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C ritical A ssessment of available R adar P recipitation E stimation techniques and D evelopment of I nnovative approaches for E nvironmental M anagement. Status of the project ERAD conference - Delft November 2002 COST meeting Info about ACTIF
Critical Assessment of available Radar Precipitation Estimation techniques and Development of Innovative approaches for Environmental Management
Status of the project • ERAD conference - Delft November 2002 • COST meeting • Info about ACTIF • Info about CLUFF FOREFRONT (6th FP) • First year Report • e-TIP
ACHIEVING TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION IN FLOOD FORECASTING The object of this ACTIF is to encourage and facilitate the uptake by end-users, of the research advances across Europe in flood forecasting, warning and dissemination, with the compilation of best practice guides on topics where research advances have been made in recent years and the cataloguing of specific data sets of long-term value.
Specific Project Objectives • The specific focus of ACTIF will be to actively consolidate and disseminate Fifth Framework research advances in Flood Forecasting through the following mechanisms: • Convening of two scientific workshops • Promotion of an international conference • Preparation of Guidelines of best European Practice in three aspects of flood forecasting technology • Preparation of guidelines on the access to high quality, site specific, data for further research and analysis
It is proposed to hold two scientific workshops in the framework of ACTIF and a full international conference. • The scientific topics of the two workshops will be: • Combination of data from remote sensing technologies for flood forecasting • Identification, quantification, propagation and communication of uncertainties in flood forecasting.
Project workplan • ACTIF will comprise • two scientific workshops • an international conference, with proceedings • preparation of three European best practice papers • preparation of guidelines for data availability • a project web site.
The measure will start 1st Feb 2003 (hopefully) So the workshop on “Combination of data from remote sensing technologies for flood forecasting ” should be around the end of 2003.
CLUFF FOREFRONT (6th FP) There follows an update on the position regarding our bid to FP6. The steer from Brussels is that they are looking to support one Network of Excellence (NOE) forming a virtual European Centre for Floods and Drought and one Integrated Project (IP). I have already reported to you that the meeting in Brussels on 11 November agreed a strategy consistent with this information. The meeting at Heathrow Airport on the 25 November resulted in eight proposed IPs coming together into one IP to be led by HR-Wallingford. A meeting is due to take place between FOREFRONT, FloodAqua and the EU Joint Research Centre to develop a common strategy for the combined NOE. This will be expanded to include drought. Note that we believe that the existing CLUFF network is central to linking our bid to FP6 to previous work carried out in FP5. (text of a Chris Collier letter)
1st Annual Report • To be send to the Commission within two months of the end of the 1st year. • Proposed time schedule • each area coordinator should send a short report (1-2 pages), to be inserted in the executive summary, before the end of jan. • each partner should send the text section and the “cost statement” to the coordinator before the end of jan. • I will collect all contributions and send a draft of the report by the 10th feb. • Time for comments/modifications up to 20th Feb. • Send report to the Commission
The Periodic Report provides information on the progress made in the project. • SECTION 1, corresponding to the Management Report. • SECTION 2 contains an executive summary describing the main results achieved in the project during the reporting project. • SECTION 3 is dedicated to the progress made, organised per work package. The individual contributions of each partner should be described. This will give an opportunity to closely follow the progress made in each work package and to inform all the partners of the overall progress of the project. • One important aim of FP5 is to put more attention to the exploitation of the results. Therefore, the requirement to prepare annually a draft T.I.P (SECTION 4) will help the project consortium to be oriented to the dissemination and exploitation of the results since the beginning of the project.
What is the TIP? For the Commission:- • A compulsory deliverable • Specified in the model contract • The means by which the contractor documents the exploitation efforts that they are obliged to undertake • Agreed by all Programmes after wide consultation
What is the TIP? For the researcher:- • A tool to help plan and implement exploitation • A way to demonstrate the benefits of the research • A means to gain publication of results • A means to keep commercial plans confidential
What is the TIP? Format:- • Common to all Programmes • Collects all exploitation information in one submission • Electronic
What is the TIP? • § 17.1 of Model Contract • The technological implementation plan shall include • a summary of the project and • a forecast of the intentions of the contractors, as well as a description of their achievements regarding the use of the knowledge.
How to submit a TIP? The eTIP is found at www.cordis.lu/etip
How to submit a TIP? STEP 1The Project Coordinator registers themselves, all the project partners, and the project details. STEP 2The partners or the coordinator provide details of their individual exploitable results from the project. STEP 3The coordinator checks that everything has been completed and submits the eTIP.
Step one: Coordinator registers
INFORMATION Summary of project Description of results including categorisation into types A,B, or C Ownership of results COMPLETED BY Co-ordinator USE Update project data Promote results How to submit a TIP?
INFORMATION Partner intentions IPR Protection measures Community added-value Differences to plan COMPLETED BY Coordinator OR Partners individually USE Internal by Commission services (not published) Aggregation at Commission level of partner information for reporting How to submit a TIP?
INFORMATION Externally exploitable results Collaboration requests Offers of technology COMPLETED BY Partners (results owners) Mandatory if result is Type A USE CORDIS for publication IRC for promotion LIFT for financing IPR for protection How to submit a TIP?
INFORMATION Assessment of EU impact COMPLETED BY Co-ordinator COMMENTED ON BY Commission Project Officer USE Justifies project Is commented on (confidentially) by Commission Project Officer How to submit a TIP?
How to submit a TIP? eTIP Functions: • Can be completed and saved in sessions • Pre-populated with project data • Co-ordinator, partners and CPO have own access • Confidentiality of data assured • Data goes straight into a database • Performs all functions of former TIP form
Project id : carpediem project password: carpediem
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