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Comisión Europea. Investigación. Espacio Europeo de Investigación. Ciencias de la Vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la Salud en el Sexto Programa Marco (2002 - 2006). Una nueva estrategia para la Investigación Europea.
Comisión Europea Investigación Espacio Europeo de Investigación Ciencias de la Vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la Salud en el Sexto Programa Marco (2002 - 2006)
Una nueva estrategia para la Investigación Europea Un esfuerzo combinado de la UE y los Estados Miembros para corregir los déficits estructurales de la investigación europea: • Fragmentación y heterogeneidad • Falta de recursos • Entorno menos favorable para la investigación y la explotación de resultados Espacio Europeo de Investigación (EEI) (European Research Area, ERA)
Anteproyecto del futuro de la Investigación en Europa. Gran apoyo al más alto nivel político, científico e industrial. En ejecución. Espacio Europeo de Investigación EEI (ERA) Programas Nacionales Política Europea de Investigación «Coordinación Abierta» Programa Marco Organizaciones Europeas
Sexto Programa Marco (2002-2006) 1. Integración de la investigación comunitaria 1.1 Prioridades temáticas 1.2 Actividades específicas 2. Estructuración del EEI 3. Fortalecimiento de las bases del EEI
Sexto Programa Marco Euratom excluido (7%) Prioridad 1: Ciencias de la vida, genómica y biotecnología aplicadas a la salud
1.Ciencias de la vida, genómica y biotecnología aplicadas a la salud 2.Tecnologías para la sociedad de la información (TSI) 3.Nanotecnologías y nanociencias, materiales inteligentes y multifuncionales; nuevos procesos y dispositivos de producción 4.Aeronáutica y espacio 5.Calidad y seguridad de los alimentos 6.Desarrollo sostenible, cambio planetario y ecosistemas 7.Los ciudadanos y la gobernanza en una sociedad basada en el conocimiento Las 7 prioridades temáticas de investigación* * presupuestos pendientes de ratificación M € 2.255 3.625 1.300 1.075 685 2.120 225
la integración de la investigación post-genómica en los planteamientos biomédicos y biotecnológicos actuales, la integración de la investigación multidisciplinaria, la integración de los centros de investigación para aumentar la coherencia y alcanzar una masa crítica, …con la participación de los principales estamentos implicados. Integración y fortalecimiento del Espacio Europeo de Investigación 2002 - 2006 Prioridad 1: Ciencias de la vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la salud Objetivos: mejorar la salud humana y estimular la actividad económica e industrial a través de…
1.1 Advanced genomics and its application for health (€ 1100 M) Prioridad 1: Ciencias de la vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la salud 1.1.1. Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms 1.1.2 Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health 1.2 Combating major diseases (€ 1155 M) 1.2.1 Application oriented genomic approaches to medical knowledge and technologies 1.2.2 Combating cancer 1.2.3 Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty
Sequencing of human genome (and other genomes) Huge opportunities relating to human health World-class research, vast data >> useful knowledge Useful knowledge >>understanding disease processes >> applications for health European competitiveness - integration of public & private research excellence, coherence, critical mass Stimulate industrial & economic activity EU must avoid becoming a dependent “client” Why focus on genomics? Integration & Multidisciplinarity Technology <<>> Biology
1.1 Genómica avanzada y sus aplicaciones en la salud Prioridad 1: Ciencias de la vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la salud Conocimiento fundamental e instrumentos básicos en genómica funcional, en todos los organismos: Expresión de genes y proteómica, genómica estructural, bioinformática, genética de poblaciones, genómica funcional multidisciplinar, procesos básicos, etc. Aplicación de los conocimientos y las tecnologías sobre genómica y biotecnología de la salud: Plataformas tecnológicas, diagnóstico, prevención y terapia, farmacogenómica, células madre, métodos alternativos a la experimentación con animales, etc.
