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Armand provides leadership in program and construction management for public, private, and partnership-based entities across and beyond U.S. borders from assessment to execution and everything in between. From multi-family housing, education, transportation, utilities, to full-scale community disaster recovery and resiliency programs, Armand partners with people to improve places through proven processes, and repeated performance.
Commercial Buildings Overview ArmandCorporation Armandexcelsatdeliveringcommercialconstruction projects across a wide range of scales and building programs.Fromcommercialoffice,mixed-use,andretail programs to fully occupied building renovations of government office properties and industrial facilities, Armand applies a thoughtful approach to commercial constructionassignmentsofmanyscopesandfunctions. Armandworkscloselywithowners,designers,and engineerstoassessprojectprograms,challenges,risks,and opportunities to guide clients toward right-fit building solutions.Today’shigh-performance,high-techcommercial buildings are designed to maximize operational efficiency, increaseoccupantcomfortandfunctionalperformance,and keeptheworld’sworkforcemovingtowardthefuture.
Cultural and Entertainment OverviewArmandCorporation Communityandculturalfacilitiesrangingfromlibraries andtheaterstosportsstadiumsandperformancevenues arevitalindicatorsofahealthyneighborhood’squalityof life. Armand has a profound respect for the important rolepublic-facingfacilitiesplayinmeetingsocietalneeds and enlivening the community experience. From assessing existing conditions to rethinking space in adaptivereuseopportunitiesandthemeticulousworkof historicpreservationandrestoration,Armandhashelped clients better the quality of their assets to meet public needs and improve operational performance in a wide range of facilities. Beyond the basics, Armand helps clients think broadly about long-lasting construction solutionsthatimprovetheuserexperience.
DisasterRecoveryOverview ArmandCorporation Disasterrecoveryconstructionandprogrammanagementisabroad, complex, and challenging area of practice that requires acute expertise,diverseresources,andtheabilitytothinklong-termwhile acting quickly. Disaster recovery programs often involve claims management related to state and federal government funding to ensure complete compliance and secure and manage disaster recoveryallocationsfollowinganycombinationofnaturalorpolitical events. The fundamental objectives of Armand’s services in disaster recovery programs are to support, restore, and revitalize communities that have been devastated with care, compassion, and appropriateurgency.Fromsingle-familyhomerehabilitationtovital infrastructure resiliency measures, Armand takes a leadership positionincommunityrestoration.
Education Overview Armand Corporation Nowmorethanever,educationalenvironmentsareadaptingtothe new normal as we face a changing future. Armand has been building, rehabilitating, and reconsidering educational environmentsofeverysizeandsortformostofour30-yearhistory. From the need to inspect existing conditions in aging k-12 institutions to the creation of state-of-the-art science centers in highereducationsettings,Armandhashadahandinrethinkingthe future of educational facilities throughout the tri-state area. From preconstruction services in assessment, cost estimating, and scheduling, to construction execution, commissioning, and close- out,Armandleadsthewayineducationalconstruction.
Government,Ngos, and Non-Profit OverviewArmandCorporation Through more than 30 years of service, Armand has proudlypartneredwithagenciesonalllevelsof government from local municipal, county, state, and federal over a wide array of building programs and conditions.Frombuildingrenovationsforcommunityand cultural assets like libraries, office buildings, schools, and theaters to disaster recovery programs involving the administrativemanagementofbillionsofdollarsinfederal funding, Armand has proven to be a trusted partner in public-sector construction investments. In this work, maximizing the value of investments in tangible benefits that enhance the user experience, accessibility and functionalityarevitaltosuccess.
Infrastructure Overview ArmandCorporation Beyond buildings, Armand has been heavily involved in civilinfrastructureconstructionprogramsofmanytypes from roadways, highways, and bridges to drainage viaductsandstreetscapeimprovements.Appreciatingthe criticalityofthesevitalassets,Armandworkswithclients to consider both the big picture and fine-grain details of civilconstructionprogramstobalancecost,schedule, and quality, with long-term durability and absolute publicsafetyineverydecision.Ourinfrastructureclients range from local municipalities to state departments of transportation, and mass transit providers throughout the northeastern United States. Armand combines experience with process to guide clients through data- driven decision making to face the ever-changing complexitiesofinfrastructureconstruction.
Multi-Family Housing Overview ArmandCorporation Straddling the line between commercial and residential construction,Multifamilyhousingisauniqueareaofexpertise thatrequirescost-conscious,schedule-drivensolutions,andan ability to tailor project execution to the particularities of both commercial and residential expectations. Armand has led single- and multi-building rehabilitation construction programs for numerous housing authorities and private developers, with responsibility for everything from building inspections and needs assessments to complete renovation of multifamily housing communities. From roofing, window replacements, and façade scopes to upgrades to HVAC, electrical, lighting, walls, finishes, as well as exterior site solutions for drainage, landscaping, and playgrounds, top to bottom, Armand has multi-family housing construction covered.
Transportation and Aviation OverviewArmandCorporation Armand has considerable experience in large-scale transportation and aviation programs stretching from commuter rail lines to international airports. A broad network of rail lines, mass transit systems, and airports makeuptheinterconnectedbackboneofAmericathatkeeps us connected to the places we live, work, and play. Armand maintains wide-ranging involvement in transportation infrastructure for agencies like the New Jersey Department of Transportation, Philadelphia International Airport, and the Delaware River Port Authority. Quality construction relies on quality decision making and Armand helps transit and aviation client agencies assess the value of existing assetsandcontributestothoughtfuldecisionmakingabout futureinvestmentsintheinfrastructurethatconnectsus.
ContactUs PhiladelphiaOffice: 2LoganSquare 100N.18thStreet,Suite364 Philadelphia,PA19104 215.825.7556 267.207.3401 NewJerseyOffice: OnePortCenter,Suite507 2RiversideDrive Camden,NJ08103 856.489.8200 856.489.8212 NewYorkOffice: 1350Broadway,Suite1901 NewYork,NY10018 212.542.4179 646.596.7093 ForMoreDetailsVisitUs: https://www.armandcorp.com/