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Student Government Association Senate Finance Committee. Budget Training Session Fiscal Year 2011 Presented by Senate Finance Committee Chair. Monday- Nov. 16 2:30-3:00pm Alumni Room (Atwood) 3:00-3:30pm Alumni Room (Atwood) 3:30-4:00pm Alumni Room (Atwood) Wednesday- Nov. 17
Student Government AssociationSenate Finance Committee Budget Training Session Fiscal Year 2011 Presented by Senate Finance Committee Chair Monday- Nov. 16 2:30-3:00pm Alumni Room (Atwood) 3:00-3:30pm Alumni Room (Atwood) 3:30-4:00pm Alumni Room (Atwood) Wednesday- Nov. 17 2:30-3:00pm Glacier North (Atwood) 3:00-3:30pm Glacier North (Atwood) 3:30-4:00pm Glacier North (Atwood)
Excel budget http://www.stcloudstate.edu/csold/studentorganizations/BudgetBasics2.asp • Go to www.stcloudstate.edu/csold • Click on ‘student organizations’ at the top of the page • Click on ‘Organization Resources’ • The link is at the top of the page.
Enable buttons Microsoft 2007 version. THIS PROGRAM IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH MACS. • To enable buttons click “OPTIONS” on the top of the screen below the tool bar. • Click “Enable this content” then click “OK”. • You will now be able to use the buttons.
Enable buttons Microsoft 1997-2003 version • When the screen opens there will be a window that pops up, click “Enable Macros” • You will now be able to use the buttons.
SAVE Excel Budget • Save the file as: (Student Organization Name) Budget FY11.xls • Save file to easy to find location (i.e. desktop) • Double click on the excel budget file to open…
Helpful hint spots • Red Triangles will give you some helpful hints as you go through your budget packet!
Beginning “Intro” • Yellow box sections (cells) are the only thing you need to fill in if applicable. The program does not allow you to click on anything other than the yellow boxes and buttons. • Type your student organization’s name in the yellow box and your 334 account in the yellow box below. • Read over the text box to the right for helpful hints and instructions. • Click the green “CONTINUE” button on the top right side of your screen. (NOTE: You can also scroll through the sections by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of your screen)
“Details1” • If you need to go back to the previous sections click on the red “Back” button on the top right side of your screen. • 1. State the purpose of your organization and how it benefits the university (Much of this can come from your constitution). • 2. Enter the number of active members. • 3. Enter where you organization has its meetings (Mississippi Room, Lady Slipper Room, Centennial Hall room 301, etc.). • When finished with this sections click the “CONTINUE” button.
“Details2” • 4. Fill in the names and St. Cloud State email addresses for the leaders of your organization. • 5. Enter the fee that your organization charges its members and how much of that it keeps. • 6. Provide the 334 account balance (your 334 account number populated from the “Intro” sections). Enter your organizations 900 campus account number and its current balance • Other account balances should be listen. Only organization with approval from the university may have off campus accounts. • When finished with this sections click the “CONTINUE” button.
Discloser of outside funding “Revenue” • Provide all revenue sources that your organizations has received and is projected to receive for the current fiscal year (FY10). Include the description of the revenue source (i.e. type of fundraiser, grant from what source, ticket sales revenue from what events, etc.). • Include anticipated/estimated revenue for the next fiscal year and its source under: • When finished with this sections click the “CONTINUE” button.
Expense Breakdown “Expenses” • Provide a breakdown of expenses that have occurred and are anticipated to occur for the current fiscal year (FY10). • Provide a breakdown of expenses that are anticipated for the next fiscal year (FY11). • When finished with this sections click the “CONTINUE” button.
Funding through the Budget • Two forms for budgeting: • Operating Budget • Programming Budget Operating: day to day operations of the organization (Printing meeting notes, advertising of the organization, repairs to equipment, etc.) Programming: Events that the organization will put on (educational field trips, cultural nights, etc.)
“Operating Budget” • Select an object code: Object code: is a code for a certain type of funding to your organization. • Example: 1110 Advertising is funding for costs related to the advertising of your organization. • Maximum operating budget is $1000
“Operating Budget” • Example: • When finished with this sections click the “CONTINUE” button.
“Program Budget” Programming budget is used for events, large equipment purchases, travel for educational field trips, cultural nights, travel for team competition, etc. Maximum Program Budget is $10,000. Read instructions to the programming budget FIRST. • When you have finished reading the instructions click the green “CONTINUE” button. • If there are other parts of the budget you want to go back to click the red “Back” button.
“Event #1” • Enter the name of the event. • Enter the estimated date, time and location of event. • Enter the estimated number of people expected to attend. • Enter the purpose of the event, be as descriptive as possible. • Line item budget allows for a breakdown of expense for the event. • Give a description of the item that will be used, • In the yellow cell next to it list the number of these items you will need, • In the next cell give a cost for just one of the items, • The total cost of the items will populate in the cell next to it. • EXAMPLE:
“Event #1” Continue… If lodging required: • Enter the name of the lodging establishment or reasonable estimate of the establishment you will be saying (e.g. what lodging establishment you have stayed at before). • EXAMPLE: (NOTE: Minimum 4 people per room. If more lodging rooms are needed please come speak with me or email me at sfc@stcloudstate.edu so we can create more rooms for lodging, or double the nights and add that to the explanation in “Other information the Finance Committee should know about this event”)
“Event #1” Continue… • If transportation is required: • Enter in the number of miles the trip is in the far left yellow cell of the section • In the next yellow cell to the right enter the cost per mile… • NOTE: there is a drop down box to select the cost for a 7 passenger or a 12 passenger Atwood vehicle • In the next yellow box is the number of days you will be using the vehicle… • NOTE: there is a $15 per day user fee for the Atwood vehicle • EXAMPLE:
“Event #1” Continue… • In the “Other information the Finance Committee should know about this event” yellow cell please include any information you deem relevant to the event that you feel would help the Senate Finance Committee in making the best judgment possible on the funding of this event. • The total cost of the event will populate at the bottom of the screen. • If you would like to create another event go to the top right of your screen and click the gray button “CREATE ANOTHER EVENT/NEXT EVENT” you will then be taken to another event to which you can create.
Finished If you are all finished with the budget click on the grey “FINISHED” button at the top right of your screen. Once you click the button you will be brought to a Summary screen. If you are not finished with you budget click on the grey “NOT FINISHED” button at the top left of the screen and it will take you back to the Intro page (all information is as you left it). On the Summary screen you will see you a summary of you requested funding. There is also a section that shows the totals of your requested operating and programming budget.
“SUMMARY FY11” When you are all finished with the budget packet SAVE the document while you are still on the Summary screen. Print this Summary sheet and get the required signatures at the bottom. • Bring this ONE sheet to the Finance Committee and put it in the Senate Finance Chair’s mailbox in Atwood Memorial Center 138. • Email this excel file to the Senate Finance Committee: sfc@stcloudstate.edu • Make sure the excel file has the name of you organization on it. • Make sure the sent email is saved for your record (or print the email). This is to ensure that if there are any clerical errors we will know for sure that you did send the email. • Budget deadline is January 25th 3:00pm
The Senate Finance Committee does NOT fund… • Banquets • Award ceremonies • Conferences and Seminars (this must be requested through the free balance reserves) • Awards/trophies • Alcohol/cigarettes • Illegal items • Gifts • Charitable contributions • Gasoline purchases • Items strictly for individual use (Costumes, uniforms) • Scholarships • Security loans • Membership or conference fees • Anything that puts the organization in violation with University policy