Gene expression and proteomics Developing high throughput tools and approaches for monitoring gene expression and protein profiles and for determining protein function and protein interactions. Structural genomics Developing high throughput approaches for determining high-resolution 3-D structures of macromolecules (>> protein function, drug design) Comparative genomics and population genetics Developing model organisms and transgenic tools; developing epidemiology tools and standardised genotyping protocols. Bioinformatics Developing bioinformatics tools and resources for data storage, mining and processing; developing computational biology approaches for in silicoprediction of gene function and for the simulation of complex regulatory networks. Multidisciplinary functional genomics approaches to basic biological processes Understanding of the mechanisms underlying fundamental cellular processes, to identify the genes involved and to decipher their biological functions in living organisms 1.1.1. Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms
Technological platforms for developments in the field of new diagnostic, prevention and therapeutic tools: Rational and accelerated development of new, safer, more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches Development of new diagnostics Development of new in vitro tests to replace animal testing Development and testing of new preventive andtherapeutic tools (such as somatic gene and stem cell therapies) Immunotherapies Innovative research in post-genomics, which has high potential for application 1.1.2. Applications of knowledge and technologies in genomics and biotechnology for health Foster the competitiveness of Europe’s biotechnology industry
1.2 Lucha contra las principales enfermedades Prioridad 1: Ciencias de la vida, Genómica y Biotecnología aplicadas a la salud Aplicación de los conocimientos y las tecnologías de genómica médica, animal y vegetal: Diabetes, sistema nervioso, enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfermedades raras, resistencia a los antibióticos, cerebro y proceso de envejecimiento, etc. Cáncer: Estrategias orientadas al paciente, prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento, redes de coordinación, investigación clínica, etc. Enfermedades relacionadas con la pobreza: SIDA, malaria y tuberculosis
Combating, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, CJD, mental illness), cardiovascular diseases and rare diseases Integrating clinical expertise and resources with relevant model systems and advanced tools in functional genomics to generate breakthroughs in the prevention and management of these diseases Combating resistance to antibiotics and other drugs: Exploitation of the knowledge of microbial genomes and on host-pathogen interactions for the development of vaccines and alternative strategies to circumvent the problem of antimicrobial and other drug resistance Studying human development, the brain and the ageing process Understanding human development from conception to adolescence; exploring the molecular and cellular determinants of healthy ageing including their interactions with environmental, behavioural and gender factors 1.2.1. Application-oriented genomic approaches to medical knowledge and technologies Translation Basic knowledge Clinical applications Integration Genomic approaches Disease & health determinants
Patient-oriented strategies from prevention to diagnosis and treatment establishing facilities for the exploitation of research on cancer in Europe; development of evidence based guidelines for good clinical practice and improved public health strategies supporting translational research aimed at bringing basic knowledge through to applications in clinical practice and public health supporting clinical research (clinical trials) 1.2.2. Combating cancer A BROADER APPROACH: The focus not limited to genomics and basic research
AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis Developing promising candidate interventions (vaccines, therapies and HIV microbiocides) - molecular research, pre-clinical testing and proof of principle Establishing a clinical trial programme in Europe for these diseases to improve coherence and complementarity - special target = interventions for use in developing countries Establishing an AIDS Therapy Trials Network in Europe. 1.2.2. Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty A BROADER APPROACH: The focus not limited to genomics and basic research Involvement of patient groups, industry, healthcare providers, physicians, ethicists, regulatory authorities...
