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Preliminary Proposal for a Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies at CBU*. To: Dr. Ron Ellis and Dr. Jonathan Parker From: Ad Hoc Doctoral Planning Committee (Dr. Mary Crist, Dr. DawnEllen Jacobs, Erica McLaughlin, Dr. Jeff McNair, Denise Roscoe and Dr. John Shoup)
Preliminary Proposal for a Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies at CBU* • To: Dr. Ron Ellis and Dr. Jonathan Parker • From: Ad Hoc Doctoral Planning Committee (Dr. Mary Crist, Dr. DawnEllen Jacobs, Erica McLaughlin, • Dr. Jeff McNair, Denise Roscoe and Dr. John Shoup) • Date: September 24, 2007 (Modified from September 17, 2007proposal) The committee recommends that offering a relevant doctoral program in leadership studies with several options for specializations, as outlined on the next page, is potentially feasible and advantageous for CBU. In addition, a doctorate in leadership studies affords CBU additional opportunities to expand its influence across the globe by offering a truly multidisciplinary terminal degree with an online component to various constituents and equipping such constituents with requisite knowledge and skills to creatively lead complex environments in a global economy. The committee recommends that a 54 semester unit research doctoral degree in leadership studies be implemented in a time frame consistent with WASC requirements and at the direction of the President. Candidates would have the option to enroll in the program as Ed.D. students or Ph.D. students. While candidates in both degree programs would take the same courses, the in class assignments and research requirements would be differentiated consistent with the type of doctoral degree program the candidate is enrolled, with Ed.D. candidates taking on a more applied research approach while the Ph.D. candidates would focus on what is typically referred to as pure research. There are several rationales for offering a doctoral degree program in leadership studies as outlined on the next page which is cross-listed as an Ed.D. and Ph.D. *The following proposal is a synthesis of two years of evaluating doctoral programs at various IHEs, participating in scholarly seminars on doctoral education, soliciting feedback from various constituents and advisory committees, and reading various reports on doctoral education identified in the attached reference page. • While there is a documented need for Ed.D.s in the K-12 environment and the Ed.D. market is competitive, in some circles it is considered outdated, and there is a decline in Ed.D. enrollments. • Allows for creative and relevant programming options that makes for a flexible degree tailored to the expressed demands and needs of the 21st century and unique interests of potential candidates. • Provides a competitive degree that appeals to a broader market of students (not just Ed.D. candidates), providing an economy of scales and a valued interdisciplinary focus. • Creates opportunity to recruit and retain faculty experts across the CBU campus and outside of CBU, addressing faculty capacity issues. • Doctoral programs tend to raise the level of excellence in the existing graduate and undergraduate programs by securing additional library resources, recruiting respective scholars for graduate and undergraduate courses, and availing existing programs to additional expertise. • Positions CBU to better fulfill its mission by developing highly qualified leaders for various professional environments and potentially expanding online delivery options to recruit national and international candidates and faculty for the program. • Provides a potentially substantive revenue stream for the university as a self-supporting program with a positive annual net revenue in 4 years (which also includes 35% of the budget dedicated to operational costs and 20% dedicated to benefits for program personnel (see the attached pro-forma budget). THIS STATEMENT NEEDS TO BE AMMENDED AS THE NEW BUDGET AS YET TO BE DEVELOPED In addition to a description of the proposed program, reference list and pro-forma budget, the following pages provide a summary of the key milestones and documents supporting this recommendation, a list of comparable degree programs from select universities and their respective tuitions, and possible timelines for WASC accreditation.
