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Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip. M.A.I.N. - the main causes of WWI. M ilitarism - the build-up of a nation’s military and glorification of the military and war.

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Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalist Gavrilo Princip

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  1. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalist GavriloPrincip

  2. M.A.I.N. - the main causes of WWI Militarism- the build-up of a nation’s military and glorification of the military and war Alliance system- the formation of rival alliances (this increased the likelihood that a small conflict could explode into something much larger) Imperialism- the competition between Europe’s countries to take over and dominate other areas socially, politically, and economically for the benefit of the mother country Nationalism- deep pride in, love of, devotion to your country or ethnic group. Nationalism was the basis for the push of many ethnic groups in the Ottoman, A-H, and Russian empires to create their own independent states.

  3. WWI - The Great War (The War to End All Wars) Aug. 1914 - Nov. 1918

  4. WWI Alliance Systems Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire Allied Powers – Britain, France, Russia

  5. Many military leaders viewed the new technology as giving the attacking side the advantage - they were tragically mistaken The new technology would give the defenders such an advantage that on the Western Front the front itself changed relatively little for the four years of the war!

  6. Example of WWI trench

  7. Many young men lied about their age in order to join their country’s army and partake in the “glory” of war. This young man was 14 at the time - what were you doing when you were 14? Can you imagine slogging through mud and water sometimes as deep as your chest. Or dodging bullets or worrying about a poison gas attack?!

  8. Men died in suicidal frontal assaults across “No Man’s Land” The signal to go “Over the Top” was a whistle Men ran across open ground trying to dodge shell holes, barbed wire, and the hail of bullets being fired by machine guns and rifles Many men were needlessly slaughtered

  9. The Glory of War? In the summer of 1914 many eager young men across Europe enlisted in their country’s army. Most everyone was sure that the conflict would be a short one. Leaders announced to troops that they would be home with their families by Christmas. They were tragically mistaken. - why did most have this expectation? - why did the war not end quickly and why did it result in so many casualties?

  10. The Many Faces of War - many soldiers who did not die were horribly disfigured and could never lead a normal life again. What do you think might have happened to this man? How was his life changed forever?

  11. A Visit to a Dear Friend WWI was an extremely costly war - in both an economic and a human sense. It was second only to WWII in total deaths and casualties among history’s conflicts. See the figures on the subsequent slide.

  12. What battle is this about? Bonus - this is a song,what is the song title and what group sang it?

  13. The Schlieffen Plan - as intended However, the plan was modified. How could this have ended the war quickly?

  14. How close did the German Army come to Paris (closest point) - why is this significant What do you think would have happened if the Germans had captured Paris

  15. After the First Battle of the Marne WWI became a static war - it devolved into a muddy, bloody, devastating trench war. Eastern Front Western Front Answer both of the skillbuilder ques. below -

  16. WWI truly was a global affair. Answer the two skillbuilder ques. above.

  17. This chart shows the mobilization, casualty, death, and POW/MIA figures. Which country suffered the highest casualties for each side, which country suffered the lowest for each side. Why?

  18. At the outbreak of WWI the US declared neutrality Why did the US enter the war? Contrary to popular belief it was not the sinking of the Lusitania that drew the US into WWI (even though over 120 Americans died) The Lusitania was sunk in May, 1915 when did the US enter the war? April, 1917

  19. While it is true that the Lusitania was carrying munitions (as the Germans claimed). Kaiser Wilhelm II blundered greatly by having a coin made celebrating the sinking of the Lusitania Why was this such a huge mistake?

  20. Why did the US enter WWI? Interests Unrestricted Zimmerman

  21. How did these weapons cause greater casualties than in previous wars

  22. World War I ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. However the actual treaty ending the war wasn’t signed until June, 1919 - what was the name of the treaty? June 19, 1919 What day do we observe on Nov. 11?

  23. The First World War was known as the “Great War” and the “War To End All Wars” People had never seen death and destruction on such a massive scale Given the destructive nature and tremendous human and financial toll of the war why did another World War break out twenty years later? Hint - the Treaty of Versailles What conditions allowed Adolf Hitler to so easily come to gain the confidence, trust, and loyalty of the German people?

  24. During the war millions of women went to work in the factories to replace the men that had been drafted for the war Who is this Why was “she” so important to the US war effort?

  25. Throughout the war both sides used prolific amounts of propaganda - Propaganda - information or material used to further a cause or damage an opponent’s Can you think of an example of propaganda used today?

  26. Howisthisanexampleofpropaganda?

  27. These fought in any case,and some believing, pro patria,*walked eye-deep in hellbelieving in old men's lies, then unbelievingcame home, home to a lie,home to many deceits,home to old lies and new infamy;usury age-old and age-thickand liars in public places. • Daring as never before, wastage as never before.Young blood and high blood,fair cheeks, and fine bodies; • fortitude as never before • frankness as never before,disillusions as never told in the old days,hysterias, trench confessions,laughter out of dead bellies.

  28. The result was that 20 years later the world was plunged into history’s greatest conflict The amount of death and destruction as a result of WWII makes all others pale in comparison!

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