Safer and environmentally friendly production and processing Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies Analysis, detection, « traceability » of contaminants and micro-organisms Organic farming, functional food Traceability processes along the production chain Analysis, detection and control of chemical contaminants and micro-organisms Impact of animal feed Environmental health risks linked to the food chain Priority 5: Food Quality and Safety
Integración y fortalecimiento del Espacio Europeo de Investigación 2002 - 2006 Instrumentos Proyectos a gran escala: • Proyectos Integrados: generación de conocimiento • Redes de Excelencia: interconexión entre expertos Proyectos a pequeña escala: • Proyectos específicos de investigación focalizados • Acciones de coordinación • Acciones de apoyo específicas
Objetivos: Aumentar la competitividad y tratar las necesidades sociales más importantes de la Unión Europea Proveer resultados aplicables a productos, procesos o servicios Características: Actividades de investigación complementadas con acciones de demostración e innovación Alto nivel de autonomía en la gestión Ejecutados a través de planes financieros globales Seleccionados a través de convocatorias / licitaciones Duración 3-5 años Proyectos Integrados
Aspectos éticos, diálogo ciencia-sociedad Transferencia de tecnología, explotación de resultados Formación I+D 4 I+D 5 Demostración Gestión I+D 1 I+D 3 I+D 2 Proyectos Integrados Objetivos científico-tecnológicos ambiciosos y claramente definidos Fuerte estructura de gestión Plan de ejecución
Redes de Excelencia Diseñadas para fortalecer y extender la excelencia en un tema concreto de investigación • Genuinos “centros de excelencia” virtuales • con objetivos a largo plazo y multidisciplinarios • interconectando la masa crítica de recursos y conocimiento necesarios para ser una potencia mundial • en torno a un programa de actividad conjunto • con un alto nivel de autonomía de gestión. Seleccionadas a través de convocatorias abiertas y evaluación por expertos (peer review) Financiadas hasta varios millones de € anuales • duración de 5 años o incluso más, si es necesario, para crear una integración duradera
Redes de Excelencia Representantes de los Organismos Financiadores Consejo de Administración Estructurar el potencial investigador de la UE mediante la integración de las capacidades de investigación existentes To structure the EU research potential by integrating research capacities • Actividades de Investigación conjuntas • Actividades de integración • Diseminación de la Excelencia (Formación) • Gestión común Comisión Europea • Joint research activities • Integrating activities • Spreading of excellence • Common management Management Group Consejo Directivo Jefe del Grupo de Investigación Representante de Organización Asociada
Other Instruments Specific targeted research projects • (evolved form of R&D shared-cost projects FP5) max 50% • Funds research activities of a more limited scope • In particular, modest participants, including SMEs and candidate countries Specific Support Actions For example: Conferences, seminars, studies & analysis, experts groups, operative support and dissemination, information and communication activities. Up to 100% of the budget
Experiencia del 5° PM + consultas con sectores industriales y académicos: Los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual (IPR) se simplificarán. Los miembros del consorcio establecerán los acuerdos que procedan. Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual Completo y clarificado en un solo documento • Los participantes son los propietarios de los resultados que hayan generado • Énfasis en el uso de los resultados y en su diseminación si es apropiado o si los resultados no se usan • Las PyMEs son las propietarias de los resultados generados en las actividades de I+D PyMEs
Calls for proposals normally preceded by expressions of interest Simplified proposal-making reflecting evolutionary nature of the network Evaluation by a strengthened peer-review system in stages, possibly involving individual reviews, panel sessions, hearings of applicants… Specific criteria include potential impact on strengthening Europe’s excellence excellence of the network members extent, depth and lasting nature of the integration contribution to spreading excellence management and governance of the network Evaluation process
Integrando la investigación Aplicación de instrumentos a las prioridades temáticas de investigación del 6º PM • Ejemplo. Prioridad 1.2: Lucha contra las principales enfermedades Aplicación de los conocimientos y las tecnologías de la genómica Lucha contra las resistencias a los antimicrobianos y otros fármacos Explotación del conocimiento de los genomas microbianos y de las interacciones patógeno-hospedador ------> vacunas, estrategias alternativas Estrategias para el uso óptimo de fármacos antimicrobianos Red europea de vigilancia epidemiológica y control de enfermedades transmisibles. Enfermedades relacionadas con la pobreza: tuberculosis, malaria y SIDA
Aplicación de instrumentos y prioridades temáticas de investigación del 6º PM RED EUROPEA DE ENSAYOS CLÍNICOS:TERAPIAS CONTRA EL SIDA (Red de Excelencia) PLATAFORMA EUROPEA DE ENSAYOS CLÍNICOS PARA PAÍSES EN VÍAS DE DESARROLLO (Artículo 169) Clínica VIH/SIDA Preclínica TB Malaria Descubr. Molécula P R O Y E C T O S I N T E G R A D O S Genómica Fármacos Vacunas Microbicidas Fármacos Vacunas Vacunas Fármacos Investigación