Proposed Doctoral Degree in Leadership Studies with Specialization in Business, Disability Studies, Education, Pastoral and Church Ministries, Public Administration, and Sports Leadership • Program Philosophy and Distinctives • The Doctoral Degree from CBU is designed to equip emerging and practicing leaders with the wisdom to successfully lead complex environments • Multidisciplinary perspectives presented in the core courses as candidates explore similar issues from the vantage points of the various disciplines represented in their cohort, developing truly interdisciplinary enlightened, and creative leaders. • Rigorous balance between theory and application as candidates have differentiated assignments according to their interests and selected specialization, and participate in relevant field experiences, developing competent credible leaders. • Advanced preparation in leadership and organizational theory, developing transformational leaders for a global society. • Emphasis on Biblical and ethical practices throughout each course, developing empowered, courageous, virtuous and wise leaders. • Combination of online and face-to-face instruction, making for convenient participation in the program by students and faculty experts outside of CBU. • Candidates begin work on their dissertation at the start of the program, making opportunity for candidates to complete their dissertation by the end of the third year of the program. • Core Courses (24 units) • Advanced Leadership Studies • Organizational and Institutional Theories • Leading and Managing Complexity • Culture and Sociology of Organizations • Optimizing Political and Social Capital • Leadership Ethics, Virtues and Practices • Creative and Effective Decision Making • People and Personnel Development • Research (18 units) • Research Design / Prospectus • Inferential Statistics • Qualitative Research*, Advanced Statistics* or Interpreting Statistics* • Dissertation Research A • Dissertation Research B • Dissertation Research C • *Depending on degree type and specialization Specialization (12 units) Business Disability Studies 1. TBD 1. TBD 2. TBD 2. TBD 3. TBD 3. TBD 4. TBD 4. TBD Education Pastoral Ministries 1. TBD 1. TBD 2. TBD 2. TBD 3. TBD 3. TBD 4. TBD 4. TBD Public Administration Sports Leadership 1. TBD 1. TBD 2. TBD 2. TBD 3. TBD 3. TBD 4. TBD 4. TBD Course Sequences
Doctoral Planning Progress Report • Reported Need • State of California occupational projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for 1998-2008 demonstrated an increase in the demand for educational administrators of 21%.” (CSU – WASC, 2006). • 80% of superintendents in the state are or will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. (CSU –WASC, 2006). • 1997-98, 9% of the 22,779 school administrators possessed a doctorate; 2005, 7.7% of California’s administrators possessed a doctorate. (CSU-WASC, 2006). • 68-82% of school administrators from LA, Orange and San Diego Counties indicated interest in pursuing a doctoral degree in education. (CSU-WASC, 2006) • “CA needs to increase the number of institutions authorized to award the doctorate in education if it is to have enough well-qualified leaders at all levels of education.” (CSU, 2001, p. 3). • Approximately 70% of EdD in the state of CA are from independent universities (CSU, 2001, p. 8). • Milestones • June 2005 • Participation in the California Institute for Educational Leadership Colloquium • Dr. Arthur Levine – Educating School Leaders (March 2005 Report) • Fall 2006 • SoE gathered doctoral program data from prospective competitors (APU, USC, Pepperdine, Regent, UR, LaSierra, George Fox, Chapman, Biola) • Spring 2007 • 1st EdD Advisory Committee • EdD is a crowded market / CBU positioned to be competitive/ find niche • Capitalize on reputation of excellent teacher prep. program • Capitalize on customer friendly environment • SoE Survey of Current Students and Alumni • 135 responses • 62 % Very interested(31%) or Interested (31%) in a • doctorate in leadership studies • 31% Very interested (21%) or Interested (10%) in a • doctorate in disabilities studies • 67% reported preference for combination of online and • F2F courses. • AERA Session on Doctoral Planning (USC and Vanderbilt) • Summer 2007 • Developed Pro Forma Budget • 2nd EdD Advisory Committee Meeting • Developed Program Nonnegotiables and Dreams • Integration of faith • Rigorous / Research Based / Rooted in Real World • Balance F2F and Online • Multi-disciplinary / Interdisciplinary • Limited ABDs • Develop Strong Leadership Qualities • Blend of FT Faculty with Experts in the Field • Research Doctoral Degrees • Only 28% of EdD produced in CA in 1998 will be working in K-12 public schools. (CPEC 2000) • HR personnel report perceived value of EdD on the decline (composition of school boards, diploma mills, lack of rigor, demonstrated abilities to lead political and complex environments). (CPEC 2000) • “Acquisition of broad-based knowledge is frequently mentioned as the most important product of doctoral programs, even ahead of leadership skills.” (CPEC 2000, p. 6) • June and July/August 2007 editions of Harvard Business Review call for innovative leaders and executive education. • 2005 – 2.9% increase in the number of doctorates awarded but a 6.1% decrease in education since 2004. (SED, 2005) • Since 1973 SED data base – of the # doctorates awarded: • 85-89% PhD, • 7-11% EdD, • 0.6-1.3% DMA, and • 0.4% DSc/D.A. NSF (2006) • 1999 – U.S. Citizen with research doctorates employment: • 48% to 4-year institutions • 4% to 2-year institutions • ~22% industry or self-employed • 11% K-12 education • 9% government • 6% non-profit organizations NSF (2006).
