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Funding Opportunities for Test-beds and Research Infrastructures in FP6 Bernhard FABIANEK

Funding Opportunities for Test-beds and Research Infrastructures in FP6 Bernhard FABIANEK Bernhard.Fabianek@cec.eu.int European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General TERENA General Assembly 18 Prague, October 24-25, 2002.

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Funding Opportunities for Test-beds and Research Infrastructures in FP6 Bernhard FABIANEK

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  1. Funding Opportunities for Test-beds and Research Infrastructures in FP6 Bernhard FABIANEK Bernhard.Fabianek@cec.eu.int European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General TERENA General Assembly 18Prague, October 24-25, 2002 "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"

  2. Outline • Research Infrastructures • GEANT (GN2) • Test-beds

  3. Research Infrastructures (RI) • In the Specific Programme on "Structuring the European Research Area" • 2.3. Communication Network Development • “The objective of this scheme in support of existing research infrastructures is to create a denser network between related initiatives, in particular by establishing a high-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (GRIDs).”

  4. WP: Research Infrastructures • 2.3. Communication Network Development • focus on: • GridsDeployment of advanced Grids-empowered infrastructures. These infrastructures should exhibit production-level performance capabilities and constitute themselves distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales • GEANT (GN2) • Test-beds (with IST priority)

  5. WP (RI): Infrastructures • 1st Call (DL March/April 2003) Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s) • Projects to start late 2003 • 50 MEuro Funding available in this Call (200 MEuro in Total) • Follow the good experience in DataGrid • 2003 Call for GEANT (GN2) (100 MEuro) • 2005 last Call

  6. Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) • In the Communication Network Development scheme, Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s) must include: • Networking activities (up to 100% funded)Helps to catalyse the mutual co-ordination and the pooling of resources among the consortium of participants. • Specific Service Activities (up to 50% funded) • Joint research activities (up to 50% funded)The joint research activities aim to improve or enhance the service provided by the infrastructure. Research projects should be innovative and explore new fundamental technologies or techniques underpinning the use of infrastructures by several research communities

  7. GEANT (GN2) - Participation in FP6 • FP6 Framework Programme Decision (27 June 2002) states under Whereas (15): • “… FP6 is open to the participation of … entities from third countries and of international organizations for scientific co-operation. Specific activities will be undertaken in support of participation of scientists and institutions from developing countries, Mediterranean countries including the Western Balkans as well as Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS).”

  8. China Japan Korea NeDAP US Canada SILK Brazil 10 Gbit/s 2,5Gbit/s <2,5Gbit/s Research Networking • Pan-European coverage (31 Countries/NRENs) • Gigabit connectivity at 10 Gb/s • Linking more than 3100 Universities • Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (80 MEuro from EU) • Extend to Mediterranean, Asia Pacific Rim, Latin America...

  9. GEANT (GN2) - WP RI • Maintain and further upgrade the services and functionality of GÉANT(address: 100 Gb/s, photonics, lambda management, etc.) • Provision of end-to-end connectivity and services (user-to-user)(by ensuring a high level of cohesion and co-ordination of priorities amongst the interconnected NRENs) • Enhance the “inclusiveness” of the research network infrastructure(schools, educational networks, libraries, e-learning, etc.)

  10. GEANT (GN2) - WP RI • Support and integrate research projects on-top ofGÉANT(establishment of advanced test-beds to experiment, validate, integrate and demonstrate new technologies and services (like Grids, GMPLS, photonics, etc.) ) • Make timely use of the results of advanced test-beds(in close co-operation with industrial players and network operators) • Exploit the opportunities of a liberalised telecommunication environment (“own” fibre, “own” network, etc.)

  11. GEANT (GN2) - WP RI • Strengthen Europe’s position as a global player in the field of networking by maintaining and extending the current international connectivity to NRENs in regions outside Europe(e.g. Mediterranean, Far-East and Pacific-Rim, Africa, South-America).To that end the active participation in global research networking activities is essential.

  12. Test-beds • Extensive Test-beds in FP5 on IPv6 and Grids • IST WP2003: 3.4 Research networking test-beds “To integrate and validate, in the context of user-driven large scale test-beds, the state-of-the-art technology that is essential for preparing the future upgrades in the infrastructure deployed across Europe.”

  13. IST WP2003: Test-beds • 3.4 Research Networking Test-beds • focus on: • Integrating, testing, validating and demonstrating new networking technologies - including disruptive technologies - and services (IP over photonics, GMPLS, new routing and protocol schemes, etc. ) in real-world settings and production environments. • Roadmaps and strategic guidance for infrastructure development • Fostering interoperability across different scientific and industrial disciplines to achieve broader-scale up-take of new state-of-the-art infrastructure technology and promoting the creation of standards

  14. IST WP2003: 3.4 Test-beds • Addressed in 2nd Call (October 2003) IPs (NoE and STRPs if needed/justified) • Projects to start mid 2004 • 20-30 MEuro Funding available in this Call (50 MEuro in total for Test-beds in IST) • Follow the good experience in 6NET: • Large multidisciplinary consortium with many actors from different sectors involved • Prepare the introduction of IPv6 into the NRENs and GEANT in Europe

  15. Conclusions • With the support of the IST Programme and in the context of the eEurope action plan, a new generation backbone for research has been launched - GEANT • In parallel, EU is investing in FP6 in networking test-beds such as GRIDS, IPv6, Photonics to support highly demanding user community • GEANT is the spearhead of telecommunication developments GEANT (GN2) is going into new areas!It needs your help to achieve that!

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