Structural Proteomics inEurope First pilot experience of an IP, already from FP5 Objective: to develop high throughput technologies to solve 300-500 protein structures relevant to human health From production to structure analysis 3-year programme 17 partners from 7 countries 13,7 M € An Example of Integrated Project: SPINE
Modalidades de participación ¿ Quién puede participar ? • Toda entidad legal • Países candidatos y asociados al PM gozarán de las mismas condiciones que los Estados Miembros de la UE • Las Organizaciones Europeas de Investigación (CERN, ESA, EMBO, etc. ) tendrán el mismo estatus que cualquier entidad de los Estados Miembros • Proyectos Integrados y Redes de Excelencia: mínimo 3 participantes (de al menos 3 estados miembros o asociados) • Participación individual posible en becas y acciones de apoyo
http://www.cordis.lu/life/src/projects.htm http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/ ¿Cómo encontrar socios europeos? • La información sobre los proyectos financiados por la UE (5º Programa Marco), incluyendo los datos de los participantes, puede consultarse en: • En el sitio web de Cordis se publican las manifestaciones de Interés recibidas (6º Programa Marco) y una base de datos de partners:
Convocatoria de Expresiones de Interés Una oportunidad para la comunidad investigadora europea de intervenir en la preparación de las primeras convocatorias del 6º Programa Marco • Consulta a la comunidad científica sobre su disposición a llevar a cabo Proyectos Integrados o Redes de Excelencia bajo las 7 prioridades temáticas del 6º Programa Marco. • Los resultados se usarán para definir los Programas de Trabajo y para preparar las Convocatorias del 6º PM • La participación facilitará la comprensión del potencial de los nuevos instrumentos por parte de la comunidad investigadora.
FP6: Close to 12.000 EoIs received and evaluated Priority one: Close to 2.000 EoIs received Evaluated with the help of over 200 external experts Proposals address 2/3 integrated projects and 1/3 networks Expressions of Interest -Results
Distribution of EOIs by type of submitting institution Enormous response for the first priority (life sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Only 4% of EoIs from industry (including SMEs) Good response from the candidate countries (10% of EoIs) All EoIs and an overall report are published on www.cordis.lu
Structural genomics: 32 EoI Research topics of strategic importance for Europe considered ready for possible implementation: IP: Structure determination of large protein complexes. Development of new hardware and software for the implementation of innovative automated technologies at synchrotron sites for high throughput structural genomics. High throughput 3D-structure determination of membrane proteins and membrane protein complexes. Comparative structural biology of viral replication NoE: Supramolecular analysis of large protein complexes by 3D electron microscopy in situ. From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Structural Genomics
STREP (methods for the production of crystals) Specific Support Actions (meetings with third countries, workshops, etc) Support for Research Infrastructures Mobility EUROPEAN FORUM ON GENOME RESEARCH National & Supranational Policy-makers + Scientists Possibility of forming a steering group on Structural Genomics Workshop under the umbrella of the Forum--> could be funded by FP6 Plus...
General information: http://europa.eu.int General information on research: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research Information on research programmes: http://www.cordis.lu 6th Framework Programme: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/nfp.html Expressions of Interests: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/eoi-instruments Information requests: research@cec.eu.int Help-Desk on Expressions of Interests (priority 1): rtd-genomics@cec.eu.int / oscar.minguez@cec.eu.int Structural Genomics: josefina.enfedaque@cec.eu.int Más Información
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Fundamental Genomics Gene expression and proteomics: - IP: Global in situ gene expression analysis in mouse models and human tissues. - IP: Development and application of high throughput proteomics technologies for the generation of a large data set of protein-protein interactions. - IP: Development of advanced array technologies for analysis with high precision and sensitivity of large sets of proteins, DNA and RNA. Comparative genomics and population genetics: - IP: Integrated tools for functional genomics of Zebrafish as a model for human development and disease mechanisms. - IP: Development of in-vivo imaging technologies for phenotyping and functional analysis in cells and animal models. - IP: Large scale RNA interference screening in Arabidopsis for the identification of important gene functions underlying biological processes relevant to health. - IP: Developing new molecular tools and approaches for phenotyping human populations. - NoE: Standardisation and integration of genomic and phenotypic information to characterise bacterial diversity with relevance to human health. - NoE: Co-ordinating population sample collections in Europe, standardising genotyping methods for identifying and interpreting sequence variations, linkage disequilibrium and haplotype patterns.
