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Windham School District Laptop & Technology Vision 2005 Windham School District We sought Expert Testimony The experts identify the following as critical: Technology in Education Internet Access NCLB accountability tied to curriculum Multimedia and Digital Content Virtual Schools
Windham School District Laptop & Technology Vision 2005
Windham School District We sought Expert Testimony The experts identify the following as critical: Technology in Education Internet Access NCLB accountability tied to curriculum Multimedia and Digital Content Virtual Schools School Interoperability Framework 5:1 Student to Computer ratio
What do the experts say about the future of Technology and Laptops in Education?
National Education Technology Plan 2004 Susan D. Patrick Director Office of Educational Technology U.S. Department of Education
Economy • Changing • 80% of jobs in 2010 do not exist today (according to U.S. Department of Labor report) • Information-based, changing world • Global • Other countries are working hard, moving fast and using technology to accelerate progress. . . • Innovation, creativity & tolerance for risk-taking is a strength of the U.S.
Where We Are Today? • Over the past 20 years America invested hundreds of billions of dollars in education, yet reading and math scores remained essentially flat. • Today change is in the air. Innovative approaches. New appreciation of technology. • We see a new excitement in the vast possibilities of the digital age for changing how we learn and teach. • NCLB imposes new standards of accountability and provides increased flexibility and funding.
Goals of NCLB • Every child can read by the 3rd grade. • Students are technology literate by the 8th grade. • A highly qualified teacher in every public school classroom by 2005. • Data used to drive decisions, target resources and support instruction.
Even Young Children • 72% of all first graders used a home computer during the summer on a weekly basis. • Over 85% of young children with home computers used them for educational purposes. • By 1999, 97% of kindergartners had access to a computer at school or home. • 35% of children ages 2-5 use the Internet from any location.
Online Teens • 71% of online teens say they relied mostly on Internet sources for the last big project they did for school. • 48% say their use of the Internet improves their relationship with friends. • 94% of online teens report using the Internet for school-related research. • 74% of online teens use instant messaging. • 24% of online teens have created their own Web pages. • The number of children ages 4 to 18 who own at least one wireless device (e.g. cell phones, PDAs) grew from 32% in 2002 to 43% in 2003. • 13% of those age 7 and under own a wireless device
Our Challenge • Are our schools ready for this generation? • How do we create the learning environments that engage this generation to help them reach their full potential? • How do we equip these students with the skills and knowledge they need to be competitive in a global, information-based economy and contributing citizens? • What assumptions about education do we need to question?
Maine Educational AssessmentPerformance Analysis 2002 - 2003 Measuring Maine’s Learning Results Achieving World Class Performance Standards Maine Department of Education October 24, 2003
MEA Performance AnalysisGrade 4 – Students With\Without Home Internet Connection 2002-03 Reading Math IC = Internet Connection % of total population 35% 28% Internet connectivity yielded: 15% higher scores Meeting or Exceeding in Reading and 12% higher Meeting or Exceeding Standards in Math
MEA Performance AnalysisGrade 8 – Students With\Without Home Internet Connection 2002-03 Reading Math IC = Internet Connection 18% 17% % of total population Internet connectivity yielded: 21% higher scores Meeting or Exceeding in Reading and 10% higher Meeting or Exceeding Standards in Math
MEA Performance AnalysisGrade 11 – Students With\Without Home Internet Connection 2002-03 Reading Math IC = Internet Connection 15% 16% % of total population Internet connectivity yielded: 26% higher scores Meeting or Exceeding in Reading and 14% higher Meeting or Exceeding Standards in Math
Standards Scores Does Not Meet 1 = from 0% to 37.4% Partially Meets 2 = from 37.5% to 62.4% Meets 3 = from 62.5% to 87.4% Exceeds 4 = 87.5% and above
Tear Down Those Walls: The Revolution is Underway • Creative new teaching models are emerging that embrace technology to redesign curricula and organizational structures. • The results in educational achievement often have been striking. • The percentage of schools making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) toward NCLB goals from 2003-2004 is up in most states. • In nine states – North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, Alaska, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia and California – the proportion of schools making AYP has increased by at least 10 percentage points. • Over the past five years there has been an explosive growth in online and multimedia instruction and “virtual schools.”
Explosion in E-Learning and Virtual Schools • About 25 percent of all K-12 public schools now offer some form of e-learning or virtual school instruction. • Within the next decade every state and most schools will be doing so. • E-learning offers flexibility in the time, place and pace of instruction. • It offers educators an alternative means of meeting their students’ academic needs. • It gives parents a significant choice of providers.
Steps • Strengthen Leadership • Consider Innovative Budgeting • Improve Teacher Training • Support E-Learning and Virtual Schools • Encourage Broadband Access • Move Toward Digital Content • Integrate Data Systems
MOVE TOWARD DIGITAL CONTENT • Ensure that teachers and students are adequately trained in the use of online content. • Encourage that each student has ubiquitous access to computers and connectivity. • Consider costs and benefits of online content, aligned with rigorous state academic standards, as part of a systemic approach to creating resources for students to customize learning to their individual needs.
Where are we going with Digital Content in Windham? Web… • Grade / Subject / Standard – Curriculum – Replacements - Extended Education • KEnglish/Language Arts Demonstrate that reading helps gain information about the world. Sound out letters and use pictures to show things in the room Reader Rabbit on CD Text book, web links, MP3, etc... List activities to assist those students who didn’t meet the standard Extended Education : : • Math --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • 1English/Language Arts • : • : • : • 8 • 9 • : • : • 12 BARSCH LEARNING STYLES Visual / Auditory / Tactile / Kinesthetic
INTEGRATE DATA SYSTEMS • Establish a plan to integrate data systems so that administrators and educators have the information they need to increase efficiency and improve student learning. • Use assessment results to inform and differentiate instruction for every child. • Implement School Interoperability Framework (SIF) Compliance Certification as a requirement in all RFPs and purchasing decisions.
What is Windham doing to integrate Data Systems? • Standards Reports have been built and are continuing to be built to feed decision making through data mining. • We have standardized all client PCs to interface with Servers. We have implemented intelligent data storage on a Storage Area Network. We have implemented tape autoloader so we don’t outgrow our backup system. • We are integrating curriculum into Technology so course delivery and measurability are supported by technology.
Standards Data Reports • We have the Standards Report Cards • Standards Transcript • Standards Report of scores where: 1=Does Not Meet and 2=Partially Meets Standard • We also have a report sorting all standards within a Grade Level and a Percentage breakdown of how many students got each grade for that standard, ie 8% got “1” = Does Not Meet Standard 17% got “2” = Partially Meets Standard 50% got “3” = Meets Standard 25% got “4” = Exceeds Standard
SIF Compliance • School Interoperability Framework is already in place. Our SIS School Information System is SIF compliant. • VersaTrans bus routing software is SIF compliant. • Our interface with MEDMS via XML is SIF compliant.
Conclusions • America’s students need the knowledge and competence to compete in an increasingly technology-driven world economy. • This need demands new models of education facilitated by educational technology. • Industry is far ahead of education. Tech-savvy high school students often are far ahead of their teachers. • Some of the most promising new educational approaches are being developed outside the traditional educational system, through e-learning and virtual schools. • This is an exciting, creative and transforming era for students, teachers, administrators, policymakers and parents. • The next 10 years could see a spectacular rise in achievement – and may well usher in a new golden age for American education.
E-Learning & Virtual Schools • We are “investigating only” Distance Education: • We have spoken with VHS.org out of Massachusetts (Virtual High School) • We are considering University of Phoenix for elective courses with College Credit w/o travel costs • High School Guidance is working with local colleges who offer college courses to High School Students through the Great Maine Schools Project.
For further information, the National Dept of Ed’s Technology plan may be located at: http://www.ED.gov www.NationalEdTechPlan.org
This Report can be attained at: Toward A New Golden Age In American Education “How the Internet, Law & Today’s Students are Revolutionizing Expectations” National Education Technology Plan 2004 U.S. Department of Education: Rod Paige - Secretary Office of the Deputy Secretary: Eugene Hickok - Deputy Secretary Office of Educational Technology: Susan Patrick - Director, Office of Educational Technology To order copies of this report, write: ED Pubs Editorial Publications Center U.S. Department of Education P.O. Box 1398 Jessup, MD 20794-1398 Or via electronic mail, EdPubs@Inet.Ed.gov
Excerpt from US Dept of Ed Report: • This report was undertaken by the staff of the U.S. Department of Education in response to a request from Congress for an update on the status of educational technology. As the field work progressed, it became obvious that while the development of educational technology was thriving, its application in our schools often was not. Over the past 10 years, 99 percent of our schools have been connected to the Internet with a 5:1 student to computer ratio.
5:1ratio in Windham is our minimum Goal Current Ratios: • Primary School 25:1 • Manchester 8:1 • Middle School 1:1 • High School 6:1 • Real School 3:1
How will we bring all the schools into this 5:1 ratio? • High School – we wish to purchase 2 Dozen laptops more and 2 carts at a cost of $26,000 • Middle School purchase the existing laptops and review 7 & 8 th grade offering by the State
Cost to purchase laptops now that they are at the end of lease is: We anticipate another 2 years out of them realistically 500 - Number of Existing Laptops $40 - times purchase price / Unit --------- $20,000 The true cost of ownership of the iBook laptops = $40 per PC / 2 years = $20 per year. Parts and maintenance will be taken on by our existing staff who will become Apple certified for repair at a cost of only $300 for 2 exams. If these laptops have any usable life at the end of 2 years from now, they'll be 6 years old. They may be rolled backwards to younger grades. The Middle School also supports the premise that at these prices we should try to attain as many as we can.
Comparison to today’s costs When we purchased 100 PCs earlier this year at a cost of approximately $100,000 We expect to get 3-5 years useful life, this is an industry standard recommendation. We hope to get at least 5 years out of them. The true cost of ownership = $1,000 per PC / 5 years = $200 per year
How will we bring all the schools into this 5:1 ratio? (Cont.) • Manchester and Primary School will have to long term be open to receiving technologies out grown by the Higher Grades. • We can turn old laptops into desktops when the batteries and monitors go bad by adding an external monitor and plugging it in.
MLTI Conference is on Oct 19 • We were promised answers to the State’s next release in Sept, that was not the case. • We are promised additional information on Oct 19th and we will relay that to the board. • We did not want to delay the Board any more in their decision making prior to drafting budgets.
How are we using Technology in the Windham Curriculum today?
Software on the iBooks • Adobe Acrobat Reader - Reds PDF files (There is PDF curriculum on the iBook) • AppleWorks - Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Database • Calculator • Chess • DataStudio - Graphing calculator • Finale Notepad - lite version of the music creation software • Firefox - Open Source web browser • FirstClass - email and collaboration software • iCal - Calendar and organization • iChat - Instant messaging (Not available to students) • iMovie - Video production • Internet Explorer - Web browser • iPhoto - Photo editing and cataloging • MacJournal - Journaling software • iTunes - Music (Not available to students) • Netscape - Web browser (Not available to students) • Norton Antivirus • Notetaker Viewer - Presentation viewer software (Not available to students) • Quicken 2005 - Accounting software • QuickTime Player - Video viewer • Safari - Web browser • Sherlock - Information finder software • Sound Studio - Audio creation software • TextEdit - Basic Word Processor • WorldBook 2004 - Online and digital encyclopedia
Software added by Windham • ArdCompanion - iBook naming convention software (free) • Bibliographer - Bibliography software (free) • Froguts - Frog (owl pellets, etc) dissection software • ArchiCad - CAD design software • PowerPoint Viewer - Views PowerPoint files (free) • NeoOffice - Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) alternative (free) • Nvu - Web editing software (free) • SubEthaEdit - Networkable word processor for sharing (free) • x-Charge - Battery monitoring software (free)
Curriculum added by Windham • Dynamic Sun - NASA multimedia exploration of the Sun • Foss PSCi - Planetary Science • Teen Health - Health curriculum • American Republic - US History
Ryan Rumsey will now demonstrate a lesson utilizing the laptop in the educational process…
Windham School District We sought Expert Testimony The experts identify the following as critical: Technology in Education Internet Access NCLB accountability tied to curriculum Multimedia and Digital Content Virtual Schools School Interoperability Framework 5:1 Student to Computer ratio