Comparable Programs APU (Ed.D.) offers a 54 unit degree in Educational Leadership. ($675 per unit – F07 catalog) APU (Ed.D.) offers a 54 unit degree in Higher Education Leadership. ($750 per unit – F07 catalog) APU (Ph.D.) offers a 60 unit degree in Higher Education Leadership. ($750 per unit – F07 catalog) Biola (Ed.D.) offers a 36 semester unit degree in Educational Studies out of the Talbot School of Theology. ($791 per unit – F07 Web Site) (Requires a Masters degree in Christian or Religious Education (MACE or MRE) or its equivalent (36 semester units ) from an accredited educational institution.) Biola (Ph.D.) offers a 45 semester unit degree in Educational Studies out of the Talbot School of Theology. ($791 per unit – F07 Web Site) CSUSB (Ed.D.) offers a 92 quarter unit degree in Educational Leadership. ($2,480 per quarter – F07 catalog) DBU (Ed.D.) offers a 60 semester units in . ($528 per unit - F07 Web Site) DBU (Ph.D.) requires 60 semester units. ($528 per unit - F07 Web Site) Regent (Ph.D.) offers 60 semester unit degree in Organizational Leadership with five majors. ($800 per unit – F07 catalog) Regent (DSL) offers a 60 semester unit degree in Strategic Leadership with three majors. ($800 per unit – F07 catalog) Regent (Ed.D.) offers a 60 semester unit degree in one of seven specializations. ($720 per unit – F07 catalog) Regent (Ph.D.) offers a 60 semester unit degree in Educational Leadership. ($720 per unit – F07 catalog) UCR (Ph.D.) requires 85 to 94 quarter units which is equivalent 56 to 62 semester units, respectively. ($2,679 for fees and tuition – UCR web page) USC (Ed.D.) requires 60 units with 17 units as transfer – all students come in with advanced standing with a required master’s. ($1,121.00 per unit – estimated F06 catalog) USC (Ph.D.) requires 63 units. ($1,121.00 per unit – estimated F06 catalog) WASC Timelines to Doctoral Program Implementation Option A (Sept. 2009 start)Option B (Sept. 2010 start) Calendar review September 2007 Document submitted March 2008 April 2008 Calendar review 1st available document review May 2008 CPR document due (7/23) July 2008 CPR visit (10/15-17) October 2008 Last possible visit date* November 2008 1st possible Commission approval date February 2009 Submit document Begin recruiting March 2009 April 2009 Conference call Second possible approval date June 2009 1st Possible start date September 2009 October 2009 Visit Effectiveness document due (12/9) December 2009 February 2010 Commission approval Education Effective visit (3/3-5) March 2010 Begin recruiting June 2010 Last Commission approval September 2010 Program start date *All program elements must be in place (syllabi, resources, etc.)
References • California Postsecondary Education (2000). The production and utilization of • education doctorates for administrators in California’s public schools. Commission Report 00-9. Author. • California State University (2001). Meeting California’s need for the education • doctorate: A report examining California’s needs for more holders—and suppliers—of education doctorates. Long Beach: CSU Office of the Chancellor. • California State University (2006). Substantive change proposals to the • accrediting commission for senior colleges and universities western association of schools and colleges for the education doctorate degree (ED.D.) program in Educational leadership. Long Beach, CA: CSU Office of the President. • Golde, C.M., Walker, G. E. (2006). Envisioning the future o f doctoral • education: Preparing stewards of the discipline. Carnegie essays on the doctorate. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. • Hoffer, T.B.,Welch, V., Jr., Webber, K., Williams, K., Lisek, B., Hess, M., • Loew, D., and Guzman-Barron, I. (2006). Doctorate recipients from United States universities: summary report 2005. Chicago, IL: National Opinion Research Center. • Levine, A. (2005). Educating school leaders. The Education Schools Project • Report. Author. • Thurgood, L., Golladay, M. J., and Hill, S.T. (2006). U.S. doctorates in the 20th • century (NSF 06-319). Arlington: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics.