stocking of DAP. Karnataka has provided Rs400 crore as revolving fund to MARKFED for the purpose. AP has provided Rs500 crore to MARKFED

  19. Researchable Issues • Mealy bug in cotton- Tolerant varieties required • Wheat- Terminal heat tolerant varieties required • Mustard- Frost tolerant varieties required • Brown Plant Hopper- Tolerant rice varieties required • Blackgram and greengram yellow mosaic virus resistant varieties required • Impact of Bt refugia not being adopted by farmers to be assessed

  20. Thank you

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