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C A L I F O R N I A. E N E R G Y. C O M M I S S I O N. Advanced Freight Infrastructure Deployment and Vehicle Demonstration P re- Solicitation Wor k s h op. A l te rn a t iv e a nd Re n ew ab l e F u e l a nd Ve h i cl e Tec hn o l og y P r og r a m
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Advanced Freight Infrastructure Deployment and Vehicle Demonstration Pre-SolicitationWorkshop AlternativeandRenewableFuelandVehicle TechnologyProgram Sam Lerman September 26, 2017
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N AGENDA • Welcome • Recent CEC Investments in Advanced Freight Technologies • SolicitationOverview • Questionsand Answers • Adjourn
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N AlternativeandRenewable Fueland VehicleTechnology Program(ARFVTP) • AB8 (Perea,Chapter401,Statutesof2013) extends ARFVTPthroughJanuary1,2024. • Receives up to$100millionperyearto: • TransformCalifornia'stransportation market into a diverse collectionofalternativefuels and technologiesand reduceCalifornia's dependenceonpetroleum. • Developand deploy innovativetechnologies thattransformCalifornia’s fuelandvehicle typestohelp attainthe state’s climatechange policies.
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N • CommitmenttoDiversity • TheEnergyCommissionadopteda resolutionon April8, 2015, tofirmly committo: • Increaseparticipationof women,minority,disabled veteranand LGBTbusinessenterprisesinprogram funding opportunities • Increaseoutreachand participationby disadvantaged communities • IncreasediversityinparticipationatEnergy Commissionproceedings • Increasediversityinemployment andpromotional opportunities
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N CommitmenttoDiversity(Cont.) Fairness– IncreasefundingaccessibilitytoallCalifornians Inclusion– Smallbusinessesmake up a significantportionof theU.S.economy Job Creation– Projectscan createjobs for residentsofthe under-servedcommunities Diversityof Ideas – Greatideasoccurina varietyof areas Diversityin Communities’Needs– Needs varywidelyfrom one areatothenext(airquality,socioeconomic,etc.)
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N ARFVTP Freight Projects Under Prior Solicitations
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N • SolicitationPurpose • (REQUIRED) Deploy infrastructure for zero-emission freight vehicles • (OPTIONAL) Deploy zero-emission freight vehicles nearing commercialization, and deploy innovative intelligent transportation system (ITS) strategies
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N SupportingPolicy Initiatives • 2017-2018InvestmentPlanUpdate fortheARFVTP • • • • California’s ZEV Action Plan • • ARB Mobile Source Strategy • • Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act • • SB 350 • SB 132 • California Commercial Vehicle Idling Regulation CaliforniaSustainableFreightActionPlan
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Funding • $22,257,799totalfunding • • • • • • • • Applicantmayrequestup to 75%of totalprojectcosts $1,000,000 minimum funding request $11,000,000 maximum funding request EnergyCommissionreservestherighttoincrease/ decreasetotalfunding
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Eligible Applicants • AllCaliforniaseaports • Marineterminaloperatorsattheseseaports • Localairdistricts • Regional warehouses and distribution centers that support freight movement
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N ProjectRequirements • Projectsmust: • Deploy new or upgrade existing in-ground refueling infrastructure for battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell freight vehicles. • Be utilized by class 3-8 on-road freight vehicles having gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) of 10,001 lbs. or greater, or off-road freight moving cargo handling equipment. • Identify project benefits to disadvantaged communities. • Provide a minimum 12 months of data collection. 11
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Optional Categories • Projectsmay: • Deploy ZEV vehicles nearing commercialization • Must utilize infrastructure deployed under the solicitation • Limited to $350,000 per vehicle • Innovative ITS projects • Connected vehicle technologies • Provide enhancing features not found in current ITS demonstrations • May include funding for ITS vehicles or ITS infrastructure • May lead to autonomous vehicle operations • Must have tangible environmental benefits for freight vehicles 11
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N IneligibleProjects
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N DisadvantagedCommunities • Mustidentifyand describehowtheprojectbenefits DisadvantagedCommunities (DAC) • CalEnviroScreen(CES) 3.0 Toolmust be used todetermine and verifyDACs • DACsaredefinedasareasidentifiedby CES3.0 Tooland scoredatorabovethe75thpercentile
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Scoring: PossiblePoints
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Bonus Points • 8 points = One hundred percent (100%) of the proposed Energy Commission funding is devoted to infrastructure deployment. • 4 points = Fifty percent (50%) of the proposed Energy Commission funding is devoted to infrastructure deployment. • 0 points = All projects that propose less than fifty percent (50%) of Energy Commission funding for infrastructure deployment will not receive any bonus points.
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Innovation • CEC is looking for innovative projects that will lead to strategic, cost-effective solutions for future deployment of ZEV infrastructure for freight vehicles. • For EV projects, this may include: • Non-proprietary communication protocols with EV chargers. • Facility level EV load management software. • Development of smart charging load profiles. • Active load management strategies. • Ability to support emerging connector standards. • Inclusion of appropriate VGI standards (e.g. ISO 15118, SEP 2.0b, Open ADR 2.0b, CCS etc.) • Other methods for enhancing grid-reliability by providing data to utilities to predict charging behavior and associated impacts on the grid. • For hydrogen projects, this may include: • Advances in delivery, compression, storage, and dispensing technologies that will reduce station costs. • Inclusion of active fuel quality detection systems.
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Innovation Continued • Projects include on-site renewable integration • ITS projects are innovative, support increased freight efficiency, and include enhancing features that are not found in current demonstrations of ITS technologies • Advanced vehicle deployments, if included, involve commercially available or near-commercially available vehicle technologies that have successfully been demonstrated in the field, and that include enhancing features such as the use of emerging connector standards or advanced VGI strategies
Total SDG&E Request: $244 M Total SCE Request: $574 M Total PG&E Request: $253 M Priority Review PG&E also proposed conducting a request for third-party EV innovators to design a project or program to spend the remainder of its priority review budget ($8.2 M) Standard Review Rate Design Proposals
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Connector Standards • Four bus and truck standards as identified by “Electric Power Research Institute Bus and Truck Charging Interface Group”: • SAE J-1772 CCS (version 7) – Make provisions for high power (1000 V, 350 A, 350 kw) needs of buses • SAE J-2954-2 Wireless standard for heavy-duty, builds off light duty standard SAE J-2954-1 for light-duty • SAE J-3105 – Overhead connection (conductive) charging standard for buses • SAE J-3068- Manual 3 phase AC standard at high power • Source: https://www.epri.com/#/busandtruck
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Remaining Schedule • Deadlinefor Comments(5:00p.m.on October 3, 2017) • Solicitation Release (November 2017) • Application Submittals and NOPA Posting (January 2018) • BusinessMeetingApproval(March 2018) 19
C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Questions/Comments FTD@energy.ca.gov Samuel LermanCaliforniaEnergy Commission Attn:Advanced Freight Vehicle Demonstration and Infrastructure Deployment 1516NinthStreet,MS-27 Sacramento,CA 95814 20