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National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2008. Presentation by Group - II. Composition of Group. The Group consisted of the following States/UTs : Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Delhi Punjab Andaman & Nicobar Islands* Haryana Chandigarh* Rajasthan Gujarat * Not represented.
National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2008 Presentation by Group - II
Composition of Group The Group consisted of the following States/UTs : • Andhra Pradesh • Karnataka • Delhi • Punjab • Andaman & Nicobar Islands* • Haryana • Chandigarh* • Rajasthan • Gujarat * Not represented
Rabi Assessment -All States/UTs in the Group, have projected over-achievement of Rabi target with regard to Foodgrains; -Haryana, Punjab and Rajashthan have however, projected shortage of about 15% in Mustard and Gram due to frost; -Overall, major Rabi crops targets by the States/UTs in the Group are likely to be achieved.
Common Observations • All the States are concentrating on seed treatment and testing; • All the States are comfortable with seed availability; • Farmer Field Schools and Training of Facilitators are the focus areas in extension; • On extension, all the States in the Group said that the structure of ATMA is sound and resolved to activate ATMA proactively involving Self Help Groups, Farmer Interest Groups and Commodity Interest Groups.
Kharif Prospects • All the States have projected total foodgrain production under Kharif crops to be on higher side (average increase of 7-10% over Kharif 2007 target); • In respect of Paddy in particular, States are targeting higher area, productivity and production; • AP’s target for Kharif 2008 is 92.7 lakh mt as compared to 83.42 Lmt of Kharif 2007; • Gujarat’s target for Kharif 2008 is 32.38 Lmt as compared to 31.50 Lmt of Kharif 2007; • Karnataka’s target for Kharif 2008 is 95 Lmt as compared to 92 Lmt of Kharif 2007;
Kharif Prospects…Contd. • Rajasthan’s target for Kharif 2008 is 82 Lmt as compared to 77 Lmt of Kharif 2007; • Haryana’s target for Kharif 2008 is 51.26 lakh mt as compared to 49.03 Lmt of Kharif 2007; • Punjab’s target is to maintain same level of production from smaller area; • State-wise Kharif prospects of major crops are in subsequent slides:
Andhra Pradesh (*) Cotton production lakh bales of 170 kg/lint (#) Mesta production lakh bales of 180 kg/each
Karnataka Unit: Area in Lakh ha, Prodn. In Lakh Tonnes, Cotton in lakh bales
Rajasthan Production in lac Mt/ lac bales
Haryana Area in “000” hects. Av. yield Kg. /hect. Prod. in “000” Tonnes/ Bales of 170 kg. each
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana • All the States informed that work on District Agriculture Plans (DAPs) and State Agricultural Plans (SAPs) is on and resolved to submit duly approved DAPs and SAPs by 31st March, 2008; • For preparation of DAPs and SAPs and its implementation, States are involving all the line departments, State Agricultural Universities, Panchayati Raj Institutions and Civil Societies. • Rajasthan demanded revision of eligibility criteria for RKVY to include outlays on forestry & wild life including one time expenditure to meet exigent situations, etc
RKVY…Contd. Karnataka pointed out that release of funds under RKVY is done under “Assistance to State Plan” head. Because of this, the amount has to be routed through State Finance Department. The State Finance Department is to release this amount to Agriculture Department or SAMA, but it cannot do so without first creating a corresponding entry in the state budget, which is possible only after moving a supplementary budget proposal before the Parliament as the State is under President’s rule. So far no money has been released to the implementing agencies due to this problem.
National Food Security Mission • Karnataka has reservation about the criteria for selection of districts and suggested replacement of three selected districts namely, Uttar & Dakshin Kannada and Udupi by Mysore, Mandya and Davangere districts on the advice of the State; • Issue of inter-componental changes were requested by all the States and this needs clarification; • States demanded for inclusion of coarse cereals for more comprehensive food security. • Group suggested uniformity in subsidy in all the schemes of GoI including NFSM • It was suggested by the Group that proforma for monitoring NFSM should be simplified- Agriculture Commissioner accepted the suggestion.
Extension- New initiative Each State has its own mechanism for supporting their extension machinery like; • Involvement of NGOs to place one Community Organizer for every 3-4 villages in Karnataka; • 5 Gram Mitras in each village of Gujarat out of which one is for agriculture to support the existing Village Level Workers; • Technology Facilitator (Diploma) to support 5 Commodity Interest Groups (2500 ha) and Graduate Consultant for 10 CIGs in Andhra Pradesh.