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Fundamental Genomics Multidisciplinary functional genomics approaches to basic biological processes: - IP: Integrated comparative and functional genomics approaches for studying cell cycle. - IP: Functional genomics of non-human embryonic stem cell differentiation. - IP: Functional genomics of erythroid development and disorders. - IP: Multidisciplinary approaches of functional genomics to study lymphangiogenesis. - IP: Integration of different expertise, animal models and functional genomics platforms to study the kidney in health and disease. - IP: Functional genomics approaches to the study of peroxisomes in health and disease. - IP: Functional genomics of inner ear or retina development and disorders. - IP: Functional genomics approaches to study DNA damage and repair mechanisms in health and disease. - NoE: Animal models and functional genomics approaches to study the immune system or muscles in health and disease. - NoE: Large epidemiological studies of X-linked syndromes. - NoE: Epigenetics: chromatin dynamics, non-coding RNA, imprinting and silencing. - NoE: Multidisciplinary approaches of functional genomics understand the basic molecular mechanisms of inflammation and their links to inflammatory disorders. - NoE: Functional genomics approaches to decipher ubiquitin-proteasome and/or related pathways.
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Fundamental Genomics Bioinformatics: - IP: Development of an integrated software platform to tackle genomic sequence-structure-function relationships. - NoE: Bioinformatics and genomics grid for European research. - NoE: Developing methods and resources in bioinformatics to focus on human genome annotation.
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Applied Genomics Rational and accelerated development of new, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches: IP: Blood substitutes. IP: Antiviral therapeutics. IP: New drugs from novel sources. Genome based individualised medicines (NoE and/or IP). Novel therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in CNS and PNS (NoE and/or IP). Genome-based anti-psychotic therapies (NoE and/or IP). Signal transduction pathways as targets for disease detection and treatment (NoE or IP). NoE: Development of medicines in pediatrics. NoE: Computer assisted modelling for drug discovery and clinical trials. Development of new diagnostics : NoE: In vivo molecular imaging. NoE: Reference systems for genetic testing. Non-invasive (including prenatal) diagnostics; development of markers for ante- and neonatal screening (NoE and/or IP).
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Applied Genomics Development of new in vitro tests to replace animal experimentation : In vitro alternatives to animal and human toxicology testing : IP: development of innovative methods, technology, strategies. NoE: application of in vitro methods. Development and testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic, gene and cell therapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies : Tissue engineering and regeneration therapies : IP: connective tissue disorders : bone diseases, osteoarthritis. IP: organ repair : hepatic, hemopoietic, neural tissue. NoE: biobanks. Stem cells: IP: Translation of stem cell biology into new cell-based therapies and novel targets for drug development and other therapeutic products. IP: Stem cell development for the regeneration of hemopoietic, hepatic, cardiac, neural, mesenchymal and connective tissues. IP: Stem cell development, technical standardisation, benchmarking, development of reference materials.
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Applied Genomics Development and testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic, gene and cell therapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies : (cont.) NoE: Stem cells therapies : standardisation, characterisation and protocol validation. Immunotherapy : development, testing and response monitoring of immune system-based technologies for application against a wide range of diseases: IP: new improved vaccine technologies. IP: immunotherapy for auto-immune diseases. IP: plant based vaccines– plant biotechnology for global health. Gene and cell therapies: IP: viral and non-viral delivery systems. NoE: cell targeting. NoE: standardisation and characterisation in gene therapy. gene therapy for genetic diseases (NoE and/or IP). Inflammation and immunoregulation : IP: dendritic cells, chemokines, cytokines. allergy, autoimmunity, inflammatory disease (NoE and/or IP). prevention and treatment of disease through modulation of the immune system (NoE and/or IP).
