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Student Government

www.lecomsga.com. Student Government. Orientation Week Introduction. Who we are? What we do?.

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Student Government

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  1. www.lecomsga.com Student Government Orientation Week Introduction

  2. Who we are? What we do? • LECOM Student Government Association is a student run organization representing the entire student body from the College of Medicine.  The mission of the organization is to act as an official liaison for the student body, continuously promote the osteopathic medicine philosophy, support all club and class activities and work to improve the quality of life for all medical students at LECOM.

  3. Executive Board • President – Matthew Palilonis, OMSII • med.president@sga.lecom.edu • First Vice President – Charley Martin, OSMII • med.vp1@sga.lecom.edu • Second Vice President – Erin Evans, OSMII • med.vp2@sga.lecom.edu • Treasurer – Grant Oakley, OMSII • med.finance@sga.lecom.edu • Secretary – Brent Frossard, OMSII • med.secretary@sga.lecom.edu • Webmaster – Rex Gido, OMSII • med.webmaster@sga.lecom.edu • SGA Faculty Advisor – Dr. Theodore Makoske • Director of Student Affairs – Dr. David Fried

  4. Structure • LECOM SGA – College of Medicine • Executive Board • Class Boards • Student Clubs • LECOM SGA – School of Pharmacy • LECOM SGA – Seton Hill Campus • LECOM SGA – Bradenton Campus

  5. Board or Club Structure • President • Vice President 1 (VP1) • Vice President 2 (VP2) • Treasurer • Secretary • LECOM SGA Webmaster – SGA Executive Board only

  6. State Level • Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association (POMA) • Headquarters in Harrisburg, PA • POMA is your osteopathic advocacy group at the state level • POMA testifies on behalf of osteopathic physicians, residents, and students • LECOM Student Government is represented in POMA • Along with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) • SGA President delivers School Report at quarterly meetings • Student Delegate at AOA HOD meeting each summer • POMA generously donates stethoscopes at White Coat Ceremony • Learn More about POMA – www.poma.org

  7. National Level • Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP) • All Student Government Presidents are a member of this council • 29 schools plus 6 satellite campuses (3 more schools in near future) • COSGP is one of 17 Councils under AACOM • Quarterly Meetings • AOA HOD Meeting – Every summer in Chicago • NOSC held prior to HOD – Gain students stances on policies effecting the osteopathic profession • More Information – www.cosgp.org

  8. Student Clubs • 22 Student Clubs at Erie Campus • Complete a service project and a fundraiser event each semester • Monthly Business Meeting – set day of month • First two business meetings (August and September) = OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS • Clubs hold workshops, speakers, presentations and off- campus events focused on their core mission as a club • Average medical student joins 3-4 clubs • GET INVOLVED, BE OF SERVICE, ASK QUESTIONS

  9. Welcome LUAU • All First Year Medical Students are invited to join SGA and the student clubs at McKean Community Park • Opportunity to interact with student clubs • Current student club members present to answer questions • Sign up for their mailing list (STEP 1 of Membership Drive) • Eat delicious BBQ food, play games and DJ music • Interact and meet other First Years • Free raffles and other door prizes • More Information and Directions: medicine.lecomsga.com/luau • Thursday, August 1st 6pm @ McKean Community Park (McKean, PA)

  10. Membership Drive • STEP 1 – Mailing List • Sign up at Welcome Luau or online @ http://medicine.lecomsga.com/mailinglist • STEP 2 – Register for a Student Club at Business Meeting • http://medicine.lecomsga.com/register • STEP 3 – Receive and Pay Student Club Dues Invoice • Email will be sent to student after the 1st set of business meetings have occurred – August 28th • Pay via online payment process • Choose to pay all or any number of student clubs you register for • More Information – Check out the FAQs page online • http://medicine.lecomsga.com/faqs/

  11. Newsletter • LECOM SGA Weekly Newsletter • Two ways to view: • Check out the latest articles online throughout the week • http://medicine.lecomsga.com/home/newsletter/ • Weekly digest email every Monday morning • Student Clubs can post articles online • Cut off time is Sunday 6pm

  12. First Year Class Elections • Round 1 – October 2013 • Candidates submit letter of intent • Letter of Intent is viewable to all students • Ballot open for one week • Positions Available: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary • Pathway Reps: LDP (3), PBL (2), DSP (1) and PCSP (1) • Round 2 – March 2013 • Class Board becomes the board for remaining three years at LECOM until graduation • President and Vice President are responsible for rotation assignments during second year

  13. Executive Board & Student Clubs Elections • January 2014 • Open to all first year medical students • Executive Board and Student Clubs have elections independently • Must be a member of the student club to be an official candidate for a club position • Must attend at least two SGA Monthly Meetings for Executive Board candidates • Term: One Year (Feb-Jan) • Positions Available: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary • SGA Webmaster will be an interview process (not election process) in December 2013 – one month transition process • Candidate must know Wordpress (and Buddypress preferred)

  14. SGA Updated Website • Main Site: www.lecomsga.com • Provides combine events calendar of all schools, cross advertising volunteer events, “Becoming a DO” resources, and more to come (still adding content) • College of Medicine Site: medicine.lecomsga.com • Information on everything SGA Medicine including SGA contact info, event and club forms, Events Calendar, newsletter, TOUCH Points Survey link, FAQs and all the student club pages • School of Pharmacy Site: pharmacy.lecomsga.com • College of Medicine – Seton Hill Site: setonhill.lecomsga.com (currently in development)

  15. Created by the COSGP • Translating Osteopathic Understanding into Community Health • T.O.U.C.H. Point School Coordinator – Charley Martin (med.vp1@sga.lecom.edu) • Created by the COSGP: Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents • Osteopathic philosophy: a commitment to improving the health of our communities through service • Participants receive a Dean’s letter • Access to Sigma SigmaPhi Honors Society

  16. 3 Levels of Achievement 1 Student with the most TOUCH hours ≥ 100 TOUCH hours ≥ 50 TOUCH hours

  17. What Counts? • TOUCH year extends from April 1st – March 31st • Submissions within 1 month of service • Non-club Fundraising • School Clubs • IMS : 100 hours for a summer clinical mission trip • Local, national, & international community service programs

  18. Restrictions • Travel, sleep, and other activities not directly related to the service • Hours completed by 1st year students before matriculation • Leadership responsibilities in a COM student organization will not count • Research, interning, shadowing • Anytime compensation is received • Only ½ of the time used to prepare for an event may be counted towards TOUCH point hours • Up to 15 hours

  19. Wrap Up • LECOM SGA Contact Info: • http://medicine.lecomsga.com/home/sga/eboard/ • Welcome LUAU • Thursday, August 1st – 6pm @ McKean Community Park • More Information and Directions: http://medicine.lecomsga.com/luau/ • Sign up for Student Club Mailing List • @ Welcome Luau or Online (http://medicine.lecomsga.com/mailinglist/) • Attend Student Club’s First Business Meeting – see Events Calendar for dates, times and locations • www.lecomsga.com • Register for Student Clubs and pay dues • http://medicine.lecomsga.com/register

  20. Questions?

  21. BOOKMARK SGA! Bookmark LECOM SGA www.lecomsga.com medicine.lecomsga.com www.poma.org www.cosg.org

  22. THANK YOU! www.lecomsga.com

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