Czech cuisine and eating habits • Although Czech cuisine is not exactly a synonym for healthy cooking, everybody will probably find at least a couple of meals "to die for". It may be the potato soup, the traditional roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut, the fruit filled dumplings, or the apple strudel. • Czech cooking and eating habits have been shifting in the general direction of a healthier lifestyle, but traditional Czech recipes are still extremely popular - and those tend to be high in calories, fat and sugar. Sauces and condiments are popular.
Soups • A Czechmealoftenstartswithsoup (polévka). SomepopularCzechsoups are: • - potatosoup (bramborová polévkaorbramboračka)- garlicsoup (česneková polévkaorčesnečka)- chickennoodlesoup (kuřecí polévka s nudlemi)- beefsoupwith liver dumplings (hovězí polévka s játrovými knedlíčky)- sauerkrautsoup (zelná polévkaorzelňačka)- dillsoup, madefromsourmilk (koprová polévkaorkoprovka)
The MainCourse • The main course (hlavníchod) usually consists of meat (maso) and a side dish (příloha). The most popular meats are chicken (kuře) and pork (vepřové), followed by beef (hovězí), usually served with some kind of sauce (omáčka). Fish is not very common although trout (pstruh) or cod (treska) are sometimes served. Salmon (losos) and seafood (plodymoře) are served in better restaurants. The mackerel (makrela) is a popular fish to grill over open fire in summer. Carp (kapr) is traditionally served on Christmas Eve.
Side Dishes • The most commonCzechsidedishes are: • - boiledpotatoes (vařené brambory)- roastedpotatoes (opékané brambory)- mashedpotatoes (bramborová kaše)- Frenchfries (bramborové hranolky)- rice (rýže)- breaddumplings (houskové knedlíky) orpotatodumplings (bramborové knedlíky) withsauce (omáčka)- breadorpotatodumplingswithsauerkraut (zelí)- potatosalad (bramborový salát)
Desserts Desserts (moučníky) come in many varietiesandtend to beheavyandfattybecausebutter (máslo) andwhippedcream (šlehačka) are oftenused. Somepopulardesserts are: • - pancakes(palačinky) filledwith jam (džem) orstrawberries (jahody)- and whippedcream- honeycakecalled Medovník - blueberrydumplings (borůvkové knedlíky)- applestrudel (jablečný závin)- icecreamsundae (zmrzlinový pohár)
Drinks • Czech Republic is the onlyoneallover the worldwherebeerischeeperthanwater in the pubs • Czechs drink a lot ofbeer (on average 160 litersforone person) • Ifyou're not in the moodforbeer, youcanhavemineralwater, orangejuice (pomerančový džus), coca-cola and othercommercial drinks or a soda (specifyitsnamebecausesoda in Czech means "soda water"). Czechsalsolike to drink tea (čaj) withsugar (cukr) and lemon (citrón), andcoffee (káva) withorwithoutmilk (mléko) orcream (smetana).
Eating habits • In our country wehavethreemaindishes: • breakfast, dinner (aroundmidday)- it´s the biggestdish, lunch (smallerdish in the evenning) • But a lot ofchildren miss breakfast and atschooltheyeatsomesweets and similarunhealthy food and moreover, theyspend majority oftheir free time in front ofcomputerscreen. • Thatiswhywe (teachers) canseeproblemswithmovementskills and obesity (every 5th childisoverweight in our country)
Obesity – reasons: • Lack of movement, lack of opportunities • Bad eating habits - sweets, caloric food, fast food, lack of vegetables and fruit, TV, computers… My opinion: We should change it!!!