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Applied Genomics Innovative research in post-genomics, with high potential for application : Clinical applications of post-genomic information: IP: functional analysis of human genome and its application to diagnosis and therapy of diseases, including mitochondrial disorders. IP: adverse reactions to drugs, in particular those of immunological origin. IP: quality and safety control of new tools (gene vectors, stem cells) for clinical use. NoE: Optimisation, standardisation and quality assessment and assurance of post-genomic technology. Post-genomic approaches : IP: for allergy and autoimmune diseases. IP: for complex multifactorial diseases. for the development of new tools for the rapid diagnosis of pathogenic infection and new targets for anti-microbial agents (NoE and/or IP). IP: New strategies for large scale analysis and high throughput screening in the postgenomic. NoE: RNA tools for gene function analysis.
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Food Quality and Safety Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies. Validated food information database for Europe (NOE) Gene-nutrient interaction (IP) Epidemiology of food allergy (IP) Lipid metabolism and chronic diseases (IP) Influence of nutrition and lifestyle on healthy ageing (IP) Impact of food on health. Functional genomics in relation to food, nutrition and health (NE) Microbes and gut health (IP) Programming effects of early nutrition on long-term health (IP) Determinants of food choice(NOE) Healthy ageing through diet. (NOE) Enhancing health benefits of cereals in the diet (IP) Risk-benefit analysis of phyto-estrogens, as an important class of bio-active compounds, on human health. (IP) Integrated strategies to prevent obesity and associated diseases (IP) Dietary fatty acids: optimised supply and response (NOE) Food safety and communication (NOE)
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Food Quality and Safety "Traceability" processes all along the production chain. Authenticity of declared origins (IP) Critical Control Points in safe primary production and environmental protection management (NOE) Methods of analysis, detection and control. Prevention, control and treatment of prion diseases (NOE) Control strategies for newly and future emerging foodborne pathogenic microorganisms. (IP) New perspectives on health risks from cooked foods and food products (IP) Prevention and control of zoonosis diseases (NOE) Microbial food safety, consumer risk perception and alternative food production. (IP) New biotechnologies for monitoring chemical contaminants in food products (IP)
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Food Quality and Safety Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and healthier foodstuffs. Plant systems Development, monitoring and assessment of safe biocontrol agents. (NE) Biological Engineering of Soil- Roots Interactions (IP) Information Technology and other new technologies for low input multifunctional agriculture and protected cultivation (NOE) Safe use of organic wastes in agricultural production systems (NOE) Safe production under biotic and environmental stress conditions (IP) Exploitation of plant biodiversity to reduce pesticide application for disease control (IP) High throughput phenotyping and metabolic analysis for optimising end product quality in food crops (IP) “Tilling” as a reverse-genetics approach to improve food crops (IP) Improving nutritional value and sustainability in cereals (IP)
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Food Quality and Safety Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and healthier foodstuffs. Animal Systems Epizootic disease diagnosis and control (NOE) Sustainability of resources in aquaculture (finfish and shellfish) (NOE) Animal Welfare (IP) Fundamental animal genomics (NOE) Genomics of host-pathogen interactions in livestock disease including zoonotic diseases. (NOE) Generic platform to improve the immunological basis for protection against disease (including aquaculture) (IP) European apiculture research co-ordination. (NOE) Biodiversity in livestock (including aquaculture) (NOE)
From 12000 EoI to a workprogramme for... Food Quality and Safety Impact of animal feed, on human health Safe use of organic wastes in agricultural production systems (IP) New strategies to improve grain legumes for food and feed (IP) Environmental health risks. Environmental causes and mechanisms responsible for the increase in allergies (IP) Exposure to environmental chemical residues (NOE) Endocrine disrupters (NOE) Environmental cancer risk (IP) Pathogens and toxins in food and water (IP) Food Chain (EOI which cross all or several of the research tasks) Food Quality and Safety in the European Organic Supply Chain (NOE) Seafood for Consumer Health and Well-being (IP) Aquaculture for a High Quality and Safe Product (NOE) Development of an Advanced OSGi-based Technology for Continuous Remote Quality Management during Refrigerated Transport of Chilled and Frozen Foods (IP) Improving human health by optimising plant food chain and plant biodiversity (IP) Improving the eating quality and safety of beef for the European consumer (IP)