Extension- New initiative…Contd • Krushi Mahotsav of Gujarat emulated by other States; • “Kheti Ri Batan” of Rajasthan, a live daily radio programme with farmer-friendly format phone-in attracts farmers participation even from neighboring States; • Scholorships to farmers in Karnataka (Rs. 10,000/farmer) to acquire higher skills; • Farming situations (322) based crop planning in Andhra Pradesh; • Kisan Chetna Campaign for control of mealy bug in cotton & timely transplanting of Paddy in Punjab.
Fertilizers • All States were apprehensive about likely shortage and timely supply of phosphatic fertilizers i.e. DAP and MOP and complexes during ensuing Kharif season. • Group expects similar concern from other States and suggested initiation of corrective measures like timely import and ensuring efficient supply line; • All States suggested promotion of value added, fortified and customized fertilizers • All states further resolved for vigorous quality control of chemical fertilizers ,organic fertilizers and bio-fertilizers. • They further resolved for promotion of vermi-compost use and production. • Exercise of preparing and issuing soil health cards are going on and all the states further resolved to prepare and issue district and block wise soil fertility maps for macro and secondary nutrients.
Fertilizers…contd. • All states in the Group underlined the need for Nutrient based subsidy of fertilizers and rationalization of existing selling prices; • They also suggested that all products included in FCO be gradually brought under subsidy regime; • States suggested for encouraging production of SSP by linking subsidy to input prices; • It was also suggested that production of micro-nutrients which is reserved for small scale sector be opened for manufacture by fertilizer industry; • Encouraging production and usage of fortified and coated fertilizer was also suggested.
Agricultural Credit. • Vaidyanathan Committee- Implementation of revival package for short-term cooperative credit structure of Rs. 13,596 crores • Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat signed the MoU. Karnataka expected to sign MoU shortly. • Financial assistance released for A.P. (Rs. 568.09 crore) and Haryana (Rs. 267.75 crore), M.P. ( Rs.436.85 crore). Money have also been released to Orissa and U.P. • All the remaining states resolved to implement the revival package proactively. • States were informed that revival package for the Long Term cooperative credit structure of Rs.4585 crore has also been finalised by GOI. • All the states agreed to take proactive steps to implement revival package. • Credit disbursement progress was reported satisfactory by all the States; • Group pointed out shortcomings in issuance of KCCs by Commercial Banks; • Commercial Banks are providing crop loans in the form of jewel loans at higher rate of interest; • States did not mention any problem about implementation of Crop/Weather Insurance Schemes.
Agricultural Marketing • 18 States/ Union Territories have already introduced reforms to regulate agricultural marketing through their APMC Acts and there are 7 such States/ Union Territories, which have no APMC Acts. • Remaining States in the Group agreed to undertake to amend APMC Act to facilitates setting up of private/cooperative markets, direct marketing, contract farming, e-trading etc. • All the States in the Group resolved to notify modified Rules based on amended APMC Acts. • They further resolved to modernize regulated market yards and provide value addition facilities in them in PPP mode. • States agreed to take steps to improve rural primary markets and promote setting up of farmers markets. • Voicing serious concern for bridging disparity on equity and subsidy funding by GoI States in the group resolved to accelerate process of setting up wholesale market, terminal markets including cold-chain infrastructure. • States agreed to ensure regular reporting of market data on Agmarknet from all networked markets. • All the States decided that agricultural marketing extension should be mainstreamed under ATMA activities.
Best Innovative Practices • Rajasthan has initiated Pilot project on Olive cultivation under PPP mode in 7 different agro-climatic regions involving Private sector and Indolive firm of Israel. Israel has posted a permanent technical expert in Rajasthan. • Farming situation based crop planning method followed in A.P. (entire agricultural area divided into 322 farming situation). • Many states have introduced system of awarding better performing farmers and field officers • A.P. has introduced system of preparation of soil fertility index. • Many States in the group have set up farmer field schools. • Karnataka and Punjab have initiated programmes for reclamation of degraded soils by soil amendments and distribution of micro-nutrients.
Best Innovative Practices…contd. • States are putting thrust on balanced use of fertilizers. • Karnataka has introduced innovative scheme of setting up Community Threshing Yards to save grain losses; • Karnataka cited a success story of generating electricity using farm pond water in high rainfall areas; • Punjab is using laser assisted method for land leveling; • “Happy Seeder” machine is being used in Punjab to facilitate planting of wheat in paddy residues; • Punjab has undertaken construction of 200 water harvesting structures under RKVY; • Gujarat is promoting green manuring for soil health improvement and ring pit method of sugarcane cultivation;